Chapter 29

The date II

Elina stare at the mirror, she was wearing a contact lens. Ezra had left with a promise to come take her for treatment in the hospital. She touched the lines around her eyes with her fingertips. She wouldn’t get to use glasses anymore. She would be free at least.

She smiled and stare down at herself on the mirror.

“What I’m gonna wear for the date.”

“It’s not your date ms. It’s for the master and his fiancé. You’re dressing like the rest of us.”

“In pantsuit?”


Sambas replied, eating the pie.

“That’s absurd.”

“Isn’t everything absurd to you.”

“I can’t wear that.”

“What were you gonna wear, sexy gown, wore makeup. Huh? Come of it Elina. You get to do that when you’re going on your own date.”

She strode to the bed. And sat down.

“Does that mean, I’ve gotten a job already and the one I got is the job of a bodyguard.”

“Isn’t that much better. What other job where you thinking of.”

“Assisting Buka. I mean he’s the only one doing, I good with serving..” the last word was quite low.

Sambas chuckled.

“Very good with serving.”

“At least that’s the one I’ve been doing.”

“Maybe he has his reasons why he asked you to come. I don’t know, he might give you the job of assisting Buka because of how delicate you’re.”

“So there’s a reason why he’s asking me to come with you guys.”

“Seems like it.”

“How about you ask him what I’m gonna wear. What if we’re going on another mission like the first one.”

“I don’t know.”

“Tsk, you’re such a waste, I can never get any info from you. Go, just go. Dropped the pie and get out.”

“Are you mad?”

“You’re a waste. Go away. I need to rest.”

She lay on the bed and shut her eyes.

“I really need a swap, Aziel would have been better and sure if you stay a day beside the monster he would have your head as dinner.” “Did you just call him monster.”


“That’s is name.”

Sambas chuckled.

“You’ve guts you know. You should be lucky it’s just us in here.”

A faint knock came into the door.

“Ms. Elina the master seeks you presence now at the living room.”

“Go away I’m taking a nap!”

“She’s coming.” Sambas glare at her.

“Get up, he’s calling you.”

“Everyone needs a breathing space I should at least rest. Even if it’s just a few seconds.”

“Up now!”

“You should be on my side.”

“I’m on your side that’s why I’m telling you to get up now. C’mon let’s go.”

“I’m tired. I need a fresh bath.” She smells herself.

“Let’s go El.”

“Fine. Let’s go see the monster Kenzo.”

She jumped up. Walking to the door. She opened it and walked out. Sambas followed behind her.

They got downstairs and saw Kenzo waiting with Aziel.

“You know the rules Sam.” He stood up and stood in front of them. Elina gulped down, the look on his face wasn’t that good. A look that could kill.

That’s it.

Sambas bow.

“I’m sorry Master.”

And pah! He slapped him. Elina shivered. Cowered behind sambas. She was scared already, he was getting hurt because of her. He slapped him again.

The slap wasn’t just ordinary, a slap from Kenzo could send you straight to hell. It was all her fault he was getting hurt.

His head was still down. She couldn’t let him do this. She step in front of Sambas though she was shivering. And went on her knees.

“Hurt me instead, leave out of it.” She said.

Sambas was shocked. And looked at her.

She bow at Kenzo feet.

“El..” he called quietly.

“It was my fault he delayed. I was the one who should be punished not him.”

“Fine, stand up and receive the last one.”

“The last… one.” Her voice quavers.

He was gonna slap her, she stood up and shut her eyes waiting for the slap it hasn’t come yet. She was already trembling.

Kenzo lift his hands.

It would be good if he hit her now, he would leave a mark and she had to do a job for him. Appearing there with a hand on her face wouldn’t be so good.

He withdrew his hands and stuffed them in his pocket. Then returned to his seat.

Elina opened her eyes. He didn’t slap her, he didn’t touch her was that a miracle.

She exhaled.

She had been so scared back there.

“Are you okay Sam?”

He didn’t reply but walked away from their midst.

Talking about bad manners.

Why didn’t she step in sooner. He wouldn’t have been hurt that much.

She made her way to seat. Aziel at her with his mouth slightly opened. She wasn’t gonna do what he’s thinking. Sitting when she wasn’t ask to.

She sat.

Kenzo looked at her and palmed his face. He had to put up with her. He needs her for this. She was the only one he could think of who chief Brennon doesn’t know.

And that’s where she had to go. And find out about the man and woman in his office. Find anything from them. Even if it means threatening them. Ethan doesn’t live there either, it would be a perfect opportunity for him which he couldn’t let slip off his hands.

She was going meet him.

In tonight dinner.

He had everything set already all he need was to sent a picture of Elina to him and he would run over to the date.

A easy prey but very dangerous.

“Good day Mr. Kenzo. You called me.”

