Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 66

Jaxon walked into the poorly lit cave where his father took as a hideout. The rocks were wet but the walls were warm enough to keep them from shivering from the cold.

Jaxon looked into Pablo’s tired eyes, showing a hint of worry.

“What news do you have for me, my son?” Pablo said as he roasted a fish on top of the wild fire he had made.

“Father,” Jaxon said urgently, “Alpha Rex is dead. The pack is in chaos, and we need to figure out what to do next.”

Pablo’s expression hardened, realizing the seriousness of the situation but then he smiled mischievously. “That’s too bad,” he replied. “Rex was a strong and capable leader. I remember when I fought for his army…” He looked up as if basking in nostalgia but then he pulled his thoughts together, “His death creates new opportunities for us.”

Jaxon leaned closer to him, speaking quietly. “Tell me, Father. What’s our plan now? How do we move forward?”

There were footsteps behind them and Jaxon instinctively held his dagger in his belt buckle, ready to strike the intruder, but Ethan’s face showed through the illumination from the wild fire.

Jaxon grunted and slid his dagger back in, “Would you stop doing that?”

“Sorry to give you a jumpscare, great werewolf warrior…” Ethan said sarcastically and sat on a rock in front of them both.

Pablo glanced at Ethan, “Ethan,” he commanded, “continue with the plans we discussed. The time is right, and we can’t waste any more chances.”

Ethan nodded. “I’ll make sure everything goes according to our plan.”

Jaxon asked inquisitively, “And what plan is that?”

Ethan answered quickly, “It is not for you to be concerned about.”

They both exchanged glances before Pablo cleared his throat.

His turned his attention back to Jaxon, his gaze becoming softer. “Jaxon, my son,” he said with pride and worry, “you need to find a way to get close to the new pack leader. Gain his trust, become part of his inner circle, and report back to us. He holds a crucial position in our path to victory.”

Jaxon and Tyler were very close, up until Tyler broke up with Lily that is. Still, they talked casually from time to time so getting Tyler’s trust back after the Audrey incident shouldn’t prove too difficult for him.

Jaxon nodded, “I’ll do whatever it takes, Dad. Tyler won’t suspect a thing, and I’ll find any weaknesses in his leadership. But, it will be hard securing his trust during these times.”

“Not if you give him your life.” Pablo said.

Jaxon raised an eyebrow, “How would that make him trust me more?”

“Give him your life by saving his life. That’s the ultimate display of loyalty. He’ll never suspect you after that.” Pablo said while munching on his cooked fish.

Jaxon thought for a while. If he saved Tyler from danger, he would be able to regain his trust, at least to a certain level. Ever since the Lily drama, they’d hardly spoken to each other so he considered this to be an actually good idea, he thought to himself.

“Yeah…I understand.” Jaxon said whilst nodding slowly.

Pablo’s eyes shone, “Remember, Jaxon, we’re in this for the long haul. Our main goal is to become the strongest and get rid of those in power that have troubled us for too long.”NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

Jaxon stood up straight, “I get it, Dad.”

Pablo nodded, a glimmer of hope returning to his weary eyes. “Good. Our time will come, Jaxon. We need to be patient and strike when the moment is right.”

Ethan spoke up, “I actually came here to inform you guys that there’s presently war in the main pack.”

Jaxon was shocked, “Really? But when…what?”

“Leo didn’t plan this attack on your people. It has to be the coven leader. No-one has ever seen him or know his name. We just call him ‘The Prince’ because legend has it that he’s the great grandson of the vampire king who fought in the Great War. He’s the one who’s sent a battalion to attack the main pack.” Ethan explained as he stared into the fire.

“We’ve not been informed in the grove yet, or else, reinforcement could’ve been sent. Hey, how did you know of it?” Jaxon stared intently at Ethan.

“Word has gotten out.” Ethan said blankly.

“Thanks for giving us the info, Ethan. Jaxon, this is your right time to go and gain the trust of your new leader. Go.”

As Jaxon turned to leave, his mind buzzed with doubts but he knew he couldn’t let his father down. He remembered what Henry told him and his heart was heavy. Was what he was doing, the right thing?

No, he quickly shoved the thought away.

Pablo was his real father and Pablo had made him know why Henry took him in. Contrary to what Henry told him, Pablo told him he was taken by force from Pablo’s wife and his mother, because of Henry’s selfish desires. Even though it was obvious Pablo wanted to turn Jaxon against Henry, he’d always still see Henry as a father figure. Though Pablo also didn’t know what went on in Jaxon’s head, Jaxon made it less difficult for him to care to know as he tried to do all he was commanded.

Now, he was heavily doubting everything and everybody. Who was telling him the truth? Who should he actually believe?

In the shadows, Ethan watched Jaxon go, his eyes filled with anticipation. “He’ll succeed,” he reassured. “Our plan is in motion, and fate is on our side. Soon, the balance of power will shift in our favor.”

Pablo nodded and smiled a little. “Yes, Ethan. It’s almost time. Let’s get ready for the upcoming battles and take back our rightful place as the strongest force in these lands.”

And as the echoes of their conversation lingered in the air, the wheels of fate spun relentlessly, bringing in a new chapter in the age-old war between vampires and werewolves that was drawing to an end but also just the beginning.


Jaxon had quickly gotten back to inform Henry of the attack on the main pack. Troops were sent out and Jaxon was included. The battle raged on, the sound of teeth and claws clashing filled the night as the pack fought fiercely to defend their home against the never-ending attacks from the vampires.

Tyler doubled down on each fang he saw and tore apart their attackers without remorse. He led the fight and guided his pack with bravery and skill.

In the midst of the chaos, a vampire pounced on Tyler, sinking its teeth deep into his flesh. Pain shot through his body as the venom spread, threatening to take over. His vision blurred, and he staggered back, holding onto his wound.

A female Omega, witnessing the attack, quickly slaid the vampire. She hurried to Tyler’s side and her eyes shook with fear and worry. “General! No!” she cried out desperately.

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