Bound Forever

Chapter 40:

I step out of the cab and pay the taxi driver his fees. my heels click onto the pavement and I give the door three gentle knocks waiting for somebody to unlock the door, but nobody opened the door.

Instead I heard a little bit of moaning so I decided to get the spare key knowing fully well that Jane must be absorbed in something else. 

I inserted the key into the right hole then lock unlocked it. I pushed the door open gently to see Jane in the arms of Raymond talking in rather bubbly tones.

“Sorry if I’m interrupting you guys, I was knocking at the door, but didnt get any response. I smirked and they tried to hide their embarrassment but it was still very visible.

I closed the door behind me and dumped my bag on the three-seater leather couch before settling down. ” So how did it go?” she asked.

“Well your father is still in prison and Draco is still a mess, to be quite frank I really do not understand how this came about so do you mind doing a rerun for the clueless one here?” Raymond and his style of speech always intrigued me, and on most days it makes me laugh.

“How many times am I going to explain it to you? You never seem to understand anything I say” she gives him a bump on his plastic head. ”Well, you never explain clearly enough!”. ”That’s because you’re always interrupting me!” 

“You guys just got together a few hours ago and now you’re acting like you’ve been married for years, sucks to be me without a relationship.” I said sarcastically before rising up, heading to the kitchen.

I needed something to quench the burn in my chest not from the fact that I haven’t had water for a while but from the emotional pain that I was trying to get rid of. So I grab a glass of white wine. 

Only a few seconds later Jane and Raymond made their appearance beside me, prompting me to pour them two more glasses, and Raymond was still expecting an explanation. 

I took a deep breath and gulp in the wine. clearing my thoughts “we all know that Draco believes that my dad killed his. Which is obviously not so and because he is angry he decided to throw my dad into prison.”

Another sip in, they were listening attentively, especially Raymond. ” Little does he know that this is all just somebody’s mind game to tear us apart, and unfortunately the person is succeeding.” I put myself another glass of wine after taking the last bit of the wine that was in it previously. 

“But who could it be?” Raymond asks an obvious question but apparently he was still new into the game. ”Well we don’t know that, do we?” Jane turned to me with expecting eyes and my pain quickly turned into anger “so we know who it is.” 

“Yes we do; it’s Danovo and his ugly ass girlfriend, Julian.” I say her name with a sneer to it and the look on both their faces was quite priceless but the situation was difficult at hand so I couldn’t even laugh.

”Yeah I decided to do a little bit of detective work and it turns out that those two were hiding things from us all this while. I saw Danovo sneak out to a different house to meet Julian, I followed them there but they were trying to play smart so Julian actually did run away.” 

“But Danielle you do know that could have been anyone and not Julian; I mean I’ve always suspected Danovo but I would never imagine somebody like Julian doing something like that.” Raymond comes to her defense and this makes me heave another heavy sigh, I take a sip of my wine and notice that it’s already halfway gone; again. 

“He does have a point. I mean anyone who says Julian would think she’s this cotton candy kind of girl who could never hurt a fly.” It was normal for them not to believe because I didn’t believe it either.

“Well I had my suspicions and I confirmed them, I continued to follow both of them around and spied on numerous of their conversations only to find out that they were the cause of my father-in-law’s death.”

A stiff silence engulfs the kitchen “I know this is all very shocking to the both of you but yes this is what it is and I feel like we should not relent and we should keep watching them. We do not know what they might be planning next.” My glass of wine is empty again. 

I attempt to pour another but Jane stops me knowing that I just want to get drunk and forget everything, she takes the glass from me and the wine , she assures me to sit down on the kitchen stool that was opposite them and the island made out of blue granite and tiles. 

“But this is a very shocking revelation, this almost feels like we are in a mystery series.” Raymond tries to lie in the atmosphere and it does make me smile a bit.


“But what I cannot understand is why, why would Julian and Danovo do something like this? I mean I know he doesn’t like you but don’t you think this is going a bit too far?” Jane was right but we have greedy people on earth, as well as heartless humans.

“You’re right sweetie but people are wicked and probably they want something that is why they are doing all of this. I really agree with what Danielle has to say, we should really keep an eye on them to prevent them from causing any more damage or doing things that might catch us off guard.” 

“Great so I guess I have to go back to detective work.” I cheer sarcastically feeling a wee bit tipsy.

“No, you can’t do that, what if they catch you? you know they won’t spare you, they will make sure they skin you alive and hang you on a tree.” Jane pushes the idea of me spying on them aside, “I think I should go.” And she volunteered herself instead. 

“No you can’t go, I’m sure the evil couple are already suspicious of you and if they see that Jane is following them they will definitely know that the two of you are like in this together”.

