Dying in silence

Chapter 11 The new girl

What the….

I touched my cheek and gosh, it hurts so much.

I fisted my hand Into a ball and released a rough breath.

I’m really not in the mood for her tantrums.

“I’ll let it slide, the next time you slap me might be your last day in this school”I said and she scoffed.

“Really?, who do you think you are, a powerful and rich man daughter?”she said sarcastically.

I really don’t want to do this.

“Just go away”I winced.

“Eish….”Mia said within gritted teeth.

“Just do it”a voice said from behind and I recognized it to be Darrel’s.

“Just do it already. Looks like she really need it and besides, she is asking you for it, so please give it to her”he added and I turned to him.

“Don’t worry, it won’t be call violence since she asked for it first”he said with a smile.


I turned back to Mia with a smirk.

Guess she could be a perfect drug for my pains anyways.

My eyes traveled to the class entrance and it landed on Fred.

He looked at me and shook his head.

He still don’t understand, does he?.

I took my eyes away from him and back to Mia.

I stood up and walked up to Darrel.

“Hey, can you lend me your belt?”I whispered into his ears.

“Will gladly do”he replied.

He stood up and unbuckled his belt then gave it to me.

“Thanks, this will go a long way”I winked at him as I collected the belt from him.

He only smiled….

“Gosh, what do you think you’re doing”Mia said angrily as I moved back to my seat.

“Uhm…. looking for what to use in spanking your ass?. Don’t worry too much about that though, cause I have gotten one”I smirked.

She folded her arms angrily.

I didn’t miss the glares Perla and Cassie were throwing at me.

“Do you have a death wish?, I’m not like the others, you know”Mia replied and landed a punch on my face.



The students gasped and moved more closer to us.

*What?, did she just punch her?”

*Shouldn’t we report this to the school authorities?”

*Woah; what the hell*

*Blood.. blood, blood is coming out from her nose”a girl pointed at my nose.


I touched my nose and felt something wet my finger.

I brought down my finger and scoffed.

Fred walked up to us with a frightened face.

“Arrrr… must you always be violent, this hurt so such”I pouted and spat out blood.

“What?, are you okay?”Darrel rushed to me and asked.

“I’m fine”I replied and glanced up at Mia.

I rolled the belt on my hand and landed one stroke on her shoulder.

“Arg”she yelped.

Cassie and Perla quickly moved away from her fearfully.

Then, I started landing different strokes on her not caring where it landed on her body.

*Oh my*

*Don’t you think this is way more brutal*

*They should stop this already*

“Stop it!”Fred touched my arm and I turned to him.

“Stop it, okay?, that’s okay”he said and I raised my hand down.

“The teacher is coming, the teacher is coming!”a student suddenly shouted.

The students walked to their seat hurriedly and quickly brought out their textbooks.

Mia glared at me and ran out from the class.

Perla and Cassie followed after.

I was happy I left some marks at her body.

The teacher stepped in and I sat down.

“I apologise for coming late”he said as he placed his textbook on the table.

“Shall we begin today’s lecture?”he added and the students drawl out a reply.

And, the class began….


Mia Pov

“Mia”Cassie and Perla called from behind.

“Mia, please stop running”Cassie shouted.

I stopped dead in my track and turned to them.

“You guys should stop running after me, you should return to the class”I said bitterly.

They stopped Infront of me and sighed.

“She created different marks on tour skin”Perla said and tried touching it but I moved back.

“Look here, don’t you guys think we should stop?, Fontana has truly outrage us in this”she added and u scoffed.

“You guys can stop but I’m not ready to stop yet. I am going to make that bitch pay for this”I said bitterly and she sighed.

“Is this even possible?, could… could she be the Longworth daughter cause her name is also Fontana and….”

“Oh, shut the fuck up. She might be bearing the same name as her but she can never be like her, never!. And do you actually think the Longworth daughter will attend this school?, come on”I sniggered.

She sighed and shrugged.

“It was just a guess”

“Better be”I rolled my eyes.

My role model can never come to this school.


Fontana Pov

Darrel and I walked out of the class, heading to the cafeteria.

I already returned Darrel’s belt to him.

As we walked through the lobby, a girl suddenly bumped into me.

The books she was holding fell down and she gasped and quickly bend down to grab it.

I bend down and help her picked up her note book and pen.

“Watch where you’re going another time”I said to her as I handed over her book and pen to her.

“Thanks”she raised up her head and…

She’s actually the new girl.

“I’m Savannah, you?”

ontana Pov

“I’m Savannah, you?”

“Fontana”I replied.

“Huh?, wait, are… you… the Fontana the city is all talking about?, Fontana Longworth?”she asked with a widened eyes.



“What are you still doing, let’s go, I’m really famished”Darrel groaned and I sighed in relief.

“I’m.. I’m sorry, we will talk some other time but I have to go now”I said and quickly stood up.

She nodded reluctantly and I walked away with Darrel.


We got to the cafeteria and chose a place to sit then sat down.

“I will go order, what do you care for”I asked him then stood up.

“Hmm…..”he placed his hand on his jaw, thinking about it.

“I will take whatever you take”he answered and I nodded then left.

I walked to the counter and ordered for turkey wrap and apple juice.

I walked back to the table with his food then went back for mine.

I carried the tray to the table and sat down.

I stabbed my fork on the turkey and started munching on it.

I looked up at Darrel and realized he haven’t touched his own food.


