Big Bad Wolfie

Chapter 29: 28 - Turned Tables

Chapter 29: 28 - Turned Tables

•••Jason's POV•••

'Her parents are dead?'

. . . Ki's blood started boiling at the very thought of our Maria having to go through that.

And all I can think about is the pain she must have gone through. . .

I was about to run over and scoop her up in my arms and never let her go, but Aden said something

funny apparently, and the tension decreased in my angel's face and everyone went back to semi-


I suppose there's another way I can take her in my arms though. . .

"Well, you're always talking about how I don't know what I'm dealing with. . ."

Ehhh, maybe not such a good idea. She just took down Aden. . . And Aden can sometimes pin even


'We should fight her.'

Ki, I don't think —

"Let's spar," Ki's darker, rougher voice came through my mouth.

Well, so much for that.

Maria analyzed me for a second. She can no doubt see Malaki in my eyes. His glowing golden orbs are

pretty hard to miss.

Why does he keep doing this?

Why do I keep letting him?!

This is twice now that he's gotten the jump on me and taken the forefront. I haven't been this out of

control of him sense I was younger.

It's seen as pretty important to train alphas to control their wolf early on, for obvious reasons. No one

wants an overpowered and savage wolf rampaging through a territory, or even worse, their own pack.

Luckily, he hasn't completely broken out. Hasn't forced a shift.

Not yet at least.

But now, I'm terrified to shift at all. I'm worried about what he'll do if I let him out. What he'll do to a sexy

little vampire, in particular.

He won't hurt her.

. . . Not too bad at least.

But. . . He wants her to submit. And the terrifying part is what he'll do to get her to.

I swear, the things he has flashing through my mind sometimes. . . She'll never forgive me for.

Ha, what the h3ll am I saying?

I took over her house.

I don't know how she'll ever forgive me.

Why am I doing this again?!

'Because of what Master Apollyon would do if we chickened out and let Maria get back into power!'

Oh. . . Right. You don't wanna piss someone off who's name literally means the destroyer.

'Plus, WE'RE the alpha d@mnit!'

Goddess Ki.

She stared for a few more seconds. She's aware that if she excepts, she'll be fighting both of us. Not

just me.

'Hm, maybe she's not as naive as we thought,'

As you thought.

'She doesn't want to go against our power —'

"You're on."

D@mnit Maria.


In Ki's anger, I was able to squeeze past him.

I chuckled. I have to make it seem like what I'm about to say is a joke. "You sure you wanna do that?

I'm not sure I'd be able to resist pinning you and taking you on the floor here and now."

He's even more riled up than he was in my room. Now, he wants a fight, but only for the prize he gets


"What?!" My sister and Aden exclaimed.

Excuse! We need an excuse!

"Mine!" A huge growl came with Ki's words out of my mouth.

"We're mates," Maria simultaneously threw over her shoulder.

Well, so much for that.

"And I don't think we have to worry about that," she redirected her attention back to me.

I raised an eyebrow, still with a forced smirk on my face. "I think you overestimate my self control."

She has no idea.

"I think you overestimate your ability to pin me."

***Maria's POV***

He has no idea.

But Wolfie's monster is clearly at the forefront. And he actually probably wouldn't be able to resist if his

wolf decided he wanted me now. Content bel0ngs to Nôvel(D)r/a/ma.Org.

And quite honestly, I'm not sure if I wanna put either of us in that position.

So, in summary, I've made a bit of a mistake in excepting his offer.

But I looked into both of their eyes and didn't find anything malicious. I found other intentions that were

less than comforting, but nothing I can't handle.

So maybe it could be oka —

Oh h3ll no.

The boy took off his shirt.

He took off his shirt.

I'm gonna have a panic attack.

"Ah!" I shielded my eyes. "That is not necessary! Get decent again!"

I heard quiet snickers around me.

I let out a hiss their way.


"What? Now that we're in public you don't wanna openly stare?" He questioned. "Like in my room

earlier today?" He added on with what I bet is a mischievous smirk on his d@mn gorgeous face. There

was tension in his voice a few seconds ago. . . Not anymore.

Well d@mn, glad I can be your comedic relief, Wolfie!

A chorus of "oohhhs" came from our audience.

D@mn you all.

Especially, Wolfie.

"Yes exactly!" I yelled at him exasperated.

What? I'm not one for denial.

He let out a deep hardy laugh.

Oh my goddess. I think I'm going to melt and explode at the same time if he laughs like that again.

"C'mon, don't be shy." I can hear the grin in his voice. "You need your vision to fight."

Ah! He's right in front of me and his hands are on mine.

I'm about to hyperventilate.

