Billionaire’s Ex-Wife And His Hidden Babies


Sophia’s POV


I stirred in my sleep, and as usual, my hands went on my belly and quickly opened my eyes when I felt that my baby bump was gone. I panicked and opened my eyes, only to find myself in the hospital, and my babies were out of the system.

Where are they?

I looked around and found them in cradles behind me.

“Finally! You’re awake.”, Said Arya, and she reached near me. I didn’t need to ask her what I wanted to do next because she already sensed my intention. She raised the head of the bed by pressing the ‘Head up’ button, knowing that I would have a hard time sitting or doing anything because of which the pressure on the stitches would increase, and I would feel pain. That was a different thing that I was ready to bear any pain to see the faces of my babies.

Arya helped me to hold both babies in my arms, and I looked at their sleeping figures with a big smile on my face. They were completely packed with warm clothes and caps so that I could see any other part of their body except their face.

“They are…”

“Yes! Identical twins.”. Arya said, cutting me in between. I kissed both of them softly on their foreheads, one after another, and observed both of them carefully, and they looked so much like their father.

Not entirely, but their forehead and nose were like theirs. Not sure if they would completely take over their father or not because, along with time, the face structure of babies changes a lot.

“Doctor Anna has marked the nail of this baby.”, she said, pointing toward the baby in my right arm. “So, he is the elder among them both, and he …” pointing toward the baby in my left arm. “…. is the younger one.”

“HE and HE?” I asked when my ears were observed two times. HE!

“Yes, they both are boys.”, she said reluctantly, knowing how badly I wanted my babies to a girl so that they could feel the gap in my Caroline, but that didn’t mean I didn’t want a son.


(“Don’t you want to know the gender of your baby?” he asked, wearing his shirt.

“No. I want to keep it as a surprise that I will be getting it at the time of delivery.”

“I want a boy first.”

“Why? Don’t tell me that you have that old mindset about HEIR and all.”

“No. That’s not the point. I want a boy first, then a girl; So that my boy will beat up any other boy that makes my little girl cry.” he explained his point of view, on which I smiled. “What’s so funny?”

“You used the word ‘MY boy and MY little girl.'”

“That … That’s just a slip of the tongue.”, he stuttered, avoiding the eye contact with me.)


“They are so beautiful, aren’t they?” I said, smiling at them.

“I couldn’t agree more on it.”, Arya said cheerfully. “Now that you’re awake, let me call the queen and your brother.”, She added before dialing their number.

“Where is Eden?” I asked.

“She went home to grab food, clothes, and all the necessary items for you. After all, you will have to stay for a week in the hospital.”, She replied, to which I nodded my head. And by that time, Oliver and Rebecca’s faces came on the screen through the video call.

“Oh, Moon Goddess! They are so tiny and small little pups.”, Rebbecca said, looking at the size of my babies. I laughed a little at her expression and her choice of words.

“And they are so beautiful and cute.”, Oliver commented. “They are the gift of god on your new year as a sign that a new life is waiting for you.”, he added. I saw Arya getting tensed after hearing his words, but she didn’t say a word.

“I’m sorry, Sophia. I can’t travel to Manaus at this moment, leaving Rebecca in this state, and the doctor has strictly prohibited her from traveling.”

“It’s okay, brother. I can understand.”, I responded with a smile and felt a hole in my life. But I quickly kicked that thought out of my head. “We can plan a get-together after Rebecca’s delivery.”, I added, knowing that her pregnancy was forbidding both of them to visit me.

“I know this is the wrong time to ask this question, but my pregnancy hormones are making me behave like this.”, Rebecca said, making me wonder why she was saying so? “From where did you get those caps for your pups. I, too, want them. They are so cute.”

“Well, I made them on my own. I have made a lot of babies’ woolen clothes, socks, caps, and gloves for the babies. I will send some for your baby too.”

“Really? That’s so sweet of you.”, She chirped.

