
Chapter 13

Chapter 13 


The first time I watched Fast and Furious on the 

piece of crap Tv I had back then, the movie 

franchise had thrilled me. 

The car chases, the gun scenes, the totally 

impossible stunts that were out of this world but nonetheless made the world seem like it could be 


I’m not denying I watched the movies because of Vin Diesel or The Rock but somehow those 

movies made me dream. 

Made me dream that maybe if I wasn’t a nurse barely have finished my residence, in some alternate world I would have been a spy or some cool badass chick running from the cops in street cars and all that. 

Well right now? 

After having bullets fired on top of me and men dying faster than candles on a disastrous Tinder date around me, I realized that the Fast and Furious movies lied. 

Getting shot at wasn’t fun. 

Negotiating with Russian men who looked more like the Russian mob wasn’t in any way thrilling 


Chapter 18 

or all of that spy espionage the movies preached about.. 

And lastly whatever Vin Diesel or Dominic 

Toretto did with his cars didn’t apply with cars of 

this century or of the real world. 

Not at all they didn’t. 

I’m not going to lie that the whole night had 

caught me by surprise. 

I’m also not going to lie and say Christian Volkov 

didn’t save me today. 

Because he did. He shot men without blinking without even telling me to get off of him because I was slowing him down. 

Granted this whole night was his fault but after some slash of bad luck, I thought said bad luck wouldn’t catch up to us. 

But it did. 

One minute my hands were shaking against the car seats, my head leaning against the passenger window and the next minute… 

I don’t know when I realized we were goners. 

Maybe it was when I asked, 

“Do you see them? The black SUV behind us? I–I think they are following us.” 

Volkov didn’t answer which was strange. 

Chapter 13 

He liked ignoring me but he should have said something. Anything 

The next time I called his name, Christian’s eyes were already half closed. The hold he had on the steering wheel was already weak leaving me the totally confused driver with the out–of–control 


I didn’t get to touch the steering wheel because the SUV following us picked up speed and in mere seconds, they were driving side to side with us against the slick tarmac covered by sleet. 


My attempts to wake Christian up only grew. 


The next time my lips parted to scream Christian’s name, the SUV rammed into us swerving us off the road, all the way to the snow, all the way until the car overturned, until my screams sounded like hollow wails and my eyes. flashed before my eyes. 

And when life flashed before my eyes all I could think of was of my baby girl. 

My baby girl. 

Jey liquid hits my cheek, the smell of oil burning. with something dastardly like metal flogs the air and assaults my lungs

Chapter 13 

My throat stings in pain and the urge to exhale the air chokes me. 

My eyelids flutter open in panic as I cough out liquid after liquid that looks red in the snow, 

Oh God. 

Pain bites every part of my body like termites. feasting on nearly dead flesh. Every vessel in my body feels like it’s working overtime in trying to keep my heart alive and beating in the middle of all the freezing cold. 

I cough some more. More blood expels from my mouth tainting the white snow. 

As soon as the realization that I’m coughing up blood hits me in the chest, my hands meet the snow underneath and I attempt to stand. 


“Your leg was jammed up pretty badly, Little Nurse. Any attempt to walk on it risks you never 

walking again and I don’t need to be a nurse to 

know that.” 

My eyes follow his voice. 

Volkov. Alive, definitely with torn clothes but 


He stands before me, his back to me, 

ahead of what is in front of us. 

his eyes 

I look around too, memories of what happened This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.


Chapter 13 

assault every working cell in my brain. 

No. No. No. 

“We had an accident. Those jerks they…ran us off the road. You were unconscious. I thought we were…how?” 

How am I sitting on snow? 

How am I alive? 

How is he standing? 

“Thought I was dead too. Turns out Dante Keaton isn’t a coward after all. Bastard spiked the wine with sedatives instead of poison.” 

I don’t understand half of the things leaving his 


My heart is lurching all the way to my stomach as I examine everything around us. And everything 

around us? 

Yeah, it’s snow alright.. 

Miles and miles of snow and up ahead the only thing I see is trees that are too frozen with icicles to provide any warmth. 

We are in the middle of nowhere Russia. 

Millie. What’ll happen to… 

“Where’s the car Vicious? What happened to the 

His hand stretches out and he points in the east 


Chapter 13 


What happened to the car? It exploded. Its smoke can be seen like a beacon from outer space itself. 

I start to panic. My nerves turn erratic. 

I never liked snow. I don’t like Russia either. I don’t like the man who’s not facing me either. 

“Y–You did this! Your stupid plan with Demetrius, Duncan whatever his name is, caused all of this! 

And now we are stranded in the middle of 

nowhere. Do you not understand how much trouble we are in right now? Right after I begged 

you not to come to Russia? 

You’ve handled situations like this, maybe a 

million times but I haven’t. You might want to die but I don’t because I have someone waiting for 

  1. me. I should have never agreed to any of this.” 

The tears I’ve held back since Demetri and his ‘you are coming with me‘ words hit me come flowing down my cheeks. 

I would have already been dead if someone didn’t 

start the shootout. 

Demetri would have chopped me to pieces but it doesn’t matter now, does it? 

I’m already dead. Here in this ice desert with this ice–stoned heart douchebag. 

My eyes are on the snow, on my leg that has a 



Chapter 13 

gnashing cut that stings. 

A second later the snow on the ground in front of me gets colored by drops and drops of blood as Vicious squats in front of me. 

His icy hand clutches my chin, leveling my eyes 

ath his fierce ones 

“Calm your frozen titties down because no one is dying. Well except me if you don’t remove this crappy metal off my shoulder. little Nurse.” 

Shrapnel a piece of the car itself is lodged inside his left shoulder. The blood surrounding it makes 

it worse. 

I gasp before I even ask what’s obvious. 

“You got injured 

Teah, no shit I need you to take it out.” 

Take it out Taking it out means him bleeding our and I don’t even know how deep it’s lodged in 


You’ll bleed a lot if I do.” 

“A line blood never hurt anyone. 

“Are you seriously quoting the worst line ever said by men when you have a piece of metal matured in your shoulder? A little blood will hurt you. You’ll lose a lot of blood if I cake it out! 

Be sures at me like I spit in his Ervente cigar 

Chapter 13 

holder. Then he takes a few steps away from me gazing down at me like I’m a pest. 

The man doesn’t think for a second, doesn’t even breathe in preparation for what he’s doing; his right hand clutches the shrapnel and he pulls it out in one go smirking. 

Smirking at me? At the pain? At the situation? 

“Can’t carry you with a shrapnel on my shoulder. Let’s hope for both our sakes I don’t bleed to death before we reach the safe house.” 

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