Beneath the Surface

Chapter twenty-one


I can’t believe I was staring at him like that! What is the matter with me? I was acting like I’ve never seen a man before. This is getting ridiculous. For some reason I’m drawn to Jax like a freakin magnet or something and it’s pissing me off. It’s embarrassing as hell too. He’s obviously not interested, and here I am staring at him like some starry eyed teenage girl. He actually left his house I made him so uncomfortable. I have to get this crush or whatever it is under control. Maybe if I stay away from him it’ll go away.

Around lunch time Carson comes over to let me know they’re finished at my house. Carson sent the boys to the room they slept in last night so we can talk. They found five cameras with sound in my house. My whole body shakes as I sit on the couch thinking about my privacy being stolen from me again. Carson sits next to me and wraps an arm around me pulling me to him. I cling to the front of his shirt as I start to cry. The thought of someone watching me inside my house again breaks me, just like it did the first time. Someone watching your every move inside your own home is a level of intimacy I don’t want with whoever this man is. Everyone does things inside their house they don’t want other people to see. Every time I changed my clothes, took a shower, walked to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee in my underwear, everything, someone was watching everything. I sob into his chest for a few minutes before I pull myself together and pull away from him.

“I’m scared to go back. He was in that house while we were sleeping. Stuff was moved in my bathroom, and the only way to get to my bathroom is to walk through my bedroom. The son of a bitch was in my bedroom with me Carson.”

“Hey it’ll be okay. I understand why you’re scared. He might have been there the night before last, but he’s not in there now. I put a great security system in. All I need to get it going is for you to punch in the security code you want to use. There’s no way he can get passed the system I picked Lexie. Every window and both doors have sensors. There’s not a single entrance to your house that isn’t wired to set off the alarm. To make you feel better your first night back I’ll sleep on the couch tonight.”

“No I can’t ask you to do that. I don’t want to be a burden. I just wanted to vent.”

“You’re not a burden and it’s not a problem. I’m on your couch tonight. Now go get your stuff and let’s go.”


JaxThis is from NôvelDrama.Org.

I’m sitting on my front porch with Dillon drinking a beer. I’m glaring holes into Carson’s SUV still parked in Lexie’s driveway. I look at my watch and see its 11:46 pm. What the hell is he doing over there? He’s been there since before I came home at 7, and I can’t think of what he would be doing over there for so long or so late. It’s damn near midnight and time for him to take his ass home. Why hasn’t he left yet? The boys have to be in bed by now. What are Lexie and Carson doing?

“Come on man why don’t you just call him and ask why he’s there or go knock on the door. Sitting there drinking a beer glaring at his car is just pathetic.”

I jerk my head around away from the car, “I’m not calling him because I don’t care why he’s there. It’s none of my business and I couldn’t care less. Besides, I wasn’t glaring at his car either asshole. I was just lost in thought and that happened to be where my eyes were pointed.” He snorts knowing I’m lying like hell. “I’m serious. I decided this morning I’m staying away from her for real now unless she needs my protection. The system he put in should keep her perfectly safe without me. I’d be perfectly happy to never see her again.”

“Then I’m sure you don’t mind that the lights just turned off and he’s still there then.”

I don’t even blink or turn my head. No way, I’m falling for that shit. I’m not stupid, I know that’s a trap to get me to jerk around so he can laugh about being right that I cared. Carson has never been interested in a woman. Hell he’s never even mentioned getting laid before. I figure he’s either extremely private or a virgin. I smirk at Dillon to let him know I’m not falling for that shit.

“Hmm. Well damn, I guess you really don’t care then. That’s good, I guess, because I’d really rather you not kill Carson. I’d kind of miss the weird son of a bitch.” I’m confused why would I kill Carson because Dillon’s being a dick? Unless… my head whips around and I damn near jump from my seat and go bang on the door. The lights really are all off. The mother fucker is spending the night at Lexie’s! I can’t believe it. I stand up, walk inside, and lock Dillon’s ass out. I throw my can against the wall before going to get something stronger. Jack sounds good right about now.

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