Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 126

And the day had finally arrived.

As we gathered in the heart of the main pack, the tension in the air was felt by everyone present. Tyler stood before his generals with a calm and determined expression on his face. Omega Simon, Omega Erik, Omega Violetta, Beta Amir, and Beta Trixie stood beside him, their faces reflecting apprehension and loyalty. I stood with my fellow pack hunters, surrounded by familiar faces – My dad, Sarah, Aunt Belinda, Adrian, Theo, and Jaxon – each of us ready to face whatever would happen that day.

We were all armed and ready.

Tyler began to speak with his strong and commanding voice. “Members of the BlueMoon Pack and my fellow werewolves, today is an important day for us. We are on the edge of a war that will be a big part of our history. It will be tough, and it will push us hard. But I believe that if we stay united, we will win this battle.”

He glanced around, meeting the eyes of every wolf present. “Our pack is strong, united, and persistent. We fight not just for ourselves, but for our loved ones, for our future, and for the freedom to live without fear.”

Omega Violetta stepped forward, her fierce gaze locking with Tyler’s. “And we fight to protect the innocent,” she added in a firm and loud voice. “To ensure that our children grow up in a world where they can roam freely, without the threat of vampires.”

Tyler nodded in agreement, acknowledging her words. “We were not the ones who started this war, but we will not back down from defending our pack and our territory. Our strength lies not just in our numbers but in our unity and loyalty to one another. We fight as one, and together, we will prevail.”

As Tyler addressed the entire army, the energy in the air shifted. We all felt united, like we were all in it together. The others knew how serious the situation was and the responsibility they had. They looked very determined and it encouraged me.

Sarah, standing beside me, leaned in and whispered, “I’m so proud of Tyler. He’s grown to even be better than his dad.” I nodded, agreeing with what she said.

I and Tyler’s eyes met and he smiled briefly at me which I returned.

Sarah held my hands, “We can fucking do this!”

I nodded, taking comfort in her words. We had faced challenges before, and this was no different.

Together, we were a force to be reckoned with; the vampires would learn that today.

“Let us march to victory, for our people, our pack, our children and our future!” Tyler’s voice bellowed making the crowd erupt into cheers and howls. I glanced at everyone I cherished dearly; My dad, Sarah, Aunt Belinda, Adrian, Theo, and Jaxon and they all smiled back at me.

As we stood together, united in purpose and spirit, I knew that no matter what happened, we were stronger than we had ever been before. And with that strength, we would face those vampires and come out triumphant.

As we marched to battle, our powerful chants grew louder, each werewolf giving a solid chant to rile the others up with.

Tyler started, “BlueMoon Pack united, hearts aflame, we’ll defend our rightful claim!”

Omega Erik said, “Thier fangs are sharp, but our hearts are bold, united, we cannot be controlled!”

Someone said, “Midnight skies, hear our cries, for our pack, we’ll rise!”

My father added, “In the darkness, we’re the light, fighting for what’s just and right!”

Then we sung as we marched to the battlefield, “BlueMoon pack, fierce and free, we’ll stand strong, for eternity!

No fear, no doubt, together, we’ll never bow!

With each howl, our spirits rise, our pack is bound, no compromise!

In the face of the unknown, we stand together, not alone!

Moon above, guide our way, as we march on today!

With every step, with every roar, we’ll defend forevermore!”

~~~~~~Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.


In the dark evening, Leo assembled his army – his faithful group of vampires and others who felt rejected by society. Their breaths created a chilling mist in the air. The moon shone above them, giving a shady glow to their determined faces, waiting for Leo’s words.

Leo stepped forward with a powerful presence. His red eyes glowed with passion and hatred. He spoke to his followers with a compelling voice, full of charisma and authority.

“My brethren!” Leo’s voice boomed, silencing the murmurs that had filled the air moments before. “Tonight, we take our stand against the werewolves! They have oppressed us for far too long, treating us as mere playthings to be hunted and destroyed. But no more!”

The people in the crowd cheered loudly, and Leo’s enthusiasm rose. He looked at the faces of those around him, knowing they all had their own reasons for being here.

“We are not just an army of vampires,” Leo declared. “We are the forgotten, the discarded, the ones who have been cast aside by a world that fears us. But tonight, we rise! Tonight, we show them that we are a force to be reckoned with!”

The people in the crowd cheered louder, showing their defiance and determination. They were not just an army; they were a strong group, connected by their shared experiences of being rejected and treated unfairly, according to Leo’s ideology.

Leo’s eyes glinted with malicious intent as he continued, “The werewolves have taken something from each of us – our dignity, our freedom, our loved ones. But tonight, we take it all back! We will show them the true meaning of fear, and we will crush them until they are nothing but a memory!”

As Leo talked, the crowd listened more and more, getting angrier and more enthusiastic to seek revenge. He knew just what to say to control their feelings and make them even more riled up

“Now, my brothers and sisters, we march!” Leo proclaimed, raising his hand in a signal to move forward. “Let us show the werewolves that we are not to be trifled with! Let us paint their precious pack with their own blood!”

The army shouted battle cries, eager for revenge, with Leo as their leader. They moved relentlessly toward the werewolf pack, anticipating the clash.

Leo felt the power rising within him. He wasn’t just seeking revenge; now he was a leader, representing the oppressed vampires.

Under the dark evening, Leo’s army marched forward, their footsteps echoing like a drumbeat;

Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!

…marking the start of a war that would change both werewolves and vampires’ destinies forever.

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