Guardian Wolf

Chapter 60

Chapter 60



Nova POV

As we all sit in the office preparing for days and I to leave Ladinite the ait of authority that is oozing off

of my mate as he matructs those we are leaving with what to get on in our absence with easte

Hearing a knock on the door I sent my father and sister so I stand up and walk over opening it quietly

Moning” I say with a soft smile an I take in their fresh faces “How are you feeling today

“Better now I know my daughters are both sate, although it back from the council my father says

Will be nice when you’re

Looking at Sophie I see the fresh mark on her neck and bite back an excited squeal that is threatening

to escape wouldn’t be very Luna like of you” Ria sniggers to me.

“Congratulations” I wink as I hold her hair to the side and look at her mark, “It’s

gorgeous” Lcompliment making her blush slightly

“Thank you Nova” she says more confidently than when she has previously spoken.

“Come in we are just running over a few things” I say an hold the door for them

as I

As Jax looks up he smiles and says his greetings before instructing them to sit.

“Can we just run over a few things we forgot to ask yesterday Sophie?” He asks.

“Yes of course” she says immediately as she speaks clearly and shows no nerves. Ast she speaks

Luca goes to sit on the arm of the sofa next to her and offers her a reassuring smile which she returns.

“Ok getting right to it we wondered if Hannah knew who you were before starting at the college. Do you

know it it was a coincidence or if it was planned?” Jax asks.

“To be honest I don’t know for sure, I have a feeling it was a coincidence but then I

think she definitely pushed for us to become friends after originally meeting” she

says thoughtfully.


“If that’s the case then maybe it’s your birth mark Soph my dad says speaking up.

“Birth mark?” I ask.

“Oh umm..I have a birthmark on my shoulder, here I’ll show you” she says standing up. As she does

she turns and Luca slightly shifts her top revealing a dark birthmark in the shape of a heart with a dot to

the right of it. “It’s pretty unique huh” she says with a little embarrassed laugh.

“It is” I agree. “That makes sense, I mean I don’t know anyone else with a birth mark

like it.”

“Ok, that’s a strong possibility then” Jax says with a nod. “Next question is did they know anything

about your father, anything at all?”

With a grimace she looks at my dad who offers a reassuring nod with a sad smile on his face, “they

don’t know anything about him as such. I never told Hannah where he lived, what he looked like,

anything like that. But I did turn to Hannah at times when I was struggling. At one point dad and I

we..we fought a lot she admits. “I struggled when my wolf never showed and I lashed out, it was one of

the reasons for wanting to attend a human college. I was home schooled so it was a big change but I

took my wolf not showing as I didn’t belong amongst wolves.”

With that Luca offers a small growl as his eyes flash making her squeeze his hand reassuringly, “I know

it’s silly, I clearly do” she says gesturing around and then at her. neck. “But being a teenager I was

emotional and I lashed out. I struggled moving from place to place so yes at times I did complain about

it. But I never went into any

detail that would give dad away”

“Ok, how did they never find out where you lived when you travelled home?” Jax asks


With a chuckle she points at my dad, “dad was very cautious. I had to take different routes and swap

with people who wore my clothes to bear my scent, it was a bit crazy actually the amount of

precautions I took but I appreciate that now more than ever. We barely used technology, it was only the

last few years that we did because

we were desperate to try and find Nova. But even then we were extremely cautious.”

“Have you looked through Hannah’s phone?” Jax asks.



“I did briefly but not in detail. I didn’t want to waste too much time and I had to act

quickly she admits.

“It was good thinking on your part honestly, you should be proud” Jax says.

With a sigh he stands up. “I’m sorry to do this and I know people aren’t going to like it.

But do you mind me Alpha commanding you, just a few questions?”

With that growls erupt from both Luca and my dad as I look at Jax in slight surprise. I get his reasoning

but I am surprised he hasn’t mentioned it before. As if reading my mind he throws me a slightly guilty

look, “sorry love I didn’t want to upset you” he links


“You haven’t, I know why you’re doing it I reply back quickly.

“Luca, dad..calm down’ Sophie stays standing up. “Yes Alpha Jax, I am happy to be Alpha

commanded, I want to help reassure people as I know my absence was.

worrying for some” she says calmly.

“Thank you Sophie” he says in relief at her willingness before emitting his Alpha aural

to get her to bow her neck in submission.

