Daisy’s Secret Crush

Back To Home.

***Daisy’s POV.***

After that incident, I took two days off from work. Then I joined the work and applied for my resignation.

At first, Amelia was shocked and refused to give me a good reference, but I had already decided. She finally accepted it and I contacted my Dad about my moving back home news.

“You are coming back.” Dad says, and I can sense his smile while he talks.

“Yes. I am tired of only seeing you guys once a year. And also I miss you. I can do whatever I want to achieve there only.” I say.

“Your Mom is literally dancing with joy. Talk with her.” Dad says and next, I hear Mom’s laughter.

“Oh, my baby is going to be back. I am so happy. I will send your Dad to help you pack up. I wish I could come, but I am busy with a friend’s function.” She says.

“That’s okay, Mom. Enjoy.” I say.

After I hang up, I focus on my work as I want to be done with at least my client’s designs. I want to be done with all of this as soon as possible.

As it is the month of February, by the end of it I would be back home, as that is my plan. I get lots of help from my colleagues with my work.

After two weeks, I was busy packing. Dad arrives in the third week of February as Lily, who married Ryan, gave birth to a boy after the second week.

“How is my little princess?” He asks as soon as he enters the apartment.

“I am not a little princess anymore, Dad.” I say with a smile.

“For me, you will always be my little princess. So, how far along are you done with packing?” He asks.Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

“Almost there.” I say and go to bring water for him.

“Tell me honestly, dear.” Dad says as I come out.

“What?” I ask.

“What exactly changed your mind so suddenly?” Dad asks as he looks at me like he always used to do when I faced some problem and hid it from him.

“Nothing.” I say.

“Don’t lie, dear.” Dad says.

“I had a minor accident two weeks ago.” I say, and Dad’s eyes widen in shock.

“What?” He asks.

“There is nothing to worry about. I just got a slight bump here, and it was not bad.” I say pointing my head, “But I realised something when I got out of all that.”

“What?” Dad asks as he takes me in his arms and makes me sit on the couch.

“That life is unpredictable, Dad. There is no room for redo or regret in it. You don’t get a second chance easily. And if you do get it, take it. So, I decided to move back home and finally do what I love the most. I want to open my own interior designing business. So, next time I won’t have regrets in my heart while something like this happens.” I say and lay my head on his shoulder.

“I was like that too, Poppy. When I took a break from the military, I met your mother. I didn’t realise I was in love with her until my life was in danger. The first thing I did after taking voluntary retirement was to ask her to marry me. I, too, didn’t want the regret of not spending an amazing life with her. And with you.” Dad says and kisses my head.

“I know that I don’t say this much, but I love you so much.” I say and hug him.

“I know more than your mother. But don’t tell her that.” He says and I chuckle.

That night, Dad and I went out for dinner and he bought it. We talk about what happened till now with the Andersons and I smile when I hear how Lily has been accepted in the family like she belonged to it.

Well, the Anderson family is like that only. They accept people so easily if you show little love and respect. After his early retirement, my father started working for Richard as his security head and has protected him many times.

But more than that, they are the bestest of friends. As my mother was a nanny for Ryan and Theo, Dad met her there on a vacation. They clicked right away and Mom still says that Dad was the only guy in her life she accepted because he treated her right.

My Mom lectured me when I turned 16 that I should never take less than what I deserve. I should not have too many high standards, but I should also not settle for anything.

Patience is a virtue only few can achieve and when you achieve it, it is harder to maintain it. I still don’t get what she said.

Richard sent his private jet for us when he came to know I was coming back. Even though I denied it, he just told me that he sending the jet for his friend and his daughter if not for his goddaughter.

The movers already moved the little stuff I had to jet and Dad and I were ready to be back home. I was feeling excited to be back, and I have been planning a lot for my new business.

But first, I need to plan everything beforehand. I can’t just jump right into such a big thing blindly.

A business needs a showcase first. Even though I have pictures of my work as a portfolio. I have to make an impression in New York by designing a house if possible for someone well known.

After that, I can get investors and while designing a project, I can also find a good place to hire for things I would need. Then, obviously, I have to find a place where I can hire people to work there.

I also had to find ways to promote my business and find a good name for it. There are so many things to do and I feel more excited than nervous.

I don’t know how all of this will happen, but I will do my best to make it happen.

Well, that question was answered when I landed in America. I got the first project without even asking for it.

Dad and I go straight to Ryan’s new house, as everybody is there nowadays to help the new mother. Mom waits for us at the door and as soon as I am out of the car, she makes a run for me and so do I.