I wanted to say that it was nothing in comparison to the favor she had done for my babies and me. But I didn’t say that because I knew she hated to bring up that topic again and again. But this should need to be ended. With this new year and a new start, I had to be strong and independent. Rebecca was younger than me, but she was confident, bold, and independent. I wouldn’t comment on the family business that she inherited from her father but what mattered here was that she was capable of handling her father’s company on her own.

Once the call was ended, I looked at Arya before speaking, “What made your body go stiffened when Oliver mentioned, ‘They are the gift of god on your new year…’ stuff?”

“Actually, your first son is born on 31st December, and the second one is born on 1st January with a difference of seven minutes.”, She explained. “So, I thought…

“That my past will also follow me just because one of my babies arrived a few seconds before the new year.”, I chuckled. “That won’t be happening, and that wouldn’t happen.”, I said firmly before looking at my babies.

‘I swear, babies, your mother won’t be that stupid and weak lady anymore. I don’t have to prove anyone anything, but I promise I will be someone whom you both can be proud of. And you both will be my strength and my backbone. We don’t need any extra member in our family.’

“By the way, have you both already decided who will be Colton and who will be Calvin?” I asked, changing the topic. She passed a sly smile before nodding her head.

“The elder one will be Colton Weasley, and the younger one will be Calvin Weasley. I hope you don’t mind deciding on your own. We were just…”

“Mothers are not only those who give birth to the child. The ones who raise them and take care of them like their own are also the mothers. So, I don’t mind you both naming my babies. And I meant it.”


Four years later!!

30th December night!!


Eden, Arya, and I were busy in preparation for Colton’s birthday. Because now, my baby boys understand the meaning of birthday, and they have been waiting for their birthday for a week. Until last year, they just used to think that it was related to the special day, but after joining Kindergarten, they had learned a lot of things and have become aware of a lot of things that I had hidden until now.

Yes! You had to guess it, then it’s well and good, and if not, then I was talking about their father.

Everything was fine until they hadn’t joined Kindergarten because, after that, they clearly observed the person missing in our family.

Generally, babies start speaking ‘dada, daddy, dad, papa’ within a year, but my babies learned this word after three years, and then they just didn’t speak one single word.

They had questioned their dad.

‘Where is dad? Why don’t their dad stay with them? Who is their dad?’

At that time, I brushed off their innocent question by telling them the fake story of their father on some adventure, and I couldn’t reveal their father’s identity to protect him, and they let go of that topic, but I wasn’t sure until then I could keep fooling them.

Eden and Arya suggested I tell them about their father being dead, but I didn’t want to lie to them about their father’s death because I didn’t want to break their trust and faith they had in me because I knew the pain when someone close to our heartbreak our trust.

During these four years, I started a knitting business of my own which used to prepare all types of handmade woolen products for all sizes, people, and pets. It was Rebecca’s idea when she saw how good I was at it, and also, she was the major investor in my business.

That’s a different story that my business had grown up that big that it had already made up that large amount which I could return to her, but she didn’t pull out her investment. Instead, she became the major shareholder of it and asked for the profit shares in the company, just like a business-oriented woman.

Her words were, ‘I haven’t done any favor to you, Sophia. I had a lot of money, so I invested in your business, and now, I’m making more money than I had actually invested. So, I’m doing business, not favor.’

At the beginning of the business, it started with Eden, Arya, and Me. But with growth, we started hiring those housewives who wanted to earn but didn’t have a great degree. Then, we started training the new candidate offline and then online as well.

The sales of the business used to boom in the winter seasons all over the world, while the sale in other season was low except in the place where there is winter all over the year.


“What are you doing?” Arya asked even though she had already seen what I was doing.

“I have a feeling that Colton will ask about his father again. So, I’m packing a few gifts with his father’s name.” I replied and also prepared a birthday card for him, and at the end, I wrote ‘-your Daddy.’

“You know that they both are smarter than the kids of their age. You can’t fool them for long, especially Colton, who doesn’t buy anything easily, unlike Calvin.”, Eden said.

