Big Bad Wolfie

Chapter 51: 50 - Seeing Red

Chapter 51: 50 - Seeing Red

Maria's POV

I gave the hybrid his knife back.

Right between the eyes.

I felt a slight twinge somewhere deep in my chest, but I'm good at ignoring it by now.

I honestly hate taking life. I really do. Even the worst people I have a bit of trouble with.

Even after everything they've done to me, it's hard to kill them.

Because the moon goddess cursed me with a conscience, d@mnit.

I don't know why. Not many other pure bloods seem to have one.

But I do.

So whenever it appears necessary to take someone's life, I'm always confronted with. . .

Who do you think you are? You're not the goddess. Why do you decide who deserves to live or die?

EVERYONE deserves a second chance.

From my heart and. . .

I can decide because life's not about 'deserve'. It's about who's strong enough to take what they want.

To do what they need to survive.

And it's not an option to let the bad guys get what they want, that'd be the end of the world as we know

it, so it's up to us to be stronger, even when we're totally not.

From my brain.

It's not fun at all.

I heard the thunderous growling from everyone around me.

Oh, yeah. Back to fighting for our lives.

More hybrids popped out of the foliage.

Now there are six of them surrounding us.

There are seven of us.

I know they're technically the ones outnumbered. . . But that ratio doesn't give us good chances.

Three of the hybrids turned into their wolf forms and the others stayed as vampires with their fangs out.

Then they pounced.

"Run!" I yelled.

Everyone broke out into a sprint.

"Shouldn't we stay and fight?" Happy questioned, running beside me. "Six less hybrids for us to worry


"Oh don't worry, we won't make it far before they catch up and we're forced to fight. I just wanted to

make it to this clearing and —"

Happy and I had to drop to our stomachs to dodge the hybrid in wolf form flying over our heads. Eyes

glowing blue and deadly mouth in a viscous snarl.

We hopped back up and got into a fighting stance. Happy shifted, and so did Wolfie and Stephan.

I didn't let myself look at Wolfie's fighting form, I don't have time to be distracted.

Moon goddess, please don't let any of us die.

A hybrid still in "human" form set her sights on me. And smiled. A hungry, predatory smile.

Alright, let's get this party started.

I smiled back.


Jason's POV

Holy s**t these f**kers are fast.

One of the bigger mutts made it from 30 feet away to nearly biting my leg off in a second.

And I'm not over exaggerating when I say that.

With the same speed, he dove for my right flank. I rolled out of the way but felt his teeth graze my fur.

I got a rush of adrenaline and Ki came to the forefront. We shared control.

When this happens, he usually helps me easily rip my opponent to shreds.

. . . I have a feeling this time might be different though.

I was right.

The mutt and I fought and fought and we couldn't manage to get the upper hand. The only thing we

could manage to do was not get our throat ripped out.

People from my team and theirs would drop then bounce right back up.

The hybrids got up faster though. . .

They hit harder.

They fight dirtier.

What the h3ll are these psychos eating?

"Gah!" I heard her scream.

Ki busted to the front.

And I let him.

We finally ripped this sucker's throat out after a few more maneuvers with Ki's savage nature.

Ki swung us around to find what made our mate yell, thirsty for blood.

He found her with a new wound, but this one went across her chest.

She was still fighting though, there was even a hybrid near her feet, lying still.

'I will kill the one who did that to her!'

Hm. . . My heart constricted. It looks kind of similar to what we did to her.

His vision went red. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

The claw marks across her chest almost match what probably turned to scars on her stomach.

Left by us when we forcibly marked her.

Well, when he forcibly marked her.

Ki let out an earth shattering roar.

While Maria was helping Cali fight, another mutt was about to jump her from behind.

Ki tackled him and ripped his sorry head off before he could realize what was happening.

He went over to the girl that Maria had dealt with that was laying still and did the same, just to make

sure she wasn't getting back up.

He was about to maul the next hybrid Maria and Cali were fighting, just for being near his mate, but

Maria beat him to it.

