
2. Rebel!

Author’s pov

Bella hurriedly washed dishes while glancing at the clock. It’s 10. 30 pm and party will start in half an hour, she doesn’t want to miss it.

She tried to finish her work quickly but there were so many dishes, afterall she is living in a big family. She has 7 sisters and 2 brothers, she is second child so have to perform duties of elder sister. It tired her everytime.

Not like she doesn’t love her siblings but living in a big family comes with many disadvantages, they don’t get enough resources to live a relaxed life. She blames her parents for that, they should have birth only that many children which they can take care of. Her mother literally take care of first 2 girls and after that Bella and her elder sister Jasmine are taking care of other siblings. Not to mention that sometimes it becomes difficult to deal with little brats.

Household chores, school and many more things. Their life isn’t peaceful.

Sometimes she wish that she should have born somewhere else and not in the big family like this. Bella didn’t even experienced her mother’s love because as soon as she turned two her mother got pregnant which diverted her attention. Bella hates that. Her mother claims to love all her children equally but in reality she doesn’t give attention to any of them.

But she can’t blame her mother completely, her father is orthodox and he doesn’t believe in birth control or abortion. He is very strict and Bella has many restrictions.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Bella doesn’t like her father even a bit, he puts unnecessary restrictions on them like he only brought dresses for them which will cover their whole body. Short dresses and pants are not allowed. He doesn’t give them permission to go outside if it’s not for market or school. He will always tell them to sit like a lady and behave well.

They are not allowed to party, they can’t drink, her father doesn’t allow her to do job either.

He says, women forget their roots when they go outside of the house. Bella hates his mentality from her guts, she can never hate someone as much she hates her father. World has reached on the moon and that man is still living in 70s.

She wants to leave this house but her father is rooted on marrying her off. She doesn’t want to marry. She is sure that he will marry her off to the guy like him.

What she hates the most that her mother follows him blindly. If it’s not for her medical conditions then Bella would have more siblings to care off.

She respects her father’s believes but that doesn’t mean he can force his children to do the same.


She cursed when clock hit the 11.

She quickly wiped her hands and ran upstairs. She shares her bedroom with her three sisters and it’s not good experience at all. They live in a small room which is worst than animal cage.

She sighed in relief when she saw two of her sisters are already asleep. She tiptoed towards the washroom and washed her face and started doing her makeup.


Bella gasped when she heard whisper.

“Oh my god Jasmine, don’t do that… You scared me.”

Bella scolded her.

“Where are you going?”

Jasmine asked folding her hands.

Only Jasmine knows what Bella does. Among all the siblings only Bella is most beautiful and rebel, she only does those things which she shouldn’t. She drinks, she sneak out of the house at night, she has boyfriend, she watches porn and what not. All these things are strictly prohibited in their house. Sometimes her sister doesn’t understand from where she got all these courage.

“To the party… Jason is waiting for me.”

Bella answered while wearing her heels.

Jasmine’s eyes widened.

“What are you wearing. Oh god!”

She looked at her short dress which has deep neck.

“Relax it’s nothing… I don’t want to spend my whole life like a prisoner… Come with me, I’ll show you how girls live outside.”

Bella said.

“No, i am fine… Bella it’s too late. What if father find out about you. He will kill you.”

Jasmine exclaimed.

“One day we all have to die. I will happily die for having fun.”

She shrugged.

“When are you coming back?”

Jasmine asked in disbelief.

“Before sunrise, i promise…”

Bella replied.

Jasmine sighed

“I don’t think that boy, Jason is good. He seems little___”

“Jasmine relax… He is a good guy…”

Bella assured.

“And you think i will let him do anything to me… Bitch i am Bella.”

She chuckled.

“Language Bella.”

Jasmine slapped her arm.

“Okay, how am I looking?”

Bella asked turning towards her with huge grin.

Jasmine smiled at her, no one can deny that Bella is incredibly beautiful. She has blonde curly hair and blue eyes. Milky white skin and sexy body with thick waist. She has little mole on her chin which makes her look tempting.

“More than perfect…”

Jasmine smiled.

“Okay, i am leaving… He must be waiting for me.”

She said.

“Bella take care and please come back soon… If he finds out then we are dead… And call me if something happens, okay?”

Jasmine instructed.


Bella said while throwing her heels down from the window.

“How will you go down in this dress.?”

Jasmine asked.

“Watch me”

Bella grinned.

She grabbed the pipe and went down. She jumped on the ground and waved to Jasmine.

Jasmine shook her head.

“This girl is impossible…”

Sometimes she wonders why Bella is so different from other siblings. It’s like tigress is living with sheeps. She is brave, rebel and smart.

Bella looked around for a cab but Smirked when she saw her neighbour boy.

“Hey Michelle…”

She called him and he muttered curse when he saw that walking problem.

“Drop me at the club.”

Bella demanded.

“I have to go home, mom is waiting for me.”

Michelle reasoned, he is low key scared of Bella because she bully him. Not that evilly but she loves to have fun with him.

Bella raised her eyebrows.

“Fine, let’s go together… I have to tell your mom that her good boy was smoking yesterday.”

She patted his back.

“Okay, fine… I’ll drop you. Just don’t tell anyone about it”

He pleaded.

Bella Smirked and sat on his bike.

“Don’t drop me otherwise I’ll break your bones.”

She warned and he gulped. He has seen Bella fighting with boys in school. She has guts.

He dropped her at the bar.

“Your father won’t like it…”

He said.

“Shut up otherwise I’ll tell your girlfriend that you used to pee in your pants till 5th standard.”

She threatened.

“And your mom calls you choochi at home.”

“Fuck, stop it..”

He said frustratingly.

“Then keep your mouth shut…”

She warned.

Michelle shook his head and drove away not wanting to mess with this crazy girl.

Bella laughed at him and walked inside the club pushing away sweaty and drunk bodies. She looked around to find her boyfriend in disco lights.

She finally spotted him at the corner but soon her blood Started boiling when she saw what he is doing.

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