His hands were in her hair, his hungry mouth awaking feelings so intense that she shook with the force of it. She ripped at his clothes and he helped her, his mouth still on hers as he tore it off so that she could touch him. And then he was crushing her against the bed. His fingers skimmed her body, exploring her intimately until fire licked through her veins and heated her skin. And she touched him too, fascinated by the dip and swell of muscle, by the contrast of sleek and rough.

Sounds mingled in the night air. The swish of the sea on the beach, a soft sigh from low in her throat as his touch grew more intimate. The pleasure rose to burning excitement, every part of her trembling and quivering as she writhed in a fever of anticipation.

And then he was above her and she sobbed in desperation as she felt the hard heat of him against her. With a single thrust he filled her and she gave a sharp cry of shock because it was so much more than she’d anticipated. Holding herself tense, she was aware of his harsh breathing, of the tension in his powerful frame as he forced himself to hold still.


“I-I’m OK … it’s OK. It’s just been so long” she said. But she was afraid to breathe. She closed her hands over his hips. “Don’t stop. I don’t want you to stop ….”

His head dropped to her shoulder and he paused for a moment, buried deep, his breathing unsteady. Then he lifted his head and his eyes burned into hers.

“Look at me.” he said. And she did.

Holding her gaze, he lowered his head and kissed her gently, seducing her mouth with slow, practised kisses until her whole body was shivering.

“Relax, sweetheart …” He murmured the words against her lips, holding himself still as her body melted around him, until she was moaning and quivering. Then he started to move, slowly at first, infinitely gentle as he taught her what her body could do.

It was overwhelming. Like nothing she’d ever experienced or imagined.

“Jeremy-” Her voice broke and he slid his hand under her hips and drew her against him, controlling her pleasure.

The excitement was fierce and hot, clawing at her as he increased the rhythm, and she met each driving thrust with wild abandon. It was wild and crazy and the climax hit like a violent storm. As it crashed down on them, Penny clung to his slick shoulders, shattered by the violence of the emotion that swamped both of them.

————————–NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

Penny woke suddenly at six o’clock. Jeremy’s arm lay across her body. She felt stiff and cramped. She turned her head on the pillow and studied her lover’s face carefully. Unlike Howard, there was no growth of beard visible on Jeremy’s lean, sunburnt face. It seemed youthful and guileless in the relaxation of sleep. His hair was ruffled. A surge of tenderness swept through her and for a moment she contemplated waking him with a kiss. But she did not do so. She wanted to be quiet a little longer -sort out her feelings after last night.

Jeremy had been wonderful, passionate, sympathetic, yet fierce and strong.. All that a man should be. She had lost herself completely in their shared passion. Yet even during the few moments before she fell asleep, she had thought clearly and precisely that Jeremy was a little too experienced, that she was by no means the first woman in his life. He knew too much about women, for him to have acquired that knowledge from a light, casual affair.

Remembering all this in the early hours of the morning, Penny could not help wondering with a mixture of jealousy and curiosity, who those other women were.. Who had taught Jeremy to be such a perfect lover. Had he loved them? Had they loved him? Had Jeremy been disappointed in her?

Penny closed her eyes as if by doing so she could close her minds eye on such unwelcome questions. There were unwelcome because they made her feel a little sullied… A little guilty at what she had done. She wanted more than anything in the world not to think about it.. Only to feel.

When she opened her eyes again she became aware of the thin grey light of dawn creeping through the curtain. The room was too warm, an unpleasant atmosphere. It seemed to be reflected in the taste inside her mouth.

‘That’s what comes of sleeping with the windows closed and your teeth not cleaned’ she thought wryly.

Knowing that sleep was no longer possible, she eased herself from beneath Jeremy’s arm without disturbing him and slipped a dressing gown over her shoulders. She drew the curtains softly and opened the windows. The sharp morning air rushed into the room, blowing gently at her disordered hair, fanning her hot cheeks and tired eyes. She breathed deeply and with satisfaction, finding the coldness and sharpness both stimulating and cleansing. She wanted a cup of tea.

She slipped her feet into her bedroom slippers and went out to the kitchen. The gas hissed as she turned it on, but quietened when she put the kettle on to boil. Then she moved to the bathroom and turned on the bath.

Penny flung her dressing gown over the chair and climbed into the bath. The warm water closed over her body and gradually she felt her limbs relaxing, and a pleasant soothing drowsiness steal over her.

‘I feel wonderful’ she told herself, with an inward smile. ‘A little wicked perhaps, but wonderful, and very happy. Oh Jeremy, darling Jeremy. I do love you so much’

She remembered the kettle, and dragged herself reluctantly from the bath. As she dried herself, and dusted powder over her creamy glowing body, she decided that they would have bacon and eggs for breakfast. One couldn’t be bothered with rationing worries when one was so much in love. She would think about that another time, but not now… Not with Jeremy asleep in her bedroom, his hair tousled and curly, and that quite indecipherable smile at the corner of his mouth.

As Penny made the tea, she heard the chiming clock in the sitting room strike seven. It was still early. She wondered whether Jeremy would like to be awakened just yet.

‘He’s probably tired’ she thought ‘I have to let him sleep’.

But she wanted to wake him. She had been alone enough now, and she wanted to hear his voice, to see his eyes smiling and happy, to feel his arms round her. She wanted to be reassured by his love.

Woman like, she decided to compromise and wake him with a cup of tea. He could go to sleep again afterwards if he wanted to, and if he was hungry, she would get his breakfast.

Standing by the bed, her hand raised to touch his shoulder, Penny felt the same expectant excitement she had experienced as a child on Christmas morning. The stocking used to hang there at the foot of her bed, bulging, tempting, unknown. One part of her ached to pull it to pieces now, immediately. But the stronger part of her kept the other half waiting, savoring the enjoyment of wondering what could be inside, tasting all the subtle pleasures of anticipation.

So she felt now, standing beside Jeremy. She wanted to wake him quickly, urgently, and yet the stronger half stood quietly, wondering what his first words to her would be.. Whether he would smile, whether he would pull her down beside him and kiss her with those long searching kisses as he had done last night.

While she hesitated, Jeremy awoke, not suddenly as she had done, but slowly and with several little grunts and sighs and deep intakes of breath. He opened his eyes and saw her and for a moment that lasted less than a second, he looked surprised, as if he had not expected to find her there with him. Then he smiled, slowly, lazily and stretched himself like a dog.

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