Guardian Wolf

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Time Together

Nova POV:

“So it’s your birthday tomorrow” I hear my brother mention, “I’m excited to celebrate with you.”

“Me too Luca, goddess 25. Where has time gone?” I joke.

“I can remind you of when you were an annoying little toddler if you really want me to?” He laughs.

“Please don’t” I chuckle back.

“Oh well I hope you’re ready for all your baby photos to be on display tomorrow” he muses quietly.

“You wouldn’t..” I panic.

“You know full well I would, so you’ll just have to see if that picture of you dressed as the hulk is going

to be shown” he chuckles down the phone.

“Oh goddess what have I got myself in for” I moan looking to the ceiling..

“So what are your plans during the day?” He asks.

“Not much, I’m getting breakfast with Flo, Naomi and Alice, then they’re dragging me

to the salon to get my hair done. I thought it was a relaxed BBQ but Alice had helped” I laugh. “What

time are you getting here?”

oh no, I forgot

“I’ll be coming for 2pm, I offered to help Jax with any setting up that may be needed. I’m staying for a

couple of nights as well” he tells me.

“You are?” I ask excitedly.

“Jax insisted, I’m glad he did” he comments with approval in his tone.

“So what do you think of Jax?” I ask quietly.

Just then the door of the office swings open and Jaxs scent engulfs me making my eyes darken

immediately as I look up into his mesmerising green eyes making my breath hitch.

“He’s great Nova, I’m glad you met him. He’s also f*****g huge compared to you and I


Time Together

find that absolutely hilarious. He’ll be a great brother in law, plus an Alpha in the family like helloooo” he


“Cheers mate” Jax replies with a grin on his face.

“Oh…NOVA! You could have told me he was f*****g listening to that answer” Luca shouts before

calming down and replying nonchalantly, “hiya man what’s up.”

Giggling I try to control my breathing before replying, “he literally walked in as I finished the question,

what was I supposed to say when you’re already singing his praises.”

Luca huffs down the phone before mumbling, “could have warned me. Now I can’t do the whole big

brother act and tell him he has to look after you and treat you right. I’ve been looking forward to doing

that officially.”

Jaxs eyebrows shoot up at that and he smirks before speaking, “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear anything. I’m

intrigued to hear this speech of yours.”

“Ok guys that’s enough” I gasp as I continue to laugh. “You’ll get on great.”

“We know” they both reply making me burst into another bout of laughter, “goddess you’re more In sync

with each other than me.”

Jaxs face heats up at that comments as he shakes his head in amusement. “Alright

enough of the family bonding, see you tomorrow Luca” I giggle before hanging up.

I put down the phone whilst smirking at Jax, “so my brother approves” I shrug.

“Well of course he does” he replies full of Alpha confidence.

Rolling my eyes I laugh as I walk round and drop him a lingering k*ss, feeling a sharp shock go through

me I gasp as I pull back looking to Jax seeing his face looks as surprised as mine before breaking into

a grin.

“Almost your birthday” he teases before pulling me in for a longer softer k*ss.

“Is there anything you need help with for tomorrow?” I ask as we pull away from one


“I’m not going to ask you to plan your own party Nova” he replies rolling his eyes. “But no, it’s all under

control. Or rather I should say Alice has it all under control.” This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.



Time Together

Gulping I look at him nervously, “should I be worried?”

“Maybe” he chuckles.

“So I won’t be here tonight love, I’ve got to go to my parents as I’ve got some family visiting. Mums

offered me to stay the night so I’ll be back tomorrow at some point” he tells me.

“Oh” I reply trying to not let him see the disappointment in my eyes, shaking my head I continue, “yeah

no of course. Say hi to them for me, are they coming tomorrow?”

“Definitely, they’ve been badgering to meet the new pack members but with everything going on I

wanted you to have less to worry about” he explains.

“Thank you” I say shyly to him knowing I’ve had a lot of my mind.


“Anytime, come on I thought we could spend some time together before I have to go” he says pulling

me up and out the room.

“What would you like to do?” I ask.

“I have a plan” he shrugs not giving anything away.

Hearing that my heart speeds up in excitement as I follow him. Walking through the forest I see we are

heading down the path towards the lake, “swimming?” I ask him playfully.

“No” he smirks back.

Continuing in comfortable silence we reach the end of the path and I gasp as I cover my mouth in

surprise. In front of us is a picnic blanket set up in front of the lake with some lanterns dotted around. “I

thought we could watch the sunset together” he mumbles nervously scratching the back of his head. “I

know tomorrow is a really big. day for you so I thought it would be nice to just spend some time

together and talk.”