“Why are you not eating”I asked him amidst munching.

He glanced me and sighed.

“The thing is, I’m allergic to turkey”


I gulped down and drew my tray aside.

“Really?, you should have told me earlier, I would have made another order. Infact, bring it, let me go take another order”I said and tried taking his tray but he stopped me.

“No, don’t worry, I will manage”he smiled and I frowned.

“Come on, you don’t have to force yourself and besides, what if you starry having skin reaction?, and who the hell will you blame it on?, me of course”I expounded and tried taking the tray again.

“I…. said I will manage, it’s not that hard…. don’t worry, okay?, I won’t blame it on you”he rolled his eyes.

I sighed and looked away from his gaze.

“Do you care for me that much?”he joked.

“You wish”I rolled my balls.


#Closing time

“Hey, Font?”I heard Darrel’s voice from behind as I packed my books.

“I’m off”Fred announced and left immediately.

What snorted and shook my head.

He’s still angry at the new me, but he doesn’t really know about my past experience in this class, does he?, cause if he knows he would be happy for me not angry.


“Fontana”Darrel called angrily.


I turned around and opened my mouth to say something but shut it immediately I saw the girls hovering around him.

They threw glares at me….

I rolled my balls at them and focus back on Darrel.

“So, I was wondering if we could both walk to the lots together”he smiled.

What’s with him and smile anyway, it seems to be his better half.

“Of course”I replied and he stood up with his bag.

*I can go with you if you want*

A girl said and I turned the her.

“I already said yes!”I scoffed and she looked at me angrily.

I ignored her and zipped up my bag.

Darrel walked to me and we both moved out of the class.

“I’m happy I taught you well”Darrel smiled as we walked through the classrooms.

“Yeah, as if”I rolled my eyes and he scoffed.

“Hey, you’re being ungrateful, you supposed to treat me like an egg because i saved you from going crazy in your thoughts”

“Eish… fine, yeah, you’re my savior, thank you, happy now?”I said he nodded with a smile.

We got to the lots and bade each other a goodbye then walked separately to our ride.

“Welcome Miss”the driver said and I nodded.

I hopped into the car and he also entered and drove out.


He drove into the parking lot and stopped the car.

“Hmm… thanks”I said to him and he smiled and nodded.

I got down from the car and started walking towards the mansion.

Different maids rushed out and lined up.

Oh, what the hell.

This means nothing than my parents are home.


Especially Dad.

I hope he doesn’t ask me to go to the show today.

Speaking of the parents, Mom walked out of the house, a smile was stuck at her face.

Did I miss her?

Of course.

Though I didn’t really miss her that much and that’s because I already have someone to open my heart to so I didn’t really feel her absent.

And, it’s not like I do open my heart to her but she just seems….

I don’t know the word to use for that. Since she’s my mom, I feel what the other kids feels when I have her around.

She sprawled her arms widely and I jumped into them in excitement.

“Awnnn, see my baby. Aren’t you just adorable, you have even gain more weight than the last time, you even got prettier. I guess Sam has been doing a great job”she cooed in my ears.

I smiled and rubbed my head on her chest like a puppy and sniffed her sweet cologne in.

“No hug for Daddy?”I heard dad voice and released from the hug and pecked mom’s cheek before moving to him.

I hugged his body to myself and he wrapped his arms around me.

“Ana”he called.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hmm?”I hummed.

“I rescheduled the show today but I didn’t made it known to the media so you don’t have to worry as there won’t be a crowd”he started and I scoffed silently.


“I really don’t have a heart for secrets, I almost tell your Mom about it when we were together. So let’s make the deal snappy”

“What’s the assurance that you won’t inform her even after going to the show when you said you can’t keep a secret”I asked and tried pulling away from the hug but he pulled me back to his body.

“If you reveal yourself today, the people will recognize you so there’s no way I’m still going to tell your Mom you changed your second name since all that’s important is being known as the only daughter of the Longworth’s”he replied.


“You feeling any better?”Sam asked as I stepped inside the room.

“Yeah….”I drawled out a reply.

“Can you believe Dad has rescheduled the sh….”I tried saying.

“Yeah, he has told me and that’s the reason why I asked you if you feel better”she Interpolated and I scoffed.

“So, I already prepared your bath and all you will be needing for the show”she added and I turned to her.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean already prepared your bath, dress, shoes, bag, jewelries and all that you will be putting on to the show”she rolled her eyes.

“I’m not going”I said.

“Everything has been set already, you move by twilight”she reported and left the room.


I jumped on the bed and punched the pillow angrily.

I don’t want to go…..

I was soon closed to tears….

“I don’t want to go”I hit the bed continuously then bursted into tears.

Samantha pushed me infront of the mirror and smiled as she stood behind me.

“See for yourself, aren’t you just pretty?”

“I don’t care how my looks is right now, I just want all this to end real fast”I frowned at myself in the mirror.

“Gosh, when did you become a kill joy”she scoffed.

“Anyway, I saw this in your laundry some days ago”she said and showed me a headband.


My eyes beamed when I recognized it to be Darrel’s band.

He gave this to me on the day I fainted.

Oh, my.

And to say it actually match with my outfit ☺️.

I collected it from her and dipped it in my hair.

I looked at the mirror again and a small smile crept up in my face.

“You look more adoring”Sam gasped out and I grinned.

Now, to the show.


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