Dirty Seduction

Chapter 71


It’s strange to wake up in such a big bed, but there’s so much more room for stretching out. I kick out my legs and enjoy the space, and Nick is right beside me with a quiet smile on his face.

“Morning, sleepyhead.” “Morning, Nick.” Nick.

It’s going to take some getting used to. How funny, how things change. We’ve been on a rollercoaster, him and I. It climbed so high so fast, and then it tumbled, so scary as the train sped over the drop. But we’re still on the rails, and somehow I think we’ll be climbing even higher this time.

It’s late, I can tell by the light at the window. I take in the surroundings, and it’s nice in here, in his space. I like it.

I look at the bedside cabinet on my side and wonder what I’ll fill it with. I wonder which wardrobe I’ll hang my clothes in, and if it would be appropriate to bring Mr Ted in here too.

“Are you hungry?” he asks.

I shake my head, and I’m not today. I’m not.

I stroke his face, my thumb brushing over his shadowy stubble, and I want him so much it makes my toes curl.

“I know that expression,” he tells me and kisses my fingers.

And I know his.

I’m coming to know everything. Every one of his smiles.

And his frowns. I’ve seen a few of those now too.

He kisses me and his lips are soft and warm. His tongue is gentle today, tasting me so slowly. I breathe into him and tangle my fingers in his hair, my legs reaching for his, my knee hooking under and guiding him close.

It feels so natural, the way he moves, positioning himself above me with his weight on his elbows. I hook my ankles around his calves, and my body knows how this works now. It knows how to tip my hips just right and how to shift myself underneath him.

He’s so hard, rubbing himself just right, the length of him pressed just where I need him.

But I don’t want it like this today. I want it to be different. New.

I smile as I push my hand to his chest, loving the way his eyes show such surprise as I wriggle out from under him and urge him to move.

Nick looks so different on his back, his cock so proud as I work it in my fingers.

I suck him, and he groans. He raises his arms and rests them behind his head, and his legs part so willingly.

He’s mine.

And today this is my show, my way.

It feels amazing to be in control.

Kelly Anne was wrong about sex, just like she was wrong about so many things I took her word on.

To be sexy doesn’t mean you have to wear a short skirt and bright red lipstick. It doesn’t mean you have to do a striptease or put on some epic performance.

It just means being confident. Being yourself.

Being sexy means being me.

And today I want to be me. I’m good enough for Nick to love me, and that makes me good enough for me too.

I’ve never been on top before. It feels so alien to straddle him, but I like it.

I play with my clit and he watches without moving. His eyes are dark, but not fierce, even though he lets out the same low groan as I position his cock and lower myself onto him.

I move just as I want to, my hips circling and my little tits bouncing just as much as they can bounce, and the pressure inside builds so easily this way.

It feels amazing.

Everything feels amazing.

“Beautiful,” he says, and I feel it. I do feel beautiful, so exposed and on display.

I lean forward and kiss him, and the angle is just right. It must be right for him too, because his breath is fast and ragged, and his hips thrust right back at me.

“Fuck,” he groans. “Fuck, Laine, that feels incredible.”

I know it does. It feels perfect. Perfect enough that my movements are frantic and my thighs are tense.

I’m going to come, and I know that, but it’s different. This feels different.

Bigger and deeper and… And fuck.


Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I don’t know if I’ve said it aloud and I don’t care. My senses are fried, my nerves sparking like crazy, and my whole fucking body shudders.

And then he comes too.

And I feel it. I feel it so well in this position.

I did it.

I did it all and I’m so proud.

He pulls me into his arms and holds me tight, and I giggle. I can’t stop giggling.

He holds me until I’m quiet, and then he brushes the hair from my forehead and stares at me with eyes that let me know he enjoyed it as much as I did.

“You must be hungry now,” he says.


I REFUSE to express an opinion until Laine has whittled her dress choice down to three. I want it to be her decision, exactly the dress she wants.

She’s surprised me, but that in itself isn’t surprising. She’s always surprising me.

Her three choices are so grown up. Tasteful gowns in dark colors, rich navy, or mulled wine.

I can hardly contain myself as she slips into the dressing room to try them on, and when she steps out in the blue dress I lose the power of speech.

She does take my breath away.

“I like it,” she tells me. “I like it a lot.” She smiles. “I think I love it.”

She does a twirl and the fabric swishes. It’s highlighted with diamante, tiny little stones that look like stars in a night sky.

“I think I love it, too,” I tell her. “Very much.” I sigh. “You look gorgeous, Laine.”

“This is the dress,” she says. “I just know it.”

She turns around for my help with the zip, and it’s so nice to brush my fingers down her spine.

“Then we’d better go pay for it,” I say.

I’VE NEVER BEEN SO proud as I am to have my beautiful Laine on my arm at the Christmas party.

Her eyes are still bright and shining with innocent wonder, but my little girl isn’t a little girl, not with her makeup on.

She’s most certainly a young woman this evening.

Michael French hands her a glass of champagne and nudges me to convey his approval.

“I’ve heard so much,” he tells her. “All good, of course.”

“I’m so pleased to meet you,” she says, and she means it, I can tell.

“This is my wife, Barbara, and my daughter Caroline.” I smile as warmly as she does, and it thrills me as Caroline strikes up a conversation.

Maybe they really could be friends.

I’d like my sweet Laine to have nice friends.

“THEY’RE SO NICE!” she gushes and lands a kiss on my cheek. “Caroline said she’s here for weeks until she’s back at uni, suggested we go to theirs for their Boxing Day party.”

“Would you like that?”

She nods. “I’d love that. I love meeting your friends, Nick.”

I’m certain they love meeting her, too. Penny Mike, and Trevor from IT. So many people I’ve seen every day and given no thought to whatsoever.

That’s all going to change.

I’m going to change. Hell, we’ve changed so much already, Laine and I.

I think there’ll be plenty of new developments this coming year, not least the little bump Laine seems eager to have in her belly.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

We’ve talked about it properly, just like we should have done before I unloaded my cum into her pussy at every opportunity.

She’s young, but not that young, and I’m certainly not getting any younger myself.

I still want to be able to do everything good fathers do.

I want to trek through the countryside with our butterfly nets and be there for them until they’re plenty old enough to take care of themselves. I have time, but it’s ticking.

THE NECKLACE IS A SLY little test. I present it in its sweet little box and watch her expression as I open it.

The disappointment is only fleeting, but it’s there.

A necklace, not a ring.

But it’s beautiful, and the thinks so too.

“Oh, Nick… Oh my God…”

“A diamond for my sweetheart,” I tell her, and step behind her to fasten it around her neck. “I can’t take the credit,” I admit. “Penny chose it. You’ll have to thank her for her excellent taste.”

“I’m thanking you,” she says. “I’ll show you how much I love it later.” And then she heads off to find Penny.

Her newfound confidence amazes me.

Everything about her amazes me.

Somehow I think Barbara French really will need to be buying a hat for our big day.

And soon.

Very soon.

I can’t wait until my sweet little Laine Seabourne is sweet little Laine Lynch.

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