“Sit.” The shuddering middle aged woman sat. Uncomfortably.

Well anyone in her state would be just as scared as she was.

“I want you to transform her look. Make her look different, you should know what I mean it’s your work. According to your work that’s how I’m gonna pay you. If you do nonsense I’ll kill you. You should do your job well.”

“Yes sir.” She bow almost falling from her seat.


“Take her away..”

she stood up and dragged the luggage she brought with her. She stood in front of Elina.

“Let’s go ma’am.”


“Why are you so stupid.”

“So stupid but you need my help.” She muttered and jerk up from the chair.

“Did you say something?”

“No sir.” She mimicked the woman beside her.

“Get out Elina. Get out of my sight.”

“Yes sir.”

She bow, bringing her head down.

Kenzo looked away. She can change accent. That was good.

Was he gonna expect good news from her.

Or end up killing her himself.

He watched her leave with the woman towards her room.

“How old is she?”

He asked.


“You heard me.”

“Seventeen, clocking eighteen in the next month.” He replied.

“You should stick to her tonight if there would be any cause of alarm. And Ben too. She shouldn’t get hurt. Not in anywhere.”

“What about you sir. Sambas and Ben could take care off her.”

“I’ll be in the next room listening to her conversation. You’ve the guys hide themselves. And do as you’re told or do you plan to sit with me and Zara during the date.”

“No sir.”

“Make sure she’s not hurt not even a slight injury or a cut.”

“I’ll make sure of that.”

Preparing for the Date.

Elina sat down facing the mirror, not an idea what the woman was about doing to her. She hadn’t started doing anything yet. She was still shivering from the encounter with Kenzo. The way his dark eyes looked at her.

Her hands trembled as she tried to unzip the luggage she brought and her her handbag. Elina stood up from the chair and walked up to her and touched her hands, she flinched.

“It’s okay.” She said. The woman looked at her.

“He can’t be so scary at times. That’s why I call him monster Kenzo..”

the woman chuckled. Feeling a little bit at ease.

“I’m so scared of him, especially when he looks at me with those eyes. You saw it right. I wanted to pee on my undies the first time I saw him, though it came a little, it was kinda wet.”

She laughed.

“It could go worse. I imagine myself several times spanking his head from behind. And be like hey, get some sense.”

The woman laughed.

“That was how I was able to stay, here. I avoid his gazes. And hurt him when I get the chance to.”

“He’s seems to care about you.”

“He should care.” She huffed and folded her hands.

She smiled.

“Thank you. I feel a lot better.”

“You should be free with me. We can gossip him together.” She chuckled.

“Sits lets get to work.”

“What are you gonna do to me.”

“Make you look classy and sweet. Transform you look.. and when he sees you he would be wow. Who is this angel.”

“Who gonna see me?”

“Hurry and sit.”

She pushed her towards the chair and have her seat down. Facing the mirror again.

Perhaps is she going on a mission again.

An assignment.

What is it this time.

She thought she was going on a date. Being a bodyguard, but if she wasn’t be a bodyguard there wasn’t any need to transform her look. Into something else.

“I’m wearing a dress ain’t I?”


She sighed.

Hope It goes well.

“What’s your name, ma?”


“Is this the first time you’re working here.”

“This is the third time.”

“Why do you Seems so scared even when it isn’t the first time you’re seeing him.”

“Every time seems like the first time to me. He’s always scary, never smiles. The look are always hard and he talks to me like we’re seeing for the first time to. He’s just like that.”

She had seen him smile, hours ago, he even laughed. He was a different person when he smiles.

Her smile touched her life and she dwell on the thought.

“Don’t tell me you’re thinking about him.”

“No I’m not.”

“That’s means you’re. You like him don’t you.”

She laughed.

“I like him?” She laughed harder.

“He’s not my type of man.”

“Guess I was wrong then.”

She said resignedly.

“I worked on two girls before you but you’re more prettier.”

“Are you trying to mock me now.”

“I’m serious.”

“Even With my glasses on.”

“You look pretty on them.”

She should let it rest. She was telling her that because of what she had said about Kenzo, that’s why she saying all that. She can see herself in the mirror. Obviously she was laughing her. Because she’s not pretty.

“You would look so perfect in those clothes. He has a good taste of fashion.”

“Monster Kenzo.”

“Yes. He bought those dress himself.”

Really, he could be that sweet.

That’s because he’s asking for something in return. She had to do something for him. He can’t just buy her stuff like that.

She began working on her face.

“Don’t move too much ok.”

Elina nodded.

And shut her eyes.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Tonia worked on her face. For hours. Making sure the makeup is superb. She was trying her best. She doesn’t want to get involved with Kenzo. They weren’t joking when they said he could be very scary. And when he’s angry. Avoid him or you might end up regretting your life.