Holy crap.

"Nonononono, I don't."

He's going to think I'm kidding.

He chuckled.

Called it.

He wrapped his hands tighter around my wrists and tried to pry them off my face.


"C'mon," he laughed.

"I'm gonna have a panic attack," I nearly whimpered. I can feel him. His warmth. His energy. . . Even a

little bit of his authority. I feel like it's crawling all over me.

Another loud and hardy and beautiful and ovary destroying and sanity demolishing laugh.

"You're not helping!" I screamed.

Laughter erupted from around us.

Thank the goddess our little group is the only crowd in the training area right now.

That could have been bad.

He's so close to me. I can feel the heat radiating off of him. He's always so warm.

And I'm always so cold.

I heard him take a small step closer, but if we're being honest, even if I was deaf I would know his

towering frame is now barely inches from me. His scent and warmth envelope me. This feels way too


Why do I feel even more on fire than in my room?!

Maybe it's just the added embarrassment of being in public?

Yes. . . Yes that has to be it.

. . . I don't know, is he hotter than before? I feel like he is.

"Maria," he whispered.

RIP my ovaries.

"I'm about to cry," I shook my head.

This is too much!

He laughed again.

Stop laughing d@mnit!

It's doing terrible things to me.

"Fine then," he said.

Phew, thank goodness.

Wait, but he's — Ah!"

The ground disappeared from under my feet and my eyes flew open. As soon as I could register that

he had picked me up, he slammed/set me onto the ground on my back.

It sounded like a slam, but felt more like a set. I could tell he slowed me down with his arm behind my


Aw, how considerate.

I felt my heart rate spike and my breathing hitch.

But this isn't going to work for me. The way he's hovering over me with that angle face and tempting

muscle covered body, is a no go.

I spun us around so his tan figure is below me.

His golden eyes flared.

I stayed there frozen for a little while longer, staring into them.

His eyes started doing some weird crap.

Gold and gray started flashing between each other. If I thought I saw lightning in his gaze before, I was

wrong. A little while longer, and they started swirling into each other.

His muscles rippled under me —

Holy crap, I forgot he was under me.

His power starts seeping off of him in waves. I feel like I'm going to suffocate with how close I am to

him. Every one of my senses are drowning in him.

Code red! Code red! Actually about to have a panic attack.

The bond is acting quicker than I could have imagined. Things were nowhere near this level of intensity

earlier today!

I put my hands down on the sides of his head and pushed up to get away from this whole situation,

before I lose my mind.

He quickly wrapped his tree trunk arms around my waist and pulled me back into him.

Okay, now, I'm actually going to cry. His warmth and touch and scent and feel are just too freaking


His eyes are still doing that weird swirly thing, but I can't tell if it's out of anger of being pinned,

possessiveness, or lust.

He grabbed my @ss, hard, glaring me straight in the eye.

Well, that answers that. I think it's safe to assume all three.

But the mix of that realization, the action, and his being in general, is what caused what happened next.

It was like a lightning bolt struck me and my whole body caught on fire.

Flames and tingles from the electricity spread throughout it and my lungs feel like they shut down.

Uh oh. . . Looks like tables have turned.

With that realization, I did the only thing I could think to do.

I kneed him in the groin.

Which I'm already begging to regret, because I need that!

But it was necessary. Once his grip loosened because of the intense pain I'm sure he's feeling, I

hopped off of him and landed a good ten feet away.

It still doesn't feel far enough, though.

His wolf(and him too probably, considering the swirly eye thing) let out a Monstrous growl that shook

me and everyone else in the vicinity. Even his parents.

Well crap.

He started getting up, the rage clear in his eyes.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Let me explain!" I yelled putting my hands out in front of me.

It's kind of a big deal to do that to an alpha in front of his pack members. Even a small number of them.

And even if he's an @ss.

He stalled on the ground, nostrils flared and pissed off gaze on me.

I'll take that as my cue to continue. Because, the freaking saint in me feels like I owe him an

explanation. It's one thing to talk, it's another to embarrass him in front of his pack members like this.

And again, ONLY the little freaking angle part of me gives a crap(and the part that's effected by the

mate bond, obviously. . . Which is turning into mostly. . .), because it's not like he hasn't embarrassed


But I digress, "Y'know what you said about loosing control and taking me on the floor? Yeah, that can

happen to me too," I probably look insane with how I'm fidgeting with these wide red eyes of mine.

"Sooo, to avoid that, I really think we should just take a break from this whole situation. . ."

Breathe, breathe, breathe.

"And you should put a shirt on," I added, huffing and puffing.

In, and out.

"And I won."

And then I raced off towards his pack house.

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