Guardian Wolf

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Heading Home

Nova POV:

“So how have you gotten on?” Jax asks Axel once we have returned to the office following lunch.

“To be honest i don’t think you’re going to like it” he admits turning to face us.

Sighing Jax looks at me in frustration before motioning for Axel to continue speaking. “Well it seems to

not be activated at the moment” he says slowly.

“So it’s one that can be activated and deactivated?” I check.

“Yes. Dr Norton didn’t disclose that information when asked but it’s because he wasn’t asked the right

question. Once I caught on to suspecting it was the case I asked Elder Martin to check and he has

since confirmed it” he says looking

downcast. “I apologise for getting your hopes up.”

“You don’t need to apologise Axel” I say gently, “if he ever does activate it we can then monitor his

movements, I assume they have them for emergencies. It’s more than what we had previously and for

that we are grateful.”

“Thank you Luna” he says with a small smile. Yawning he stands up stretching. “I’m going to look into it This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

more after the pack run.”

“That’s great Axel, thanks bro” Jax says as he takes a seat. With a smile to the both of us Axel quietly

leaves the office leaving us to our thoughts..

Not even a minute later there is another knock on the door which Jax stands up to open.

“Alpha Axton” Jax says politely, “come in.”

“Hi, I didn’t meant to intrude I just want to extend my thanks for allowing us to stay for the night. Luca

and Sophie are both ready downstairs to travel back to our pack” he says with a smile.

“That’s wonderful” I say softly. “I imagine Luca is excited.”

“Like a little pup” Axton says with an eye roll as Jax chuckles lightly.

Heading Home

“I’m sorry for not being around much, I’ve been making arrangements for the pack”

Axton continues.

“It’s no problem, I’m sure you’re eager to get home now” Jax says as he leans back.

against his desk casually.

“Very” Axton agreed quickly.

“I’m not sure if you’ve heard but I have pushed Novas Luna Ceremony to be moved to Sunday, you are

of course welcome as is Luca and Sophie who I believe already know

“Jax mentions.

“I did hear you had arranged it, I appreciate the invite. If all is well in the pack and I feel it’s ok for me to

leave for the day then I will be there, I will confirm in the morning if that isn’t too late?” He suggests.

“That’s fine Axton, I hope all is well back at The White Mountain Pack” I say with at


“I’ll make sure to let them know about your ceremony, I think everyone will be excited for you” he tells

me genuinely.

“We will come downstairs with you, I can’t let Luca and Sophie leave without saying goodbye” I laugh

as I open the door. “Have you thought about how you will introduce

Sophie to the pack?”

“Yes and I got Elder Martins view on it also” he starts, “I will say she was a rogue. through no fault of

her own and that once she has adjusted to pack life and feels. comfortable she will share her story in

time. I don’t wish to say more and endanger her as to be quite honest after the last few days I don’t

know who to trust with the


“I think that’s a good idea” Jax agrees as we walk down the stairs. “From what I have gathered during

my visits Luca is a very well respected Beta of your pack, I think. people will trust him and his mate.”

“Exactly” Axton smiles. “He’s been waiting a long time, everyone will be very happy.”

“Do you think anyone will mind the age gap?” I ask quietly knowing 8 years a bigger gap than most.

“ Sophie comes across as shy but once you have gotten to her true self


Heading Home

you can see she is mature beyond her years. She has had to endure a very different

life to most and it’s made her tough” Axton muses.

“Her confidence has grown since spending time here and being around Luca. I think she will be a

brilliant beta female” I say.

“She will” Axton says confidently, “plus she can fight. She may seem delicate but she has thick skin, I

think she will pleasantly surprise many.”

We walk outside the pack house to see Luca and Sophie finishing loading their car with my father

shifting nervously beside them.

“Hey” I call waving to them all as we walk down the steps.

“Hey Nova” Luca grins before greeting Jax.

“Hi” Sophie says coming to stand in front of me as I look at her carefully. Sensing no nerves coming

from her I grin happily making her brows furrow.

“What?” She chuckles.

“You’re becoming more of a Beta female without even realising, I can’t sense any nerves or fear in you”

I smile.

“Oh” she laughs in relief. “I’ve always had much faith in the moon goddess, she has. mated luca and i

for a reason and I am excited to see my new home.”


“I can tell” I say softly embracing her. “Look after yourself Soph, and if Luca ever

causes you know where to find me” I chuckle with a wink.

“Thanks sis” Luca says coming to stand beside her.

“We will see you Sunday?” I check.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world” he says seriously.

“Good” I say with relief. My dad comes to stand beside me with a sad look in his eyes. “You alright


“Yes just conflicted” he laughs slightly embarrassed.

“Let me guess, you’re happy Sophie is going with her mate but sad your daughter is moving on” I

murmur squeezing his arm in comfort.

“That and I won’t be there to protect her anymore” he says with worry.


Heading Home

“My brother will do that, although I’m sure Sophie is more than capable of holding her

own” I laugh as she scowls slightly at his words.

“You are welcome to visit whenever Kingsley” Axton says as he appears next to Luca. “You know how

to contact us if you wish to visit.”

“I will..thank you Alpha Axton” dad replies politely.

“Soph I just wanted to mention I haven’t forgotten about your wolf” I whisper as I pull her to one side. “I

have requested some books and my uncle Johnathon said he will be able to help. In the coming days

he will contact you if you wish?”

“I’d like that” she says brightly as her eyes widen in excitement, “thank you Nova.”

“It’s my pleasure” I smile. Turning back to the gathered group I clap my hands together.

“Right as much as it’s been lovely having you here I believe it’s time for you to go home, I hope you

have a safe journey and see you Sunday” I exclaim with excitement.

“There she goes again sending us away” Luca whispers teasingly to Axton.

“You know full well if I don’t do it like this then I will go” I laugh as Luca steps forward and

embraces me. “I’ll keep in contact Luca.”

“I know” he whispers trying to hide his worry for me.

“Love you” I murmur.

“Love you sis” he murmurs back before walking to open the car door for Sophie to

slide into.

“Bye!” I shout along with everyone else as the car speeds off down the drive a moment later spraying

dust everywhere.

“The little f ucker” I splutter as I try to clear the air in front of me, “why does he do that.


“Brothers are meant to annoy you” I hear Theo laugh from behind me..

“Don’t get any ideas” I say with a glare.

“I wouldn’t dare” he chuckles holding his hands in surrender.

“Let’s go and organise tonight then” Jax calls to Theo and myself gaining our


Heading Home

attention immediately.


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