She snapped the hybrid's neck, that is. Once she moved on to the next, Ki finished him off too.

Rose and Brandon were having trouble defeating an enormous mutt in wolf form, but once Maria joined

the mix, they got the upper hand. They looked like a well oiled machine. You can tell they've done this

plenty of times before.

They're dangerous on their own, so I've learned, but together, they can do anything.

Not the most comforting thing in the world for someone in my position, but it's convenient now.

Knowing they have it under control, Ki went to help Zach and Stephan, and the three of us were able to

take care of the last hybrid.

I let out a sigh of relief.

We won.

Now I just have to real Malaki back in. . .


Maria's POV

We were all breathing heavily by the end of the encounter.

Thank the goddess none of us died.

"I think I owe you an apology, Maria," Cali panted. "You were right. And those f**kers mean business."

I nodded with a breathy laugh, "Don't worry about it. Let's just get the h3ll away from here. We don't

need more to show up."

Cali nodded.

The rest of the group agreed too.

The guys in wolf form nodding their big heads was kind of a weird sight, but we started making our way

north hoping to find the running water that everyone could faintly smell, keeping in mind the hybrid

base is west.

"If we find a stream we can clean up any injuries and —"

Wolfie stepped in my way.

Wow. . . He's freaking gorgeous. And huge.

He growled at me and bared his canines.

And an @sshole.

I tried to go around him, but he stepped in my way.

I rolled my eyes.

I really don't feel like doing this with him.

"What do you want?"

He growled again and rubbed his nose against my leg, near wear the claw marks are.

"Yes, I know Wolfie. That's why we're trying to find a stream, to clean it up. Now get out of my way." I

tried to go around him.

He let out an angry bark and I rolled my eyes again.

They can't get butt hurt when I call them a dog if they're going to do things like that.

He pointed to my chest that he could reach easily with his alpha genes with his muzzle.

I looked down.

Oh s**t. That one's worse than I thought.

F**k, that's gonna hurt when the adrenaline wears off.

I looked back at him. "What about it?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Can't do anything until we get to a

stream —"

He got behind me and pushed at the back of my knees, but I realized what was happening before he

could make my legs buckle.

"Hey!" I glared at him.

"He wants you to let him carry you," Happy informed me.

I turned back to Wolfie and he nodded his big wolf head.

"No," I frowned.

He barked again and it sounded scarily similar to yes.

My eyes widened and I looked to Happy. "Did he just say yes?"

"Yes," he deadpanned.

"Ew, that's creepy."

"I agree. I don't know how he taught his wolf to do it," Happy shook his head.

Wolfie rammed into the back of my legs again.

"Hey! That hurts!" I snapped at him.

He stood still like he didn't know what to do.

After a moment of silence a low growl started forming in the back of his throat.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm starting to think you don't know how to do anything other than hurt me and growl,

Malaki," and I walked away.

He didn't stop me this time, after a pause, I just heard his massive paws padding after me along with

the rest of the group.

After a while we finally reached a stream.

As we approached it, Wolfie started back up with his d@mn growling.

I spun around with a glare already planted on my face. "What the h3ll could you possibly be growling

about now?"

He just growled louder, taking a step closer, bearing his teeth even more.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh so now you're trying to be intimidating?"

The same thing.

Only this time I bared my fangs back and hissed at him in response.

He let out a roar this time.

He is not happy with me challenging him back.

Happy jumped between us, suddenly in human form. "Maria, you don't want to do that —"

Wolfie bit Happy's shorts and yanked him out of the way.

Now he's pissed and looking for a fight.

I really don't feel like giving him one. I'm in pain and annoyed and anxious.

Not in the mood for him to act all macho and try to "show me who's boss".

But, I'm not letting what happened a couple weeks ago happen again. Ever.

If he starts a fight. I'm defending myself.

I stared Malaki down, getting more pissed the angrier he looked.

I'm sorry you're not the top dog in this relationship, buddy.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you not to stare an angry dog in the eye?!" Happy hissed from the side.

I turned to him. No humor in my face or voice.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you not to piss me off?"

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