Big Bad Wolfie

Chapter 46) Thanks, but No Thanks

Chapter 46) Thanks, but No Thanks

"What was that about?" I asked Maria after I made my way over to her.

She quickly wiped away her tears, as if I hadn't already noticed them.

"Oh, um, I was talking to Marco and Doc. Y'know, to see how the blood scavenging is going," she

nodded quickly, her voice wavering.

***Maria's POV***

"But why were you crying?" He frowned.

I looked up at him incredulously, tears threatening to spill again, "Why do you think, Wolfie?"

He looked down, even a little crestfallen.

My own mate doesn't want to call off his infiltration of my house.

. . . And now he's forcing me to do something about it.

I ducked my head down and pushed passed him.

I sulked over to the bar and plopped onto a stool.

Thank the goddess he didn't follow me.

I looked around, feeling uneasy. Probably from his eyes on me.

I sighed. I don't even know where everyone else is.

"I wish this night would just end already," I mumbled to myself.

"I might be able to help with that."

Chills went down my spine at the voice that came from a few feet behind me.

A voice so smooth and beautiful, it becomes eerie. That voice is so melodic, it sounds unnatural to the


I knew I smelled something funny.

I turned my chair around and found a beautiful woman. A supernaturally beautiful woman, with flawless

skin and and a perfect figure. Her eyes are huge and the palest blue most have ever seen. But all their

eyes are like that.

All their faces and bodies are flawless.

But their minds.

Are terrifying.

I'm face to face with a hybrid.

Seemingly, not a very high ranking one, but deadly nonetheless.

Even to a total badass, like myself.

And the most ironic part about how lethal they are? No one else around us realizes the imminent

danger standing in the same building as them.

They all probably realized there's something special about her, something off, even before they laid

eyes on her.

All hybrids give off that vibe.

The vibe I give off when my eyes go red, but x3 in the 'you're gonna die' department.

But that feeling can be hard to identify if you haven't felt it, so most of the people in the club settled for

giving her a sideways glance and putting a bit of distance between themselves and her.

While I feel like running for the hills.

But I can't do that because, I have no idea where the rest of my group is, dang it.

"I can end things for you right now," she smiled her creepy smile and jumped at me with her freaky

hybrid speed.

"No thanks!" I sang as I caught her wrists in my hands. I looked at the dagger she must have pulled out

of somewhere at some point, and it's WAY too close to my face for comfort. "I was just having a pity

party. Don't you ever do that?"

She yanked out of my hold and came at me again swinging.

I blocked her blow with mine but my arm took some damage from the dagger.

I gritted my teeth through the fiery pain and went for her neck. I got in a good slash with my claws.

She didn't appreciate that.

Next thing I know, my head's being used as a sledgehammer to break a glass on the counter. she kept

her hand on the back of my neck — reminding me of someone — and held my face to the surface.

"Ow! FRICK!" I yelled.

Yes, I said frick.

Anyway, because of her amped strength, I can't just shove her off, so I've gotta get creative.

And I've gotta do it before she stabs me in the head with the dagger she's already winding up with.

And I've also gotta do it with my head a little fuzzy from the impact.

So this isn't a good situation.

I ended up kicking back blindly, super hard, and it actually made her budge. It made her move just

enough so the dagger didn't plunge into my head, but the wood next to it.

I do get lucky sometimes, I guess.

I used this opportunity to whip around and and knee her in the stomach.

And of course, as I noticed when I turned to face her, her neck's already healed.


She retaliated by trying to stab me in the side.

Before she could pierce the skin though, a hand caught her's, despite her crazy speed.

And only alphas and pure bloods can even hope to match a hybrid's speed.


He rammed his elbow into the back of hers and there was a sickening crack. The dagger fell out of her


She didn't even look phased by the pain, only more pissed off.

She let out a battle cry sorta yell as she slammed her fist into Wolfie's face. There was another crack.

I felt something explode inside me.

But I've never felt it before, so I kept it in. I don't need anything blowing up in my face.

But I did let a little bit out to fuel my next attack.

My hands balled into fists in her hair while she was focused on Wolfie, and before she knew what

was going on, I slammed her head into my knee.

The sounds of bones breaking have just become part of the atmosphere.

So the crack didn't surprise anyone.

Instead of falling limp, this girl decides to keep fighting with her dented head.

But she's slowing down.

She swung — with her good arm — for my stomach, but I caught her wrist, again. This time though, I

flipped her over my arm so she landed hard on her back.

I stepped on her throat to keep her down.

. . . It didn't last long.

But now the rest of the group's here!

After she stabbed her claws into my calf and got back to her feat, I went to round house kick the crap

out of her messed up head, but Wolfie pulled me back with a strong arm and growl towards the hybrid.

He started delivering punches and the whole group joined in.

Once she fell to the ground and didn't get back up for a few seconds, I figured they don't really need

me anymore.

I sat on a chair and ripped the sleeves off my jacket. One to wrap the cut from the dagger in my arm

— that's gonna heal h3lla slow because of the poison — and the other to wrap her claw marks in my NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

calf. Those shouldn't take too long to heal.

Oh. . . And everyone in the club has disappeared. How convenient.


Suddenly, Wolfie's in my face and gently taking hold of my arm.

I winced violently.

It didn't hurt that bad, I just don't need him touching me after everything that's happened with him

today. I wasn't kidding when I told him I don't think I can take it.

He immediately dropped my arm, "Sorry!" He rushed out.

. . . He makes my heart hurt.

"Maria, you good?" Stephan rushed over to ask me.

Wolfie glared at him.

I got off the chair, "Yeah, I'm fine."

His glare moved to me and my bleeding calf. "You shouldn't be walking on tha —"

"Great, then let's get going," Stephan cut Wolfie off. He jabbed his thumb towards the girl on the

ground. "We've got a lot to discuss about this hybrid chick and what our next move's gonna be because

of her."

Cali nodded, "You're right."

I nodded along with her, "And I've got the perfect place to find out what's on this drive." I held up the

computer drive. "We can talk on the way there."

We all piled into the van that's now cramped due to me not being squished into a hiding spot.

"So, a hybrid just attacked us, out in the open, after not having been seen for the good part of this

past decade. What does it mean?" Brandon looked at all of us from the back seat.

Rose spoke up from her place next to him, "Well, it either means they know we're looking for them

and they're trying to pick us off, or this one just happened to be out for a drink and recognized Maria,

which sounds VERY unlikely when you say it out loud."

I nodded, "And considering they practically left us an invitation by leaving the dagger, I'm assuming it's

the first one," I sighed.

Everyone stayed silent, taking it all in.

"Well isn't that just amazing?" Happy threw over his shoulder with sarcastic enthusiasm from the

driver's seat.

"I know right? Sounds like a blast," Stephan responded, voice equally as drenched in sarcasm.

Cali sighed tiredly, "Can't wait."

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