Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

Chapter 10 – That Man!!

It was late after her snacks and tea in their suite, TangShi was tossing and turning uncomfortably, aware YuZhi would come up to bed soon. In only a couple of nights, she had picked up on his bedtime habit of around eleven twenty pm and wanted to be asleep before he showed up, but it wasn’t happening. She knew tomorrow night was the first of her fertile days on the schedule and the thought of having to let that man finally take her virginity and join their bodies, made her sick to her stomach.

It’s not that he wasn’t attractive, but his personality was foul and his attitude towards her made her cold and unwilling. She knew of course that it was inevitable and was the main purpose of this marriage, but it still didn’t sit well with her.

She was highly stressed about the impending D Day and had overworked herself into a frenzy of nerves as it approached. Her heart had sunk when the doctor gave her the fertility plan and she saw how close her first date was. She would just have to bear it and know that this would only happen sporadically and only until she fell pregnant.

She jumped a little internally when the bedroom door clicked open and thrust herself onto her side to face away from him, closing her eyes to pretend she was asleep, so they didn’t have to interact. She could hear him moving around after entering as he pulled off his navy three-piece suit and shirt, tossing them onto the ottoman by the window and stalking back to the bathroom before going inside and turning the shower on. He didn’t close the door, assuming she was asleep and only took a few minutes to shower before coming back out. She could almost time him such was his precise schedule every night before bed.

TangShi tried to will herself unconscious and didn’t dare to move as the scent of shower gel and shampoo wafted past her as he made his way to the walk-in closet on her side of the room. She didn’t dare look but knew he would only be wearing a towel and would dry himself and dress in there before coming back out. He had no qualms about parading about like that in front of her and she had figured out quickly it’s because he liked the shocked and embarrassed reaction he saw in her every time. He was a sadist for sure.

Her heart pounded through her chest, her nerves all over the place as she tried to ignore him but in her mind’s eye, she kept fixating on tomorrow night and what was expected of her. Somehow a damp, half naked YuZhi wandering around in the semi dark of their bedroom brought it home way more than having to sit beside him at dinner, that time was ticking down to a night where they finally would consummate their marriage. Everyone in the household assumed he had already done the deed with her given how fussy Aunt was being over her taking supplements and she knew it was unavoidable.

“I know your awake. You’re breathing like an asthmatic dying horse. It’s really attractive and I did consider that you might need CPR but couldn’t be bothered.” YuZhi swaggered back in by her side of the bed wearing only pajama bottoms and rotated his shoulder to ease the tension of the day before flicking on a lamp at the dresser and picking up the drier for his hair. TangShi ignored him yet opened her eyes to scowl at his back as he walked away. She rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her bust, riled so easily by the stupid things he always said to her.

“Tomorrow I’ll pick you up at eleven thirty, so be ready. We’re going somewhere. Don’t make me wait as I have a busy schedule and no time to hang around.” His tone was bossy, domineering CEO, and only made TangShi want to throw her bedside cup of water at him. She stuck up her middle finger at him by the side of the bed so he wouldn’t see, and it gave her great satisfaction to curse him out.

“Where are we going?” She asked stiffly. Not giving in to him and replying in his same curt manner.

“You’ll find out when you get there. Wear something that’s easy to take off. Don’t dress up, it’s nowhere public or flashy.” He was being evasive of looking her way and switched on the hair dryer to drown her out before she could ask anymore questions. Irritated by her mere questioning of their plans.

TangShi waited until he was done and laid it down, silencing it with a flick of the switch and turned back her way with a frown. She cursed herself for automatically eyeing up the six pack and abs and those rounded firm shoulders of a man who knew what a gym was for. Internally chastising herself that while also wanting to physically throw things at him, her brain couldn’t help taking a peek at the beauty of a very sculpted male body. He was a cover model for Men’s health a few months back and it’s no surprise given what he had to show off. He caught her travelling gaze and narrowed his eyes at her.

“Don’t get any ideas about tomorrow night…you’ll find out why before lunch.” He smirked, seemingly pleased with himself and padded to his side of the bed before sliding in and turning away from her smoothly. He reached out and flicked off the light, casting them in darkness once more but TangShi felt unexpectedly riled by him and no longer able to lie here and close her eyes.

“You at least owe me an explanation of where I’m going. I’m not a dog. I don’t just come when you click your fingers.” She snapped churlishly.

“Really? It seems like you have done these past few days. Maybe I should buy you a collar to clear up the identity crisis.” Sarcasm oozing in his voice and the under hints of utter disdain.

“Why are you such a jerk?” TangShi lost her temper, pushed by the ever cold nasty remarks he could never bypass, turning to his naked back sharply, glaring furiously at him and unable to simmer what he triggered. She hated that he of all people in the world could make her crazy with a sentence and complete lack of even trying.

