Camp Closeted

Chapter 52: Romantic Places

Chapter 52: Romantic Places

It continued to rain the rest of the week and the only place anyone at our cabin could've gone without

getting wet, was the cafeteria.

I used this rainy week as a time to myself and focused on my schoolwork online. Even through Jesse

successfully distracting me sometimes, I still managed to keep up.

It was now the weekend and Benny's interview was today. Unfortunately, him and Keanu had to leave

really early so I didn't have time to wish him luck.

Now I'm just here, alone, staring at my laptop.

Jesse's head slowly peeped down from his bed as I couldn't help but smile. "Micah it's not raining

anymore, let's go out." He smirked, strands of his black hair falling onto his crystal blue eyes.

"I still have to finish my calculus worksheets, sorry. I also need WiFi so I'm probably just gonna go head

over to the library." I shrugged, his lips quickly pouting at me.

"I thought you didn't like the library?" He sniffed, his shirtless body quietly hopping down from his bed

and then quickly sitting down on mine.

"I kinda have to now since I have loads of stuff to do. 2 and half more months and I graduate." Joy

came out very dryly with my voice as Jesse just nodded, looking down at the pile of papers on my bed.

"Are you going to your graduation?" Jesse asked, his eyes meeting mine.

"Hell no, there's no point. I rather open the mailbox than sit in a place for 2 hours clapping for students I Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

couldn't care less for. I already told my mom that I wasn't planning on going." I tiredly sighed. "Why, did

you go?"

"I didn't have a graduation to go to. Americans are a lot more dramatic when it comes to graduations."

Jesse quietly responded as my mouth dropped. "I just had to finish my Maturità exam and get the fuck


I breathed as I genuinely couldn't believe that. "There's no high school graduations in Italy?"

He slowly began to reply as he leaned his body back next to me, his pale muscular arm brushing

against mine. "I'm pretty sure some schools do it but mine didn't."

"That makes me feel a bit better now that I'm not going to my graduation then." I quietly laughed. "Is

America any different from Italy?"

"Way different." His voice became softer, our head slowly turning towards each other. "For example,

you guys don't have that many romantic places here.

"There's romantic places in Italy?" I slightly scrunched my face at him as his face slowly got closer

towards mine, forcing me to make my voice softer.

"Of course. A lot." Jesse's voice came out more as a deep seductive purr as our lips began to brush

against each other. "Venice, Portofino, Tivoli, Cinque Terr-" He quickly cut himself off as his lips now

met mine.

Just like the many other kisses before, this one still managed to heat up my cheeks. Just before we

could've gotten carried away, I just proceeded to get up off the bed with my laptop. "You wanna come?"

"So bad." Jesse's face slightly frowned as he slowly licked and bit onto his flushed reddened lips.

"Im talking about the library." I slightly winced at him as I tried to hold in my laughter. "I was asking if

you wanted to come to the library."

"Oh." He adorably pouted as his ocean eyes hastily looked left and right as I couldn't help but laugh out

loud now.

"You don't have to come." I playfully rolled my eyes as I began to walk away. "I'll be back."

"Text me!" Jesse let out as I didn't bother replying, instead just smiling to myself as I quickly walked out

the cabin.

The library was surprisingly very empty today. No sign of Sascha, Rama, or Cadence. It was just me

and a pile of school work, awaiting to be done.

Quite honestly, I don't even know why I should care about anyone being here. It's not like they would

acknowledge my presence if I did see them anyways.

It's been a week since I've seen any of them and considering over the fact that Cadence and Sascha

are now dating, they're relationship is probably only getting stronger.

I'm not bitter about them though. If Sascha is happy with Cadence, then I'm happy for him. Sascha has

been ignored and secluded from everyone for too long. He's not even that weird, he's just a lot more

quieter and shyer than the rest of the guys here.

Focusing and working on what I had to do for my school was easier said than done. Jesse's insanely

dirty texts distracted me off my work and that's probably the only reason why he was sending them.

I couldn't help but laugh as all my attention was on my phone now.

My eyes quickly widened the second I looked at the picture he just sent. It was like I was feeling the

warmth of his body against me now as I couldn't help but bite my lip.

"Your boyfriend's abs are fucking gross." Romeo threw me a dirty look as I quickly looked up at him.

My cheeks quickly burned as my mouth slightly widened at his comment. "Like you got any." I audibly

murmured. "Also, he's not my boyfriend."

"Like I got an-like I got any?" Romeo half-laughed, sounding slightly surprised as I just awkwardly

looked at him. "I do have abs and they're certainly better than your boyfriend's." Romeo quickly raised

his black shirt up, my face now fully red as I couldn't help but look at how his abs were incredibly more

defined than Jesse's.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I exclaimed, audibly annoyed, dropping my phone down then looking back

towards my work. "Why are you here anyway? Shouldn't you be busy kissing dogs?"

Romeo sassily snapped his neck back, strands of his shiny almond curls covering his hazel eyes. "The

library is the only place with WiFi. Also, why the fuck should you even care? It's not like this library is

only meant for your pothead friends and your one friend that looks like a girl."

I kept my eyes on my paper, proceeding to keep my tone a lot calmer now. "Well I would definitely

rather hang out with those people more instead of a rude asshole who's into bestiality." I shrugged.

Romeo slouched against a chair as he just looked down at his phone, visibly annoyed of what I just

said. "Can you sound anymore of a little bitch? Obviously I'm not into bestiality dumb fuck, I just said

that because kissing you would be considered lesser than kissing a dog."

