Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 117


The soft glow of the sunlight streaming in through the windows made the library warmer. Adrian and I sat across from each other at the large wooden table. It had become a place where we could talk freely and plan for the war that was looming on our horizon.

“I talked to Tyler two days ago.”

Adrian adjusted in his seat.

“I think he’s too driven, if that’s even a thing. He seemed so vengeful…I’m afraid he’ll lose himself in the war and take innocent peoples’ life in the process. I’ve tried to convince him otherwise but his mind is already made up.”

“I understand the vampires have caused a lot of harm to the pack and I can sympathize with him. But as for keeping him in check, that’s why you’re there.”

“Me?” I asked.

“Yes… you’re the chosen one after all.”

I blew on my nose, “I can’t still wrap my head around it.”


“That we’re the ‘chosen one’,” I said with gestures air quotes. “It’s such a huge responsibility.”

Adrian nodded and put on a serious expression. “Yeah, it is,” he agreed. “But we were chosen for a reason, Lily. I’ve told you this before. We have the power to make a difference.”

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of our destiny settling on my shoulders. “What do you think we should do?” I asked him. “I mean, we’re supposed to play a crucial role in this war, but what exactly are we to do?”

“I believe you already know.”

I looked at him, trying to figure out what he meant, “The ring?”

He rested back, so I can think things through myself.

“My father told me that the ring and journal, when used together, are what can bring peace to the realm but I don’t understand. How would I combine them and how would I use them?”

“I believe you already know.” He said again.

“You’re not helping, Adrian.”

“I don’t want to lead you on, Lily. You have to figure things out yourself. We may be two in one but you’re also a Guardian and I’m not. You’re more relevant in this whole scheme of things than you realize.”

I sighed.

“What if I make the wrong decisions? Time’s running out.”

Adrian reached across the table and took my hand in his. “You’ll figure it out and I’ll be with you,” he said with that gentle tone that always seemed to calm all my nerves instantly. “We’ll make mistakes, but we’ll learn from them. And we won’t be alone in this. We have each other, okay?” He kissed my hand.

I smiled, feeling comforted by his words and gesture. “I’m glad you’re by my side, Adrian,” I said. “But I do have a question…for you… ”

“Ask away.”

I thought of how I’d ask the question but I decided to just go for it, “Which side will you fight for in the war? Your people or mine?”

I didn’t know why I thought to ask him that question but he had always referred to his people as “Vampires” since he returned unlike before he called them “his people.”

He looked at me, his green eyes searching mine. “I’ll fight for any side you’re on,” he said firmly. “I’ll be beside you, Lily, wherever you go.”

“Say the truth, Adrian.”

“I just did.” He smiled and his teeth showed, “We’re bound together. I can’t fight for any other side then yours.”

I could see he was telling the truth but his eyes showed something else – I could tell it was hard for him to come to that conclusion. I felt grateful and guilty at the same time. It was a difficult decision for him to make, to turn against his own people for me. I didn’t want him to have to choose sides, but I also knew that we had to do what was best for our pack.

I wasn’t claiming we were the right ones in this or that we were the winning side but it was my own people, my family. Adrian was now part of us, part of me; still for him to say that, it didn’t settle well with me as I thought it would.

“I appreciate that,” I said, “But I don’t want you to feel like you have to choose between your people and mine.”

He squeezed my hand gently. “I’m choosing you, Lily,” he said. “And I believe in what we’re fighting for. I believe in you.”

I smiled at him, feeling my heart swell with love and admiration. “I believe in you too,” I said.

There was a moment of silence between us as we simply looked at each other, our emotions unspoken but felt deeply. Then, I took a deep breath and decided to ask him about something else that had been troubling my mind.

“Adrian, can I ask you about your past with my dad?” I said hesitantly. “I know you fought alongside him in the past and you were both allies which I never really understood, but you’ve never really told me much about it.”

He looked away for a moment, “It’s really…complicated,” he said finally. “Your dad and I were friends once, yes, but later, things changed. We had a standoff, and we thought it best to go our separate ways.”

Why was he repeating the same thing to me? This is what he said the last time. I could sense that there was more to the story, but I didn’t want to push him if he wasn’t ready to talk about it.

“That’s okay,” I said, trying to sound casual. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

He looked back at me and softened his eyes. “It’s not that I don’t wanna tell you,” he said. “It’s just… it’s a painful memory for me. I don’t really like talking about it.”

I reached out and touched his cheek gently. “I understand,” I said. “You don’t have to tell me anything you’re not comfortable with.”

Though I wasn’t satisfied with his silence, I didn’t want to push him. Memories of his past always seemed to emotionally and physically hurt him.

I remembered the vision I had. He had told my dad he’d be back to claim his daughter. That particular scene flashed in front of me but Adrian covered my hand making me return my attention to him.

He smiled gratefully at me “Thank you,” he said. “I promise one day I will tell you about everything when I’m ready, just not now.”

“It’s alright. There’s no need to promise me anything. I understand you and I’ll wait for you.”

“Just know that I’m here for you. No matter what happens, no matter what we face, I will always be by your side.”