“DNA probably.” He shrugged with one shoulder. Brushing her off with a comeback that did nothing to alleviate her growing temper.

“Haaa. At least you can admit it. God, if all those delusional fans out there could see the real you for five minutes, I’m sure all the swooning would stop.” TangShi violently plumped her pillow with a fist, rather crazily, lifting her head angrily to expel some of her fury and slammed her head back down on top of her newly fluffed mound and deflated it right back down.

“You get to see this side of me, and it hasn’t stopped you swooning all over me, so I think I’m good.”

“Oh my god, you’re insufferable. I have never swooned over you. I despise you and would rather sleep with any random hobo than endure you.” TangShi knew that was utter rubbish but she hated how he always had such quick and cutting retorts to anything she said and always with that smug tone that drove her insane. That cocky asshole and superior way of talking down to her that pushed her normally stable mood into that of a riled shrew.

“Sure about that? I mean your eyes were glued to me as I walked over, maybe I should test it. I hate liars.” YuZhi spun on her, rolling inwards when she least expected it and caught her wrists before she had a chance to react or figure out what was going on. He somehow maneuvered her in the flash of a blink, so she was under him with both wrists by the side of her head and his body positioned over her with enough weight to stop her being able to escape.

Caged in and held down, in military precision by a man who had stealth ninja skills. TangShi felt real fear for the first time in his presence since she met him and was no longer so sure he was a guy who wouldn’t hit her.

He brought his nose down to hers, his eyes locking on her in the almost pitch dark, so she was unable to glance away and instead became still and submissive out of sheer intimidation. His mouth strayed close so that her breathing stopped of its own accord, and he moved near enough that one tiny flinch and his lips would be on hers.

“You would rather sleep with a homeless man than let me touch you, huh? You don’t seem to be putting up much of a fight right now. Seems like I could do anything, and you’d let me.” He moved closer, his voice husky and low and it sent her stomach into a fluttering mess, his nose grazing the side of hers, his breath meeting her lips and TangShi was rendered completely mute. Her body froze, her heartbeat rapidly ignited into a booming frenzy and her whole body turned cold and goose bumped all over.

YuZhi angled closer still, making it crazy intimate so his words tickled her skin, making it clear he was moving in to kiss her. TangShi came to her senses and started to struggle realizing what he was doing. Understanding that this was nothing but a game and a way to torture her all the more.

“Stop it.” She uttered breathlessly, the panic rising from her gut that if he did close the gap and kiss her then she wouldn’t be able to resist him, despite everything she thought about him. His proximity reminding her of the past and an ache of longing and heartbreak swept in and knocked her for six. She knew her resistance was dwindling away when he held her this way and got this close.

TangShi was aware of an electric current thrumming through her body as she began to heat up and his nearness and focus on her lips sent her hormones into meltdown. Hate him as much as she did, he somehow triggered a burning desire in her and she didn’t like this new control or power he seemed to have unearthed in one quick capture. The chemistry of eight years ago, the familiarity of a touch she thought she had forgotten.

YuZhi leaned down to push the boundaries as close as he dared so that only a hairbreadth was between them. Inwardly smug at torturing his plaything, aware of her rapid breathing, the way her heart rate elevated, and he could feel her trembling beneath him as he molded his body to hers. For a second, he rejoiced at how easily he exposed her lie and truly wanted to push it to the max before coldly rejecting her again, but something stopped him as his lips almost grazed hers. As though his dark fog of contempt for her suddenly met a break in the clouds and a moment of something else flickered between them. A spark, a hesitation, a tiny flaw in his game.

A scent from a past memory, a familiar feeling of intimacy being this way with her, the lurch in his chest as his heart flipped over, and his mischievous bad behavior suddenly lost its courage. His gaze on those soft pouted lips, the way her curves somehow fluidly fitted his and ignited some blurry recollection of something, killed all thoughts of devious intention. His own heart rate picking up and a strange sensation in the pit of his stomach scared him enough to pull away from her harshly, shoving her aside so as to get some space away from her. Anger igniting that when he got close to humiliating her, something inside of him faltered and a feeling he couldn’t explain terrified him. A tight gnawing grip on his stomach and heart and it repelled him backwards at speed, knowing she was the cause.

He had no clue what she just did to him, but he had misunderestimated this wenches tricks and somehow allowed her to get under his skin. Whatever that moment was, he was lightheaded and rolled as far away from her as he dared to bring his pulse back to a normal rate. He despised that she made him react this way.

TangShi was stunned and still, caught in the effects of whatever that was between them. Aware her body reacted to his and her entire being had anticipated his lips on hers. She cursed herself inwardly and rubbed her face to try and push the feeling of him from her body. Simmering temper growing once more, aware that this time she was disappointed in herself.