Smiling at his thoughtfulness I twirl to look at him, “this is beautiful, thank you Jax.” 1 pull him in for a

passionate k*ss as are mouths move expertly together. Feeling his hard b*dy press into mine I moan as

I clasp my hands into his hair holding him close.

“You taste amazing” he breaths, “in fact you know how I said you smell of raspberry’s and mint like my

favourite summer drink.”

“Yes?” I ask pulling away looking at him in confusion.



Time Together

“Look in the basket” he grins.

Looking at him again with a smile I turn and open the basket before gasping when I see the bottle of

raspberry and mint summer c ocktail, “oh my goddess you brought it!

“I wanted you to know what you smell like to me, cheesy I know but..” I k*ss him again before he can

finish what he’s saying.

“I love it” I whisper against his lips. “Come on let’s drink.”

We sit there for a couple of hours enjoying each others company and talking about

our childhoods before the sun begins to lower in the sky. “Come here” he says patting the ground

between his legs. Moving over his leg I snuggle in between them with my back against his chest, “this

is my favourite time of day” he murmurs in my ear making me feel tingles all over.

As the sun sets the still lake shows a perfect reflection of the sky, enhancing the

streaks of pink, orange and yellow, “it’s beautiful” I breath.

“Like you” he murmurs making my heart ski p a beat.

“Wait” I say jumping up and picking something up off of the far side of the blanket.

Showing him my phone I smile nervously, “I want a picture..I don’t ever want to forget


“I can take one” he says going to stand up.

Laughing I push him back down, “no turn around.” With that he spins looking at me

quizzically as I set my phone up on a pile of rocks, “ok it’s going to be a timer, so in 10

seconds you need to smile” I say.

“I always smile” he laughs.

“For me you do” I reply cheekily making him nod his head in agreement.

“Ready?” I ask him.

“Go for it” he replies as I push the timer and race back to sit beside him. He wraps his

arm around me tucking me into his side so my head is nestled into his chest and with his other hand he

reaches over and holds one of mine tightly. The camera goes off

and I jump back up to go have a look at the photo.

Time Together

As I pull it up I gasp and my eyes tear up, “you ok?” He asks softly as I sit back down

beside him.

Looking at the picture I see the happiness radiating from us both as we fit perfectly

together smiling at the camera, the sky over our heads shining a warm glow over us

making our eyes sparkle.

“It’s perfect” I whisper.

“You’re crying” he says softly as he wipes a tear away. Holding the phone to my chest

I smile up at him, “I didn’t expect to get emotional over a photo” I chuckle.

“But you did, why?” He asks.

“Because we look truly happy and carefree..” I trail off smiling again as I choke up.

“I love it, I..” he stops abruptly but I know what he stopped himself from saying.

“I know” I whisper giving him a soft k*ss.

We sit in each others arms till the sky is dark above us, “I really should get going” he

grumbles as he begins to pack everything away.

Soon we are walking back to the pack house, “have fun tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow”

I smile at him as we reach the stairs.

“I’ll miss you” he mumbles embarrassedly.

“I should hope so” I tease before he pulls me in for a hot k*ss. Moaning at the feel of

his warm tongue dominating my mouth I push myself closer to his b*dy. Feeling his

hands reach my as s I go on my tiptoes for him to lift me up, wrapping my legs round.

his waist he pushes me against the wall without breaking our k*ss. I feel the heat building below

making me pull away eliciting a low growl of reluctance from Jax.

“As much as I’d love to continue we are in the entrance, I’m not sure the pack is ready to see us in this

position just yet” I giggle bucking my hips into him.

Groaning he lowers me to the floor before looking at me and rearranging his trousers.

“Nice, work me up for a visit to my parents why don’t you” he jokes.

“Well you did say you and your right hand were very close” I wink.

“Pfft, I’d rather wait for you” he whispers before dropping me a k*ss on my nose and




Time Together


turning to leave. “See you tomorrow Nova, sleep well” he says huskily and with that he’s gone, leaving

me a hot flustered mess.

“Let’s get some sleep, big day tomorrow” Ki murmurs quietly to me as I head upstairs. Reaching the

landing I look at the door to the room I was originally given before looking at the Jaxs.

“Jaxs room” I hear Kia order as my legs answer for me.

Opening the door I breath in his scent and smile as I relax, “bath and bed” I tell myself.


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