Guardian Wolf

Chapter 86

Chapter 86


Nova POV:

“Athena..its interesting really. A name representing strength, wisdom and courage, one that symbolises

power, I wonder if it will be fitting of you in the war to come” Caroline muses continuing to stare at me.

“I find it fitting” I laugh lightly hiding my inner caution, “it also represents justice, inspiration and skill. I’d

say my parents made a fabulous choice when it comes to my

name. Even more interesting is the name I go by and have also known to be mine my

entire life.”

“And what’s that?” Caroline asks with an arched brow.

“Nova” I say clearly as her eyes widen before she nods.

“Ah..derived from the word “novus” if I remember correctly” she muses. “New.”

“Yes” I say with a smile in memory of my adopted parents choice, “also a name given

to bright stars. But after the start I had to life I find it perfect.”

Hearing those words her eyes narrow slightly as her lips thin, “oh Caroline, you think I

don’t know you’ve been after me since I was a baby? That the reason for me growing up without

parents was because of some twisted logic of my grandparents wanting to kill their own daughter and


“We have never hid it” she says after a moments quiet.

No..but I wonder what changed?” I ask.

“With what?” She says.

“How did you go from wanting to kill me to then being happy to keep track of me over the years until my

25th?” I ask making her eyes widen again.

“Surprised I know that?” I ask with a chuckle. “You’ve missed quite a lot since your little..sleep. I can

see the questions in your eyes. We know of the spies you have, they’ve been dealt with.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about child” she says her voice suddenly higher pitched and

slightly breathless.



you fell

“We know Frost orchestrated the attack at the White Mountain Pack where unconscious and Nova here

took you” Jax says as he comes to stand beside me radiating power. “He admitted to his involvement

and the active role he took in killing Novas adoptive mother.”

“And where is that treacherous old fool now?” Caroline sneers.

“Dead” I state simply as i pick at my nails casually, “I ripped his heart out just like he did with my


“You monster” Caroline hisses her face turning red in anger.

“Maybe so” Jax says with a shrug before his eyes darken and his fangs elongate as a snarl rips from

him. “But we would never kill innocents so let me ask you who the real

monsters are?”

“You anomalies are not innocents” Caroline says.

“Anomalies? I think there are far too many of us to be called that, we are a population just like humans”

Jax says with a c****d head.

“You shouldn’t exist” Caroline sneers.

“But we do” I interrupt sharply. “I have caused no harm to one’s that don’t deserve it

throughout my life, I have worked to better people’s lives and bring good to the world. Why do you want

to rid me of that?”

“You’re an animal just like the rest of them” Caroline states coldly, “Lizzie failed to

remember that and look where it got her.”

“She found a loving mate, had a beautiful daughter and then had her world ripped apart by her mean that?” Jax asks with disbelief.

“She should never have fallen for that man, I don’t know what he did to get her to cast aside all she

knew and believed in” Caroline says. “Your father, Kingsley, wove himself into her head and twisted her

beliefs to make her betray us. Hes a monster Athena, one which needs eradicating from this world, just

like you.”

“But that’s what you think isn’t it, that my father and I are the key to the downfall of the werewolves” I

say making her eyes flicker to me in surprise. “Have I shocked you



“Wolves should not exist amongst us” Caroline sneers at me, “they bring disorder to the world and Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

offset the balance of nature”

Hearing that Jax snorts with cold laughter, “how wrong you are lady. We live amongst nature, we are

more intune with the nature of this world than you are. You say we bring disorder when I personally

have boosted the financial state of many humans in their business world, we have never harmed

humans unless they were hunters. We don’t howl our secrets to the world we even protect unknowing

humans from other threats to their lives. So explain to me why we bring disorder to the world?”

Hearing that Caroline looks at him in shock at his little speech. “I grew up as a hunter, saw the damage

wolves can cause and it’s plain wrong. You kill ruthlessly, you take pleasure in pain and you revel in


“You saw wolves growing up who were attacking to protect themselves” I snarl. “I would die to protect

those I love. Unlike you and others just like you, you’re selfish whilst we are selfless.”

Hearing those words Caroline looks at me with a cold glint in her eyes, “would you?”

“Yes” I growl.

“Even your mother?” She says leaning forward eagerly.

“Funny you mention my mother Caroline, we know she’s alive. We know you have her” I say calmly

watching her reaction.

She pauses for a moment before leaning back in her hospital bed and crossing her. arms. “If you know

then why are you here?”

“Because we need you to tell us where she is” Jax growls as he steps beside the bed and glares down

at her, his towering form imposing and threatening with the cold

aura he is giving off,

She looks up at him and chuckles quietly, “you won’t intimidate me young man.”

“No..maybe not” I laugh as I walk up to her other side and lean over to glare at her nose to nose. “But if

you ever want to see your dear Charles again it would be in your

best interest to tell us.”

“Charles?” She whispers as the scent of fear suddenly begins to emit from her.




“He’s abandoned you Caroline, not once has he come looking for you” I chuckle standing back as I see

hurt fill her eyes. “Your beloved clearly does not care for you.” “He wouldn’t abandon me” she whispers

doubt lacing her tone.

“Yet here you are..20 months after your attack and Charles no where in sight, his informants are dead.

His time is coming Caroline and you won’t be by his side” I say coldly. “So you tell me what you know

about my mother or you won’t like what’s coming your way.”

“Is that a threat?” She asks bravely.

Sniggering I extend a claw out and lightly trace it over the thin skin on her neck drawing beads of blood,

hearing her heart rate spi ke I see her pupils dilate in fear. “It’s a promise” I growl my eyes bright with

Kia as our voices join.

“I don’t know if you would want to see your mother again child” she finally spits out. “Whys that?” I ask

c*****g my head as my eyes narrow.

“Because she isn’t who you think she is, you think she is going to welcome you with open arms and

love you? She won’t” she sneers.

“And again..we ask why?” Jax says coldly.

“Because she thinks you’re monsters also, she’s our greatest weapon” Caroline says: with a cold

laugh, “she’s undergone induced compliance therapy and many other forms and now she’s as far away

from the lady your father left behind than you can possibly imagine.”

“Where is she?” I growl loudly.

“I won’t tell you where” she sneers, “but she’ll find you. They’ve known where I am this entire time and

when she does find you..well I hope I’m around to watch it unfold.”

Hearing those words I pause as I watch her absentmindedly rub her arm. “Tracker” Kia growls before I

lunge forward and grasp her arm, slicing it deeply and grasping. the small device lodged in her muscle.

“AHHHHH” she screams in pain as I twirl to Jax in shock holding the tracker as it dangles off of my




“How was this missed?” I ask.

“It never showed in any scans” he says with confusion. “But it does explain the note better.”

“It was designed that way” Caroline pants as she desperately tries to stop the blood from falling. “We

are always one step ahead of you, I haven’t been abandoned..I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be

and your mother, she’s our perfect weapon.”

“b***h” I snarl as I flash my fangs at her.

“We can work with this Nova” I see Jax say confidently, “they won’t get away with it.” “Oh how wrong

you are dear boy” Caroline laughs coldly.

“GUARDS” I shout loudly making her eyes flash to me in a panic. Two men come into the room, their

pure muscle and large forms making Caroline press herself into her bed making herself smaller.

Ripping her IV drip out I throw it away before gesturing to her, “take her to the cells” I snarl.


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