He gives it a hard thought, “I think I should go, Danovo Doesn’t think anything of me yet so it’ll be easier to get information from them without having to be too sneaky.” 

Raymond was talking a lot of sense even though I could understand in my tipsy state, I nod sluggishly and agree with them.

“Just make sure you record whatever you can record and give us info whenever you can, don’t do anything risky or else they will not hesitate to kill you.” I advise him and he nods in affirmation, “I think it is safe that you report back to Jane so that I’m completely removed from the equation, I think they will relax when they realize that I’m not watching them anymore.

And—” my phone stops my statement and I peer at the screen to see who’s calling me, “excuse me.” 

“It’s strange she never walks out when she takes a call, at least not in front of me.” Jane didn’t waste any time to leave her lover and her glass of wine to listen to what I had to say while I was over the phone.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“Yes I want the divorce papers sent to him immediately….” Her eyes widened at what I was saying and she was sure that I must have been talking to my lawyer.

“I don’t care what you have to do just make sure he signs it so that I can be free from this hideous thing we call a relationship. Thank you, I’ll be expecting your feedback.” She quickly runs back to her spot and Raymond is confused as to what she had heard, ”What is it?” He whispers to her and her eyes droop.

“She’s asking for a divorce.” Her voice is almost mute and he could understand why she was sad. I work back in and drop to my stool, I noticed that the atmosphere had become a little damp with emotions and I wondered what was so pressing that made the two of them suddenly become silent. even when we were talking about the situation at hand they weren’t this moody.

“What’s going on here?” They look at me with lingering eyes and I’m genuinely confused, until my bestie speaks up. ”Don’t divorce Draco.” 

It was his third bottle, he hadn’t been able to stop drinking ever since his relationship fell apart. It was what he did every day, drink, drink and drink some more. To him that was the only way he could drown the pain and he was already dead drunk. 

“Daniella…” he moaned out unable to get the thoughts of me out of his head, Draco was begging to have me in his arms once more but the series of events have put us far away from each other.

He does his best to stand, staggering to his feet he slicks back his hair hoping to see me standing in front of him, “Daniella?” 

He doesn’t believe his eyes and he attempts to reach out for me only to find out that it’s an illusion, a result of too much alcohol in his system. In his unstable state, he falls to the ground holding the wall for support crashing to his knees.

He opened the door and let himself out of the room which was filled with the stench of alcohol; he needed to get some fresh air. 

Taking people steps down the staircase one-by-one he was doing his best to make sure he didn’t fall off and hurt himself and he was successful. He reaches the bottom of the stairway and walks slowly and sluggishly to the entrance of his mansion. 

A figure approaches him briskly, a middle-aged man in formal clothing and a briefcase works into the mansion without any restrictions and this made Draco angry, thinking it would be his precious Danielle but he was an old man instead. 

“Greetings sir, I believe you go by the name Draco?” He asks formally and Draco eyes him like he is a plague only to open his mouth to respond.

“Yes I go by that identification, what can I do for you?” His words are Sharp even in his drunken state, the middle-aged man just smiled and brought out a stack of paper that was held with a pin from his briefcase.

“Your wife Danielle asked me to give this to you, she’s filing for a divorce sir.” And these little words shattered his reality forever, he rubbed his eyes open as he collected the paper to see if this was really true or if it was a joke.

“She wants it signed and she wants it signed quickly, it seems that she’s tired of the relationship and she wants to break things off. So please will you do both of us a favor and sign the papers so we can get the proceedings started.” he exhumes a pen from his shirt pocket and hands it to Draco. 

“Do you think this is all a joke? Who are you and who the hell does she think she is to ask for a divorce?!!” He is enraged and tears the papers into little shreds, but her lawyer had seen this and he did the next best thing; he brought another divorce contract and handed it to Draco. 

And then he knew Daniella was serious about divorcing him. 

“If you tear this one too I have multiple divorce papers waiting for you sir and if you want we can do this all day but I really do not have time as I am a busy lawyer. Do both of us a favor and sign this quickly, if my client wants a divorce then she would get a divorce.” The stamp sets and Draco’s heart sinks back into his chest.

“Okay would you give me some time to think about it at least? What divorce is not something that would be done in a matter of minutes, it needs delicate thoughts, I request a few days, please.” All his anger had washed down the drain and he was left with unexplainable guilt and pain.

“That’s fine, I’ll come back after a few days to collect the paper or you can send somebody to my office; here is my address.” He hands him a business card and turns to take his leave, “have a wonderful day sir.” And Briskly he is out of his mansion.

“Daniella what have you done?” he sank into despair. 

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