Billionaire Ascendancy


Chapter 69

Sudden call

Stefan was happy that Lisa understood him so she didn’t really expose him by calling out his name. If not, raven would have walked out of him Angrily upon realizing his identity.

“Wow! I can’t believe that she’s married”.

Raven shrugged to no one in particular as they got to the office but Stefan happened to hear her words. He could see the sadness on her face and he could only sympathize with her, over the mistake she had made so far. He knew she regretted it and once the right time came, he promised to do everything right.

Raven rounds up everything as she waved goodbye at him while trying to exit the company gate. Stefan decided to give her a lift in order to know where she was staying which he did and he dropped her off exactly in the front door of her house and waved goodbye at him until he drove away. Raven couldn’t stop staring at Him as his driver drove Him away.

Of course she couldn’t help but ponder what’s happening to her and why she suddenly gets attracted to him. But the way he had been nice to her all those whiles does it mean that he loves her or he starts falling for her? Raven thought but disagreed with her doubt. She’s too ugly for his likeness. Even though he wants a lady she’s certain that he wouldn’t go after someone like her.

Raven thought was shattered by the presence of the familiar person waiting for her over the front gate of her house. “I have been waiting for you. You have a nice boss that tells his driver to drive you home Raven. I’m sure he’s into you because I believe that a normal driver wouldn’t do all of this for you. You’re lucky, unlike me, that’s always the second option of everything. You know I’m always jealous of you because of this spirit you have!” Ava shrugged at her as she sighed frustratedly.

“Tell me the truth Ava. What is it? Why are you here in my House? we have already discussed this out! Why do you keep showing yourself to me? Are you trying to threaten me? Raven bellowed at her knowing that she was up to something this time around.

She thought they’d talk this out over the phone so why’s she here again? Finding her words to be hilarious, she burst into laughter as she nodded her head sadly at her.

“I’m disturbing you huh? How could you feel like I’m disturbing you after you’ve shattered my life Raven? We’re talking about the future here. We’re talking about life and I have wasted three years of my life. You’ve wasted three years of my life so far because I aren’t supposed to be where I am right now if you didn’t get greedy over a man and spoilt my reputation”.

Knowing that she was doing too much, Raven decided to challenge her. She doesn’t know why she feels like she’s debted to her over the matter that had happened between them whereas she supposed to understand that she did her a good favor by not allowing the two of them get married to each other.

“You know what, I think you should be grateful for everything that has happened over those years Ava. Just imagine where you would be by now if you and Stefan had gotten married to each other. Do you think he would have loved you whereas he didn’t? Do you think you would have given him a child in that marriage? Raven questions her in sympathy while awaiting her response but she wasn’t saying anything.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“You see, Stefan would have divorce you the moment he got everything he wanted. You even prove him right anyway by taking back the company which he had inherited with your power and do you think he will forgive you for that? Please move on with your life and stop blaming me for everything that has happened”. And in Angers, Ava gave her a dirty slap on her face.

“You’re crazy to think that you could lay your hands on me and walk away freely”. Raven pulled her hair backwards the moment she made an attempt of walking away and gave her the dirty loud slap which she first gave her, across the face.

The two ladies fight was separated by Raven friend ‘Preshy’ who seems to be witnessing the situation and in order not to make the matter serious, she went to hold them knowing that if she leaves them to fight until they’re tired they could actually injure each other and she doesn’t want that to happen.

“you will regret this Raven.. trust me! You will regret having a fight with me. It won’t be long but I promise you that you will regret it”. Ava bellowed at her the moment her friend held them. She felt so angry with the little screech raven had given her and vowed to return it back to her next time they encountered each other. This isn’t the end for her. Not for Raven because she knew that she’s returning back again, to wound her and to break her just like she did to hers.


Stefan couldn’t forget all about Raven. He misses her and he wishes to see her badly but he doesn’t really know how to go about it. He’s already twenty five and he feels like this was the right time for him to get married to the woman he loves. Which he was yet to find after Raven who seems to have caught his attention this time around. Stefan was currently Laying down on his bed, staring at his picture and Raven’s own together when his phone buzzle with calls.

On checking the callers, it was Jenny. “What made her call me today? Does she lose her way around or does she mistakenly click on my number?” Stefan thought as he decided to ignore the call. Knowing that was the reason why she could have called him in the first place.

She wouldn’t have called him intentionally. He thought and continued to stare at Raven pictures together with his own, remembering all their memories together. Jenny call couldn’t stop buzzing in so he decided to take the call.

Just to hear what she was going to say.

“Why have you been ignoring my call Stefan? Don’t you know that I’m only calling you because of an emergency?” Jenny’s voice echoes through his ears, sounding rude as usual so he decides to warn her about it. “Do you call just to scold me? Are you out of your head? Do I look like your mate of three years ago who you can shout at? If you don’t have something important to say let me know so I can end the call”.

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