She had to make Elina to the taste he wants.

“C’mon let’s try out the dress.”

“Are you done.” She stare at herself in the mirror. She couldn’t see well, it was blurry.

“I need my glasses.”

“You’ll be wearing lens. Sorry I forgot about it. Sit. I’ll get it .”

A knock came through the door.

“Come In.”

The door opened and Sambas came in.

“Ain’t you done yet.”

“Almost through with it.”

He sat down. Though her sight was blurry She squinted her eyes. There was a mark on his face. Kenzo’s hand was on his face. She sighed it was her fault. He was hurt. But why had had he run away when she was reaching out to him.

He smiled staring at her.

“Do I look different?”

“So much. If I happen to see you outside I would recognize you except.”

“Expect What?”

“When you act crazy.” She laughed.

“Why did you leave like that.”

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t used to someone doing something like that for me. Stepping in front of me and begging in my stead. It was new to me.”

She smiled.

“Thanks but don’t do it again.”

“I can’t help it. We’ve got each other’s back.”

“Okay I’m back.” Tonia announced.

“I should leave. See you later.”

“Bye.” She waved at her. Watching him walked out of the room.

“You shouldn’t get close to him. You could get him killed. By the wrath of the master Kenzo.”


“He’s a jealous type.”

Kenzo stood by the window watching the cars parked outside. Which of the cars would she use now. He wanted her to use the best car to arrive at the date. Though they would go together but she would stay in the car. And allow him wait for him for her for a while.

And when he sees her coming, his doubt for her wouldn’t be much.

At least she would get the answer he needs.

“Why is she taking time?”

“She had to make her look pretty sir.”

“It’s more than an hour.”

“We need to make it work. We would need time.”

He walked away from the window he was already dressed ready for the date. He was dressed in a black suit. Which suited him quite well. His hair was gel back. He had the appearance of someone great and powerful.

He sat down.

Aziel was standing beside him. With his hands behind him.

“I’m giving them a few minutes, after that bring her down. I can’t much longer Zara is already calling.”

“I’ll tell them to come down.” He said and moved away from Kenzo about going upstairs. But he stopped.

They were coming.

He went back to the spot he was.

“They’re here. Sir.”


He lift his head up and saw her coming down the stairs. He stood up from the seat he was sitting on. She catwalks down stairs. The dark blue gown that sparks at night hugged her body. Exposing her figures. She was perfectly shape. The gown was long. Touching her feet. Over her feet was a silver heels. A gold necklace over her neck and wrist.

She was beautiful. He won’t believe someone like her lived in the same house with him.

She smiled when she was close by. Like she knew she had got him off guard.

She was quite unsettled with the look he had on his face. He hadn’t looked at her like that before. Expect the other night but it wasn’t as intense as this. She thought he could see through her, eye raping her already with it.

Kenzo pulled his gaze away from her. She won’t survive a night with him. He was way too big for her.

Before he could turn she was right beside him.

“Let’s go. We’ll tell you everything you need to know in the car. ” He hurried out of the house.

Did he just rush his words and walked so fast.

Aziel saw the questioning look she was giving him. He shrugged and walked out. Urging her to come on.

Tonia and Sambas ambled toward her where she looked with a confused look.

Sambas nudge her shoulders.

“You totally got him.”

He smiled.

Elina laugh with the way he made his face.

He looked funny.

“Let’s go.”

She nods.

“Sure you can walk well.” She glare playfully at him.

“Don’t fall, I won’t be there to help you get up if you slip.”

“Shut up. I won’t.”

“You walked downstairs like some kind of queen. Just the way you did try walking like that okay.”

“I won’t fall okay.”

“Let’s go. There’s no rail to hold.” He mocked.

She eyed him. And hissed.

“I’ll show you I can walk well with heels.”

“Sure. Sure.”

She lift her feet and began walking with the heels. Sambas watched her. She walked past him. Brushing his shoulders as she walks.

She was doing just quite well.

Maybe she could do it.

Then she slipped, her feet got twisted in the heel she wore. Which was quite high.

He said it. Giving her heels was a mistake.

She fell on her butt.


Kenzo looked back and saw her on the floor.

His eyes darker. She smiled nervously. And crossed a leg over the other on the ground. Sitting with a pose.

He almost forgot who she was.

He shook his head and look away. He needed her, he should let it slide.

Though she was a whole different case on her own.

Sambas helped her up her feet.

“Told ya.” He winked.

She hit his hands and stood up. She would try not to get the master upset. She has to do good job and maybe then he would stop hurling her inside the dungeon.

Kenzo halted while he was at the door. He turned to Elina.

“Be careful.”

Though he said it quite lowly, but she heard him. She smiled and nodded.

He turned and walked out.

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