I sighed, “I know. He has taken too much after his father. He asks a lot of question before trusting someone, while Calvin is innocent like me, who trust anyone easily. That’s why I don’t want to lie about Brandon’s death because when they will learn the truth, their tiny little trust will break, and it will be done by their own mother, from whom they are learning all the morals and values of their life.”

“Anyways, when are you planning to go shopping?” Arya asked, changing the topic.

“Shopping?” I asked in confusion.

“Did you forget that Queen and your brother are officially getting married in front of the human world?”

“That…”, I muttered. “Yes, I remember that.”, I said, nodding my head. Though they were already marked and mated in the werewolf world in the human world, they were still boyfriend and girlfriend who had been dating each other for the last five years.

There was no way I wanted to miss their wedding but at the same time, attending his wedding meant saying HELLO to the painful past from where I had left a long ago.

It also meant facing my family, who would definitely attend the wedding if the wedding were the inhuman world.

And there was also the chance that I could face him too.

I knew this was hard for me, but I had to do this for that person who always stood by my side, no matter what.

“So, will you attend the wedding?”

“I will.”, I replied. “Until when I will run away from my past. Moreover, I don’t have to worry about my other family members now. I’m independent and strong enough to raise my babies on my own. Whether I’m divorcee or single mother, that shouldn’t be their concern.”

“And what about your ex-husband?”

“What about him? Everything ended with the end of that contract marriage. He had a girlfriend then, and I’m sure he would have married her and would have kids with her by now. Moreover, my babies are not but the regret of him, so their existence shouldn’t be his concern.”

A part of me knew that his words and his action never matched each other.

Once all the arrangements were made, we headed back to our rooms. Both the kids were sleeping, so we decided to surprise Colton early morning.

“Good night, sweethearts.” I kissed their foreheads before sleeping in the middle of them.


Late-night !!

My hands, as usual, went on the bed to check on my babies, but my eyes were wide open when I realized that they both were missing.

Where did they go?

I quickly checked the bathroom, but they were not there. And then I ran out of the room in a panic, hoping them to be near Eden and Arya, but my leg halted when I heard their low voice from the kitchen. I couldn’t help but peek to see what they were doing in the kitchen at this moment.

I found a chair near the fridge, and Calvin’s hand and mouth were covered with creams of the cake while Colton was glaring at him.

‘Don’t tell me that Clavin ate the chocolate cake which we have brought for Colton’s birthday surprise plan.’

But the things were clearing looking in that way.

“I’m sorry. I really wanted to eat that chocolate cake.”, Clavin apologized, showing his puppy eyes to his seven minutes older brother.

“You shouldn’t eat the chocolate cake that mom got for me because It’s my birthday today, not yours. Mom will have brought a cake for your birthday too.”, Colton said, crossing his arms around his chest, showing that he was mad.

“I know, but I’m sorry.”, Calvin apologized again. “I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad.” Tears started brimming in his eyes.

Aww! My poor baby.

I would get another cake. I was about to step in between to convince Colton to forgive his brother, but what he did make me proud of him.

He reached forward and hugged his younger brother.

“It’s okay, Calvin. I’m not mad at you. Mom will buy a chocolate cake again.”, He said, cooing to his brother. “Let’s eat the cake together.”, he said.

I quickly hid behind the wall and saw Clavin standing on the chair again and took out the 5% eaten cake from the upper chamber. He gave it to Colton to hold it, and then he stepped down from the chair.

Placing the cake on the floor, both brothers started eating and wasting the cake with their hands because it was impossible for them to reach the plates and spoon with their tiny heights.From NôvelDrama.Org.

My cute little cake thieves.

“Ahem, Ahem,” I cleared my throat, making them realize that I was there.

“Mom! Mom!” I heard two voices overlapping each other, and the color of their face had been drained, knowing that they were caught red-handed.

“First, happy birthday, Colton,” I said with a serious tone.

“Thank you, Mom.”, he replied, getting scared that I might scold him or both of them.

“And second, may I join you two in eating the cake?” I asked with a mischievous smile.

“Yes! Yes!”



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