“You really are scum.” She spat his way, hauling herself upright, tears hitting her eyes unexpectedly, and yanked herself out of the bed to march to the bathroom. She wanted space to breathe and calm down and wouldn’t let him see how much he messed her up by testing her that way. He was right, she would cave, and she hated herself for it.

“Better than being a liar.” He snorted trying to hide the shake in his voice and buried his hands in his hair to calm himself down when she slammed the bathroom door. He had never had the rug pulled out from under him that way by his own emotions before and it rattled him. He closed his eyes and tried to count to ten but an image he had long refused to recall popped up in his mind’s eye and rendered him temporarily still.

“You can call me Alice. Like In Wonderland….” The sweet voice of the girl who had pulled his interest across the dancefloor drowned out every other noise around them. Her eyes twinkling in the soft lighting of chandeliers over their head.

“Well Alice, will you dance with me. I sort of made a bet with my friend over there that the most beautiful girl in the room would be in my arms to the next song.” YuZhi stepped closer to her, seeing her hesitation as she pulled away and her face flushed with shy awkwardness.

“Then why are you asking me?” TangShi bit on her lip, shyness making her hands tremble, her insides twisting up with nerves that this tall and gorgeous mysterious boy would single her out this way and come homing in right for her across a room so vast. She truly didn’t believe she was the prettiest girl here, but he didn’t take his eyes off her for a second. He grinned, perfect teeth and a gorgeous smile that she didn’t doubt could make girls weak for him.

“Trust me, I am asking the right girl. And now I think I might have fallen for you all the more for not believing you are. Dance with me…come on. I’m looking like a fool standing here with him watching.” He held out his hand and bowed in a manner fit for a gentleman. “Trust me. I won’t do anything inappropriate. I just want to dance.”

TangShi inhaled slowly to calm her chaotic body and gently took his hand in hers. Aware her skin had turned cold and clammy, and she began to tremble at the warm strong touch of this complete stranger.

“I’m Yoonie. Remember it, because I’m sure it’s a name you won’t forget in a hurry.” YuZhi closed his hand around hers, liking the soft feel of her delicate hand dwarfed by his, and the smooth softness of her skin. Pulling her gently to him so he could maneuver her in to hold for a waltz. Her body fitting to his despite her obvious reluctance and shyness and he couldn’t help but slide around her all the more. Instantly protective of her slight form and much smaller height when drawn into him this way, on cloud nine as her perfume and scent invaded his air in a heady mix. There was something about her, and it ignited a sensation in his stomach and chest that felt like fireworks and fear, but in a good way. He wanted to kiss her so badly, just from proximity alone and could feel the sparks of chemistry igniting between them, but he knew he shouldn’t. He could tell she wasn’t that kind of girl. He rarely chased good girls given he knew his military enlistment was fast approaching and the last thing he needed was a girl waiting here for him for the next three years.

YuZhi came fading out of his memory and found himself still alone in the vast empty bed of his room, the sensation of Alice’s skin still on his fingertips, the dissipating scent still lingering around him subtly before he lost it completely. He blinked at the ceiling and then looked at his hand and then towards the bathroom door before shaking his head and casting the questions away. Confused, his thoughts racing but he refused to connect the dots.

Alice was a girl that managed to knock him off his feet and turn his world upside down in one night. Something no other girl had managed before or after, not even Rhea. She had made him feel that love at first sight could be a real thing, even to a sceptic like him, and he had been willing to bet on a relationship despite how crazy their meeting was. Even with his draft to the army looming and knowing nothing about her social background or anything about her life. Alice had imprinted herself on his soul that night and the death of his father had yanked him home after dawn leaving her behind in his memories. Eight years and she still persisted in parts of his brain that he tried hard to close.

She wasn’t the only girl in the world who could have chemistry with him, and he had ignored all kinds of feelings for years after that. Logically there could be a million women in this world who could fire up the same emotions Alice did back then if he had been open to it after the deaths of his parents. She stuck in his head because she was the last of his happy days and good memories, before his world came crumbling down and he lost everything that could make him smile. The death of fun loving, free spirited YoonieNôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Most girls were soft and smelled good, it had no bearing on anything that she seemed familiar and conjured up an almost forgotten scent. He used to date and hook up, maybe it was just a flashback of the days before Rhea and the thrill of a new body. Stirring up a memory like that was purely coincidental, maybe not even accurate, and he refused to believe that TangShi had any relation to Alice, the girl he regretted never going back to meet.

Apart from Rhea he hadn’t been close to another woman in years, by choice. Pushing them away and only dating for physical pleasure before he settled down. Closed off and not willing to feel any connection to another woman while his mother’s confessions ruined his entire existence. This was just a reaction to someone who wasn’t Rhea, and he wouldn’t let it happen again.

He had promised her that despite being broken up, he would do nothing that could stop them from a future together and tonight he was going to draw a line for himself to not do anything like that again.

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