I just smirked at him. "That's not what it looked like when you were making out me."

"Well whatever it looked like to you, it didn't mean anything." He quickly replied. "That kiss did nothing

but only help me realize what guys I'm not into." He devilishly smirked back.

I just rolled my eyes back as I kept quiet, sighing at even a bigger problem than Romeo being rude

right now.

How the hell do I find derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions?

All of a sudden, my phone on the table quickly vibrated, making me just sigh to myself.

It vibrated again.

And again.

"Tell him to stop texting you." Romeo glanced at me for only a moment as his jaws coldly clenched, his

tone dry.

"What?" I replied fast, slightly choking in air at hearing him speak out of nowhere.

"You're studying, or whatever, tell him to stop bothering you." His tone remained dry as my face slightly

crinkled at him telling me this.

I just looked back down away from him as I noticed the WiFi being too slow for the internet to even

work. "Honestly, you're bothering me more than he is."

Romeo audibly cursed me under his breath as I just sighed, getting myself up off the chair to go and

see if this library has some books about trigonometric functions.

Once I finally reached a book shelf, my hands skimmed through the huge array of dusty books as I

whispered the book titles to myself.

I quickly crouched to pick up a book, titled in bold black colors, 'The Love Bible.' I couldn't help but be

amused as the cover was fully pink.

Out of genuine curiosity, I quickly opened the first page to read and see what the book could possibly

be about.

"Denial is a wall in which love hides behind."

How cheesy.

All of a sudden I looked up, putting the book back into the shelf, only to see Romeo staring at me

intently, our eyes meeting.

Just before I could've even tried to throw him a dirty look, he had already looked back down at his

phone, my face furrowing in confusion at the sound of an ambulance alarm loudly going off outside the


As I finally walked out the library to see what was going on, my eyes quickly landed on an ambulance,

making my eyebrows slightly furrow down in confusion as I was genuinely confused as to what all the

commotion was about.

Loud conversations were now audible as I made myself begin to walk a lot faster. "E-excuse me." I

shyly spoke as I brushed against the groups of tall guys blocking my view.

This was my first ever time seeing an ambulance at the camp and seeing it deeply worried me.

The second I finally got the chance to see what everyone was looking at, I felt like a sharp glass rapidly

stabbed every nerve in my body.

The view of a crying Rama trying to hold back a sobbing Sascha made my vision almost become black

as I watched a group of paramedics escort a pale Cadence with frozen shut eyes away.


It can't be..

Cadence looked almost icy blue as he was laid down on a stretcher, men carefully escorting him into

the vehicle.

"W-wait, wha-what, n-no." I painfully stuttered as I unconsciously dropped my mouth, starting to feel

like I was completely losing my mind at the sight of something so unexpected.

I brought myself towards the stretcher as looking at Cadence was like looking at a corpse. "S-sir is he

gonna be okay!?" I hurriedly asked one of the men.

"Please move out of the way kid, we have to bring him to the hospital as soon as possible." He

worriedly replied, using his masculine arms to make me slowly back away.

I quickly ran towards Sascha, his body quickly breaking out of Rama's hold as he just fell down before

me, completely lost in quiet sobs. "Sascha, what happened!" My voice cracked as he visibly struggled

to breathe.

"H-he's g-gone Micah!" He wheezed as I dropped down with him, my eyes just blinking at his response.

"He won't w-wake up!"

"What? How is that possible?" I quickly asked, power in my voice diminishing from volume as I quickly

looked up towards Rama. "Rama what happened?"

Rama took a second to answer as he was chewing on his lip and was visibly trying not to cry out loud.

His face was completely soaked in tears as he slowly shook his head. "He swallowed a bunch of Xans

and never woke up." He brokenly explained.

My face immediately drooped at his response as my hands ran through my hair and squeezed. "This

can't be happening." My eyes began to water profusely.

This can't be happening. This, this, just can't be possible. I stared and watched the ambulance begin to

drive away as I felt like time was freezing before me.

The group of guys that were watching from a distance looked incredibly distraught, but all they could do

was just go back to minding their own business.

Trying to process what the hell was going on was actually crippling me with so many emotions and I felt

like I was living a horrible nightmare.

They didn't know Cadence like we did..

And they never will..

Sascha's small nimble arms were weak as they clenched onto my sweater, his tears beginning to soak

up against my shoulder as I too started crying. "F-for the first time in m-my life, I knew how it felt to be

noticed by someone." His breathing pattern was being cut as he painfully continued. "N-now, t-that

someone is gone Micah." He rapidly broke apart, proceeding to bawl out against me.

"N-no Sascha." I tried to stay strong as my voice was breaking from just watching Sascha completely

shattered. "Look at me. Cadence will be fine, okay? They will take care of him, trust me. Cadence

would never leave you." I held onto his soaked burning cheeks as he just cried.

"H-he n-never woke up Micah." Sascha's voice was filled with every single emotion that described

complete depression and I really didn't know what to say back.

As much I despised to admit it, but what Sascha just said immediately answered this cruel reality that I

hope was nothing but a scarring nightmare.

Sascha's heart rapidly beat against mine as his reddened cheeks were being fueled by such hurt and

strong emotional torture. All I could do was just tightly wrap my arms around him as his body was


His golden brown curls, his deep forest eyes, his usually pink freckled cheeks, his familiarly deep

soothing voice, possibly gone forever.

All of him, gone.

This was real..

This was real life...

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