Chosen By The Moon

Chapter 0337

Chapter 0337

Chapter 0337

Dylan POV.

“That is my plan anyway…” I stated while sitting opposite alpha Dalton, as he pondered the words that left my lips. I could also feel Oliver’s intense gaze on the back of my head and couldn’t help but feel curious about what facial expressions he was pulling.

Alpha Dalton, simply sat behind his desk, his hand stroking his bearded chin lightly in contemplation at my proposition.

“So this election, would have people pooled from candidates nominated by the citizens?” I nodded my head and sighed, feeling the weight of everything, and already knowing that it was only the beginning. “It’s a good plan, fair and equal.” He finally spoke as he met my eye line. “Now let me ask, what would you do if ultimately your are chosen to sit the throne? I imagine you already have a number of people who would be willing to place your name at the top of the ballot, and you have made it very clear that you are not interested in… “I cut him off, already fed up with everyone’s expectations.

“Its true… I don’t want to be the leader of an entirely new world, and I never asked for people to lean on me or my ideals, I didn’t care if people agreed with me or not, but people did, and then they decided that I was the joan of arc of the rebellion, it’s the hand I’ve been dealt. If I’m picked then I’ll do what I can, I will lead the way everyone seems to want me to, but I’m only going to do that if the people that expect me to sacrifice my life can do the same for the life they want.” I finally blew up, explaining everything that was going on inside my head. “If you want a world were you don’t have to look over your shoulder for st ng compassion towards humans, then it’s your choice to fight for it. I’m not the creator of the rebellion, it had started long before I was even discovered.”


“You’re right, the rebellion didn’t start with you, but you could very well. be its end, and it’s triumph.” The alpha sighed, placing his hands on his desk and nodded his head. “If we win the battle, I have every intention of electing you as our sole ruler. If you accept my nomination, then you may have my pack… and our human district.”

One pack down, 6 more to go. I thought to myself as I nodded my head in exasperation. I held my hand out to alpha Dalton and smiled tightly when he shook it. Our business deal had been closed.

There really was no turning back, the more packs we got involved the better things were for us, and it seemed like my compliance was the only reason packs were getting involved. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I walked through the gardens of alpha Daltons pack house and sighed, taking in the banana shaped moon, and all the stars that littered the sky.

“Your plan…” I heard and turned quickly to find Oliver looking at me, our clothes had been changed into comfortable lounge wear for the night, and although a pair of boots still rested on his feet, mine were bare beneath the grass. “It’s well thought out.” He spoke walking up to stand next to me as I shifted my gaze from him back to the moon. above me. “You do actually have quite a sound mind.” His admittance caused a small smile to form on my lips, while I felt his gaze meet the side of my face. I just sighed, not finding the words to respond to his comment, and so instead, I let my gaze stay firmly on the sky, taking in the warm night air.

“It’s a beautiful night… I’m sorry you got dragged away from Vee for my sake.” Oliver chuckled and looked up to the sky above.

“And Just when I thought I’d notten rid of you.” He chuckled

awkwardly sitting down on one of the concrete walls of the large flower beds. “Look, I know I’m not exactly your favorite person, but believe it or not, I am here to help.”

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