Domineering Billionaire’s Maid(BDSM-Erotica)

Chapter 103 Truth Revealed

Mia’s P. O. V.

After seeing Edward enter the mansion alongside Alexander, I quickly make my way to my room.

Why did Alexander decide to release Edward from jail and bring him here? What is going on in his mind? Should I inform Alice about this?

No, informing Alice might only frighten her if she finds out Edward is no longer in prison.

After a short while, a message arrives from an unfamiliar number.

Unknown Number: Hi, Mia. It’s Edward.

My brows narrow in confusion. God! Why is this monster texting me?

I choose to ignore his message, placing my phone to the side before lying down on the bed to sleep.

As my phone chimes again after a few moments, I pick it up to check the notification. It turns out to be another message from Edward.

What does he want from me?

I finally open his texts.

Edward: I’m sorry. Mia, I’m guilty of what I have done with you in the past. I wanted to come to you and apologise, but couldn’t gather the courage. I understand my words can never erase the pain I’ve caused you and your friend. However, fate has allowed me to apologise, and that’s why I’m reaching out. I know you may find it hard to believe me, but I’m genuinely tormented by the inhumane things I’ve done. I’ll never be able to forgive myself for those actions.

Edward: I’m sorry, Mia. I promise I won’t disturb anyone ever again.

My emotions swirl as I read his unexpected message. Could this apology be genuine?

Despite my doubts, I decide to respond.

Me: Edward, your message is unexpected. Apologies can’t erase the pain, but if you truly want to make amends, then prove it through your actions. Leave me and those around me in peace.

As I hit the send button, a heavy silence fills the room, loaded with memories I’ve attempted to suppress.

I can never forgive him for the pain he inflicted on me and Alice.

As I walk to the kitchen to drink water, passing Edward’s room, I stop on the track, hearing his screams. I look inside through the window, and my eyes widen in horror as I see him cutting his hand with a knife.

Why am feeling hurt after seeing him in pain? He deserves what he is doing with himself.

Ignoring him, I come to the kitchen.

The image of Edward cutting his hand with the knife continues to haunt me as I sip water in the dimly lit kitchen.

My legs automatically take me to his room. I open the door and grasp his hand to stop him. He looks at me, taken aback by my unexpected presence.

“Wh-what are you do-doing here?” His lips quiver as he enquires.

“Don’t hurt yourself.” These words automatically slip out of my mouth, and his eyes widen in shock.

“I hurt everyone with cruelty. Why do you care?” As he asks, his lips quiver with pain.

“I don’t know.” I shake my head, clueless.

He turns his back to me. “Please go from here. I’m a monster, and I’ll punish myself for my deeds.”

Despite the pain he caused me and Alice, something is haunting me, witnessing his self-inflicted suffering. I feel a pang of empathy, even though my mind tells me he deserves it.

I take a deep breath and suggest. “If you truly want to make amends, Edward, punishing yourself like this won’t undo the past. Instead, channel that remorse into something positive for the world. Help others, do good deeds, and maybe, just maybe, you can find a way to redeem yourself.”

He turns to face me, his eyes filled with anguish and disbelief. “You still believe there’s a chance for redemption?”

I nod. “Yes. But it won’t be easy, and it won’t be quick. You must prove your honesty through actions that benefit others. That’s the only way.”

He contemplates my words for a moment before lowering the knife. “Maybe you’re right. I don’t know if I deserve forgiveness, but I owe it to those I’ve hurt. I’ll find Alice’s aunt at any cost. Maybe this will lessen my guilt.”

Listening to his words, my brows narrow in confusion. “Alice’s Aunt? What are you talking about? Where is she?”

“My father kidnapped her because he thought Alice separated his sons.” As he tells me, my eyes dilate in shock and I palm my mouth.

He continues, “he blackmailed Alexander to bring me back home and throw Alice out of the house.”

That’s why Alexander rejected Alice’s marriage proposal. Shit! I have to inform Alice about this.

I rush out of his room to my room to call Alice.


Alice’s P. O. V.

I toss around the bed, trying to sleep, but can’t because I’m habitual of sleeping in Alexander’s warm embrace. I miss him, and I know he must be feeling the same way, longing for my touch and the comforting warmth we share.

Why, Alexander, why are you making both of us suffer like this?

I pull out of my thoughts as my phone rings. I retrieve it from the side table and glance at the phone’s screen.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

It’s Mia calling.

Why is she calling me at this late hour? I hope everything is alright with Alexander.

“Hello.” I answer the call.

“Alice, I found out the reason behind Alexander throwing you out of his life.”

After listening to her words, I ask in an instant. “What is it, Mia?”

“His father kidnapped Aunt Rose and blackmailed him to do all this.” She reveals the truth, leaving me in shock.

“Oh, God! How could he do such a thing? I hope Aunt is safe. We must find her, Mia.” I speak, worried for Aunt Rose.

“Don’t worry, Alexander won’t let anything happen to her.” She assures me, but I feel like crying.

“She is suffering because of me.” Warm tears trickle down my cheeks as I speak.

“It’s not your fault, Alice. For God’s sake, stop blaming yourself for every goddamn thing.” She chides me.

“I’m scared, Mia.” As I admit, a sob escapes my lips.

She tries to relax me. “Take a deep breath, Alice. Everything will be alright. Send me your location, I’m on my way.”

“No, please stay there and keep me updated.” I reply before ending the call, silently shedding tears.

I need you, Alexander, to assure me that everything will be alright.

As I call him, he ignores it, and my chest becomes heavy with pain.

Desperate to communicate with him, I immediately send a text message.

Me: I know you’re doing this to protect Aunt.

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