“I missed you so much, my baby.” Mom says and peppers my face with kisses.

“I missed you too, my sweetest mother.” I say and hug her again.

“What about me? Nobody missed me, I think.” Dad says with a pout and Mom goes towards me after rolling her eyes.

“Well, why would I not miss the big papa bear? Come here.” She says and hugs him, and Dad winks at me.

I shake my head and look at the door to see Heather coming out. She smiles at me and we hug each other.

“You have grown up so much and are even more beautiful than before.” She says.

“Thanks. You haven’t changed a day either. What’s the secret?” I ask her and she chuckles.

“My love, dear. My love is the secret that she looks so young.” Richard says as he comes out.

“Don’t try to take credit for my beauty. It is all my effort.” She says.

“But who do you maintain it for?” Richard asks with a smirk and raises his brows.

“Obviously my employees, so that they won’t think I am too old to handle my business and also now for my grandson, so he would think I am way more beautiful than you.” Heather says.

“You win.” He says and turns to me to give me a hug and say, “I am glad you are back, dear. Come.”

We all enter the house and the first thing I notice is it is big and bare. Not much of the furniture or decoration is done. It feels like they just moved in a week ago.

“I know what you are thinking.” Heather says, “Ryan gifted this house to Lily after the baby was here. They just moved in a week ago and much work has yet to be done. We were initially here to help for that but then Lily needed more help with the baby as she was new to this and still hasn’t gotten over her baby blues that a new mother faces.”

“Remember yours?” Richard asks with a smile.

“Don’t remind me of that time. I was a mess when Ryan was born, but it got better with Theo and Noah.” Heather says as she sighs.

“Not much. Every mother has an instinct, but that doesn’t mean she can’t ask for help. She should rest as much as the baby does.” Ricard says, and I nod.

When we get in, I see a young couple. The man is leaning over the woman, who looks a bit tired. I recognise them easily, as only Ryan is going to get married. Ryan looks up and smiles at me. I always had considered him as my big brother as he always looked after me like that.

“Daisy, how have you been?” Ryan says and hugs me, then whispers in my ear, “Offer to help my wife with the home. You can design it however you like. Please.”

From up close, he looks a bit stressed and I say, “Okay. What about you?”

He sighs in relief and says, “Good. Come, I will introduce you to my fiance, Lily.”

“I know you. Wyatt showed me your pictures. You look more beautiful than them, especially your hair.” Lily says with a tired smile.

“You too are very beautiful.” I say.

“Don’t joke, I look tired.” She says.

“But beautiful no less.” Ryan says and sits beside her.

“We will be off. You guys talk.” Richard says.

“Yes. We have to attain an event.” Heather says and we say goodbye to them.

“Why don’t you both rest? Adam is taking a nap, Viola. And I would be fine on my own for now, as Ryan is here.” Lily says to my parents, who nod and leave, then she turns to me and says, “You too, Daisy.”

“Sure. But before I leave, I noticed that you just moved in and have yet to design the home.” I say.

“Yes. I have been trying to find designers who can understand what I want to say. But I don’t know what they say half of the time and half of the time they only talk to Ryan. Like he knows everything about the house. No offence, dear.” Lily says, and she seems irritated.

“None taken. But that doesn’t mean you take the task yourself.” Ryan says.

“Ryan is right. You just had gone through labour and your body needs time to rest. Also, right now your focus should be Adam, whom I would love to meet. And about the interior decoration of your house, I think I could help you with it.” I say and try to say the right words, which won’t irritate her more.

“But how could I ask you something like that when you just came here? I can’t do that.” Lily complains.

“Look Lily, this is more about me than you. I am selfish. I want to start my own business and I was trying to find a project to design here to get a reputation. But that doesn’t mean I will make this into some kind of project. I will make this the home you want. Every decision would be yours but I would be the one to bring those tools to you so it would get easy for you.” I say and Lily nods.

“If it is from a business view, then why not? Give me a small picture of what my home could be in a week and we can decide after that. Would that be okay?” She asks.

“I don’t have time.” I say.

“Oh okay. Then two weeks?” She asks.

“I mean to say I don’t have time to waste. So I will give you some blueprint in two or three days. Would that be okay?” I ask, and a big smile comes to her face.

“That would be perfect. I want this house to look perfect in two months. So, when Ryan, Adam and I come back after our wedding and honeymoon, it will not feel empty.” She says.

“Then consider it done by me.” I say and she hugs Ryan, who in turn mouths thank you to me.

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