I felt a rush of emotion at his words, and I leaned in to kiss him softly. “I know,” I whispered against his lips. “And I’ll always be by your side too.”

In that moment, I felt a deep sense of connection with him, a bond that went beyond our status as chosen ones and our connected fates. We were partners, allies, and lovers.

I looked at a corner in the library and remembered it was the spot we shared our first kiss. The memory of my dad walking in on us made me smile. Adrian noticed and stood up to sit on the table in front of me.

“You remember that too?”

I looked up at him and held his thighs, “It’s funny, isn’t it? That day was so dramatic.”

“Now your dad hardly cares who’s busting your back open.”

Anytime Adrian spoke dirty to me, it always surprised me because I was used to his soft, calm and innocent demeanor. Nevertheless, I loved his dirty talks.

I bit my lip, stood up and leaned into him, my hands still on his laps, “I’m waiting for his blessings.”

“He’ll give them soon enough.” He said and stroked my cheek.

“Wanna recreate that memory?” I said, inches away from his face.

“When we get back from Theo’s. Come on,” He pecked my lips and held my hand so we could leave. I sighed and reluctantly followed him.



In the dark cave, Pablo stood alone watching the fire. A sinister smile spread across his face. The pieces of his grand plan had fallen perfectly into place, and now, the war between the werewolves and vampires was at its peak. This was all part of his mastermind scheme, and he reveled in the chaos and destruction he had orchestrated.

“They never saw it coming,” Pablo muttered to himself, satisfied. “They are at each other’s throats, tearing each other apart. All because of me.”

He paced back and forth remembering the events he had set in motion. It had all started with the attacks along the werewolf borders. Those were his vampire allies he sent to spark fear and retaliation. He knew that the werewolves would respond with force, as Rex, the combustible moron was their leader, and that would only escalate the tension between the two factions.

“I lit the matches, and the rope caught fire,” he gloated. He relished in his manipulation. “The werewolves and vampires are pawns in my game. They think they’re fighting for a cause, but little do they know, they’re just puppets in my grand plan.”

As he fantasized about the destruction and chaos the war would cause, he felt a surge of excitement. This was his goal all along, to show his power and control over both clans.

“They always fiddled about, arguing about who was more powerful. Ha! They have no idea.” He slapped his lap and laughed out, his voice ringing through the cave.

“And now, they’re all distracted by their own battles,” he chuckled darkly. “They won’t even see me coming.”

In his mind, he could see the pieces falling into place. The werewolves weakened by the continuous fighting, the vampires occupied with their own battles, and him, rising to power in the chaos.

But just as he was reveling in his victory, a voice broke through his thoughts, sending a chill down his spine. He recognised that voice immediately.


He turned around to see Jaxon standing in the midst of the fire, his eyes filled with anger and betrayal. In fact, his entire body was made of the fire as if he had been crafted from the element.

“What? How? What are you doing here?” Pablo snapped, trying to mask his unease.

Jaxon stepped forward, his fists clenched at his sides. “I know what you’ve done,” he said, “You started this war, didn’t you? You set our people against each other.”

Pablo tried to keep his composure, but he didn’t care. He was looking at a ghost and not even a real person. “It is your people and not mine, you foolish boy,” he insisted, trying to justify his actions. “I did it to unite our own kind, the ones who’ve been looked over.”

Jaxon shook his head, disbelief written all over his fiery face. “You’re delusional,” he spat. “You don’t care about anyone. You only care about power and control.”

Pablo’s eyes narrowed, “And what do you plan to do about it?” he sneered.

“I’m going to stop you,” Jaxon declared. “I won’t let you destroy our clans for your own selfish ambitions.”

Pablo laughed, a cold and heartless sound. “You think you can stop me?” he taunted. “You’re nothing but a helpless piece in my game. You’ve always been weak, too weak for me to even consider you my son, Jaxon. You always have been a disgrace to me.”

But Jaxon didn’t back down. Instead, his eyes blazed more. “I don’t care what you think of me. I might have been fooled by you before,” he said. “But not anymore. I see you for what you truly are, and I won’t let you win.”Ccontent © exclusive by Nô/vel(D)ra/ma.Org.

“You’re nothing!” Pablo’s voice rose as his eyes widened more, “You can do nothing! If I knew you’d go so astray, I would have killed you with my bare hands a long time ago. You’re useless to me now so keep your nose out of my plans or risk getting crushed in the way.”

“You will face your judgement very soon.” And with that, the image of Jaxon dissipated. Pablo sprang into the flames which flared up and burned him. He shouted and stood back, unbelieving of what he just noticed.

Wasn’t Jaxon just here? What sort of witchcraft was that?

He called out for someone to come in and put out the fire. He wouldn’t let his hallucinations stop him still.

Such a disgrace of ta son he thought he had.


The werewolf who put out the fire answered, “Yes, sir.”

Pablo took a dagger and threw it to Toby who caught it. “That, it’s yours. You’ve been with me since. Your reward will be much.”

Toby knelt with a knee to Pablo and accepted the gift.

Pablo then watched as he walked out and shook his head, “All these youngsters nowadays…. all doomed to die so early.”

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