“Sophie did you have any prior knowledge or contact with the hunters?” He asks hist deep voice

vibrating around the room.

“No Alpha, I met Hannah at college and I had no knowledge of her being a hunter until yesterday. I

have met hunters before with dad but we always escaped, other than those times I have never met

hunters to my knowledge” she tells us. Hearing that knowledge my eyes widen as I look to my dad.

“We still have a lot to tell you about our past Nova” he says softly, “but right now it can


“Sophie do you have any reason different to what you explained yesterday for disappearing?” Jax asks.

“No Alpha, I didn’t want to hurt Luca or anyone else and I thought that getting rid of Hannah would

show my sincerity in not knowing what she was. I knew people would make an assumption and jump to

conclusions, I wanted to prove them wrong when I had chance” she says clearly.

“Ok Sophie, finally, did you know the hunters were aware of Nova being alive and

watching her before yesterday?” He asks calmly despite his nervousness suddenly

showing through the bond

“No” she says looking in his eyes, “I had no idea. I was desperate to meet my sister, so NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

the day father came home and told me he’d found her I was over the moon I knew

only when looking at Hannah’s phone yesterday that they knew of her. If you look at

her conversation with a contact called “Charles” it shows that he spoke to a council

elder only 4 days ago about Novas birthday plans and that a meeting would be called

in due course” When she says the name Charles my dad growls menacingly, “your

[***** grandfather” he says as his grip on his chair lightens whilst his eyes flash.

As lax retracts his aura he smiles at her in relief, “Thank you Sophie. I’m sorry I had to

do that”

“It’s fine Alpha Jax” she says bowing her head, “anything to help”

“Axel have you finished looking through Hannah’s phone? Jax asks suddenly turning.

to Axel who has been busy with his head down in the comer of the room.

“Yes” he says standing up “Don’t worry I have removed any trackers so they can’t

trace it to having been used here.”

“Say anything of note” Jax says sitting down

“There are around 150 hunters in this area under the control of a man called Charles. It’s true that

Hannah meeting Sophie was a coincidence and the birth mark is the reason. If you look at some of the

first messages it is shown there, she contacts him first so it must have been something he made all

hunters aware of to help find her. There are no names of the councilmen but there are definitely 3 as

Hannah told Sophia. I doubt she knew who they were” he admits.

“Is there more?” Jax asks.

“I know meeting dates that they have had previously and I know old places they used to meet at but no

information on knew ones. It appears he gives 24 hours notice of a meeting, I assume it’s an added

level of security” he says. But I will keep the phone on as to our knowledge they won’t know of

Hannah’s death we could use that to our advantage” he points out with a smile.

“I want you and Evan monitoring the phone” Jax orders. “Nova is there anything else



you’d like to mention?”

With a sigh I stand up to go stand beside him, “I’d like to express my thanks to you all

for helping us so much and for being so supportive. I’ve known you all a short period of time, apart from

that annoying man over there” I smirk at Luca as he holds his hand over his heart in mock horror, “but I

couldn’t be more grateful. I don’t have anything.

else to ask. Oh wait, yes I do. Axel you mentioned that you knew of their previous

meeting places. It would be a good idea to gather some information on the locations

and it could be worth scouring those areas to see if we can gain any more information..if it’s safe. Can

you and Evan concentrate on that also please?”

“Yes Luna” he says happy to he and his brother have more responsibility.

“Thanks love, good idea” Jax smiles as he drops a k*ss on my temple as he stands “Witches?” He

quickly checks with Axel motioning to the phone as he suddenly

remembers Flos words.

“Nothing that I can see, I don’t believe hunters on the whole would support that so

maybe only Charles knows that information’ Evan says quietly from beside him

“You’re right” Jax mutters.

“Any sign of suspicious activity and you contact us, immediately” he orders, “we have to go now but

you all know what I’ve instructed.”

As everyone agrees I smile softly as we leave the room to head downstairs to our waiting luggage.

“Laurence you’ve got this” I say drawing him in for a hug

“Thank you Luna” he says gratefully as his eyes burn bright with the chance of

proving himself.

“Stand up to my dad” Jax warns.

“I will” Laurence smirks as he helps load the car.

“I don’t have a good feeling about this” Jaz admits as we pull away from the pack house, I stay silent

but I can’t help but feel like I agree,


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