Claimed By The Don

Chapter 19

“Eleanor, what do you think about this color.” Lola ask Ava’s mother, showing her the samples in her her. Eleanor look from the album to what Lola is showing her, They have been sitting there for almost an hour still trying to choose a color for the wedding reception theme.

The color Lola points is white, it’s indeed beautiful with the decorations in the photo. But Eleanor knew her daughter well enough, She remembers how Ava won’t stop talking about how her wedding day will be. What designs and color she would use, how she was going to wear a Tira to make her look like a princess. Eleanor only regret is that Ava isn’t doing this out of will, she is being force to do it to keep them safe.

That’s why she promised herself to make this wedding a remarkable one for her child, that is the only reason she had come to help with the wedding plans. She stare at the photo Lola held out for her to see and shook her head, The white is beautiful, it radiates purity but it’s not what Ava wants.

“I think we should use the silver one, Ava had always wanted her wedding decorations to be silver since child” Eleanor said.

“Oh really? I’ll like to know everything Ava wanted for her wedding” Lola chirped excitedly.

Hearing this, Eleanor brighten up equally excited to talk her daughter’s dream wedding. Alex who has been sitting opposite both women groan dreading to listen to them talk about his sister’s childish dream wedding, he stood up and walk out off the back door to the big patio. His mother eyed him, then held Lola’s hand drawing her attention back to her and they continue their talk.

Alex release a furstration growl when the call went to voicemail again, this had to be the twentieth time he has been trying to reach his girlfriend. She must be mad at him for not telling him before leaving, he had stood her up on the date they were supposed to go on. But it was not his fault, it was sudden and his mind had been clouded with anger towards Vincenzo, and wasn’t thinking straight at that time.

Vincenzo had called their home and invited them to come and help with the planning, he figured they would know what Ava would want to have in her wedding. Vincenzo had said a car would come to take them to the airport, but Eleanor strongly refused, stating clearly that they are capable of transporting themselves.

Alex didn’t want to be anywhere near the man that is forcing his sister to marry him, but couldn’t leave the remaining two ladies in his life to walk into danger by themselves. He knew Vincenzo is a dangerous and ruthless man and won’t blink before putting bullet in anyone’s head, For the sake of his peace of mind, he followed them.

But that didn’t justify him, he could have spared a minute to call her and text her. But he didn’t and left her to go there and waited hours until now, and now she’s not even answering.

The car stopped in front the Alfonso’s Mansion, Ava came down and marched to the porch with Vincenzo hot on her tail. She was still upset about the two months of leave from school, she would miss alot of activities and won’t catch up to her class that easily.

Two months is just too much, what were they going to do with so much time. Go relaxing in the beach? or exploring the world when she could be in school. Why not two weeks or even a month aleast, but two whole month that’s plain too much.

Vincenzo gripped her wrist before she could reach for the handle of the door, he turn her around to face him and cupped her cheek caressing it softly. His eyes search her’s, trying to read her mind.

“What’s wrong, you look unhappy.” He pulled her gently to himself, holding her in his embrace. He watched her as she unconsciously lean on his chest, his heart swell with Joy seeing the woman he loved slowly growing feeling for him. But the raging fire is still in her eyes.

She must be upset with me, he thought to himself.

“Are you still upset at me for requesting leave for you?” He frown, for the first time he let an expression pass his tough exterior, he look genuinely confused.

Ava was dazed for a second just staring at his confused expression, His face went blank successfully snapping Ava out of her daze.

“That’s not it, well it’s one of it but I honestly don’t care about that right now” She breath out a bit harsh. “It’s just….. The two months is too much” Her voice became low as she said the last part.

“I wouldn’t be able to catch up.”

“You don’t need to catch up.” He said kissing her temple, he adores her devotion to her studies. He adores everything about her, and when she’s angry or mad she’s hot, it’s a huge turn on for him.

“Why not,” She was confused, of course she needs to catch if she wants to pass her second semester exam. He smiled at her, she’s naive to the power he owes.

She won’t if even attend class but she would still pass her exams, her GPA would be the highest.

He open the door and pull her with him into the huge living room, She gasped when she saw who is sitting beside her future mother inlaw talking none stop.

Ava p. o. v

“Mom?” I called more like ask, she paused mid talking and turn to me, her contagious smile brighten up putting a smile on my face.

“Come here baby girl,” Mom beckoned me over. Vince released my hand from his grip and I walk over to them. I kissed my mom on the check before sitting between them.

“We were just discussing about the wedding plans, and your mom was just filling me in on what you wanted as a child” Mrs Alfonso said, followed by fits of giggles from both women.

“Mom!” I shriek horrified, those were just my childhood wistful thinking, they laugh more.

“Go get ready Ava, we are going shopping for your wedding gown” Mom said.

“Can we go tomorrow after I come back from school?”

“You are not going to school tomorrow.” Vince cut in shocking me, I glare at him. He isn’t even look up from his phone, I felt like throwing something at him.

This is so not over.

“Tomorrow then,” Mrs Alfonso said breaking my death glare from her son.

I just nod.

“Mom where’s Alex.” I know my brother well enough to know he won’t let Mom come here on her own, he’s my little brother but he like to think of himself as our father.

“He went through that door.”

I walk towards him, he look somewhat angry. I hugged him from behind, he didn’t tense up or anything, he knew the only people that can hug him like this.

“Hey sis,” he said without turning back.

“What’s up, you seemed bothered”

“Yeah, Gabby isn’t taking my calls.” He said, just like that I lost interest. I’m not gonna ask what happened because I’m still trying to figure out my own problem, relationship can be stressful. That’s why I had stayed clear of it.

“Is Grace here too?” I said switching the topic.

“She’s in the kitchen” He hummed.

“Good luck solving your…. whatever that is,” I said walking out, to the direction of the kitchen.

I arrived at the kitchen, after some confused turn, a maid directed me. I saw Grace and Marco sitting by the island, with Marco mushing on a plate of fruit salad.

“Why aren’t you in school” Grace ask, I stood by the door watching them.

“Dad said my Mom is coming today, I want to see her when she comes that’s why.” Marco replied after swallowing the fruit in his mouth.

“Is your Mom not staying with you?” Grace probe.

“No, but dad said she will soon start staying with us” Marco answered, he made a thinking face as if figuring something out. This kid just keeps melting my heart, I can’t help but love him.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Maybe, just maybe having a step son won’t be bad.

“Who is your dad anyway”

“My Dad? He’s handsome, tall, scary and has big muscles. He is my Mr incredible” There is a spark in his eyes as he talked about his Dad, They must have a strong father and son bond between them. It has come to my notice, any time Vince spoke to Marco, his tone is slightly softer. it’s hard to detect, but you would hear it when you listen in.

That is just so cute of them.

“MOM!” Marco called, he climbed down from his stool, his little arms wrapped around my waist.

“Hey, you wanted to see me?” He nods.

I ruffled his hair.

“Ava, you are his Mom?” I would be shock too, if I was in her place.

“That made me his Aunt” She grimace but grinned. “From now on you have to call me Aunt because your Mom is my big sister” she told Marco who just shrug.

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