Be Careful When You Bite Me

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

"Blood," I tried to tell him, to let him know that I understood but his eyes couldn't seem to focus. He was

too weak to do anything about the fact that he was starving. He was too weak to get up and so I knew I

had to do something to get him to bite me.

I looked around in a frantic for an object that I could use to cut myself with. I caught sight of a knife on

the dining room table and quickly ran up to grab it. I rushed back to Damon's side and held the knife up

to the nape of my skin.

I tried not to think about how much it will hurt, instead, I poisoned the knife on a previous cut and ran

the blade lightly against it, reopening it. I winced at the harsh pain and felt my blood began to drip. I

brought my neck closer to where Damon was and his eyes were now locked with my neck.

He didn't take much time to find his strength before grabbing me abruptly and pulling me down. The

sudden impact of his fangs slicing through my neck was painful enough to send me screaming.

I grabbed on to the sofa trying not to claw at him. My vision quickly began to blur the harder he bit and

it felt as if he was sucking the life out of me. This bite didn't lead to pleasure as it has in the past. This

bite continued to hurt and burn and drain at me until my vision turned completely black. I felt hands

grabbing at me, pulling me away from his grip.

The screams in the background sounded more like distant echoes. I couldn't tell whether Damon was

still biting me or not because all I could really feel was numbness. Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

I gasped out loud and opened my eyes wide, the burst of light flooding my vision. I was now lying on

the ground, Asia and Luna were staring down at me in concern. Asia had an empty glass cup in her

hands and I felt my hair to realize it was drenched.

Did she throw cold water on me?

"Is he alright, is Damon-" I couldn't talk without gasping in between. My neck was beginning to burn

again and I clutched it with my fingers.

"He's alright, Xavier took him outside for a walk, " Luna replied.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, directing my question at Luna but Asia didn't give her time to answer

before she suddenly snapped at me.

"Are you an idiot," she exclaimed," he could have killed you!"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and began to sit up.

"He's bitten me before," I replied. Both girls grabbed my arms and helped me up onto the couch.

"You can't let him bite you when he's starving, he may not be able to control himself," Asia continued.

"Don't tell me you've never let Xavier bite you," I snapped.

Asia remained staring at me but kept silent.

Luna handed me a new glass that was filled with water and I chugged it.

"Where's Dimitri?" I asked, immediately feeling better. The burning from my neck was beginning to


"He's sleeping," Luna replied. I nodded.

"We need to talk," I said, staring at both girls.

"About?" Luna replied.

"About my mother," I said.

Both girls remained silent waiting for me to further ask.

"Did you know that I was half-witch?" I asked Luna who merely nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"It wasn't my place, I never met your mother but from what I was able to see, she wouldn't have wanted

you to know, I-I understand what that's like."

"What else do you know," I continued.

Both girls glanced at each other before Asia started," when your mother was a witch, she fell in love

with your father, her family shunned her for it, as did the rest of the Underworld. She even spent some

time in the Council's prison."

"The prison that I found Damon in?" I asked and they nodded.

"She was in there for a little bit before the Council gave her an ultimatum. She can either give up all

powers that made her a witch and stop practising completely."

"Meaning she would be just like your father, a human," said Luna.

I nodded for them to continue.

"Or she could never see him again, and rejoin with her race. She couldn't have both."

"Your mother couldn't stay away from your father and they caught her, and almost killed her, so in the

end, she gave up all ties to The Underworld."

"It would be the last thing she'd want, for you to find out, but-"

"But I'm marked," I spoke softly looking down at my hands.

How ironic is it that my mother spent her entire life running away from this life only to be cursed with a

marked daughter?

I looked back up at the girls who were still staring at me," how do I get rid of it, the mark, I don't want it,

I'd rather get back to my normal life-"

"You can't Holly," said Asia," it's not something you can just give back-"

"Can I ignore it? Or just forget all about it?"

"If we perform the ritual, it would only be a temporary fix, once you're marked by the gods of The

Underworld, fate is bound to bring you back-"

"You're saying if I choose to forget, there's no guarantee that I won't get kidnapped by vampires


Both girls remained silent.

The door suddenly burst open and barged in both Xavier and Damon.

Damon's eyes automatically caught mine and it became hard to breathe again. He looked guilty but

healthy. The colour had returned to his golden eyes, his skin had gone back to its bright pale colour

instead of the greyish tint it had before.

"Seth is getting crowned," Xavier said, breaking the silence that felt as it held the entire room hostage

although it may have been just Damon and I.

I looked away from him breaking eye contact and looked at Xavier.

"What?" I asked," how do you know?"

"Someone from the castle just called," he continued.

"There's going to a ball," Damon said, still looking at me," tomorrow night, where it will be announced."

I stood up, mainly because I couldn't stand not being able to move, and also because I couldn't believe

the words that I was hearing," they can't do that," I said," you're next to take the throne-"

"They dethroned him as they did me," said Xavier.

"Because they thought he was going to die, but you didn't-"

"It doesn't matter," said Damon," right now, I'm an outlaw, they wouldn't want anything to do with me."

"You can't let them throne Seth and Isabelle, do you realize the mayhem they will cause," this time is

was Asia. Her voice was panicked and she was almost pleading.

Xavier and Damon glanced at each other before turning their gaze back at us.

"What did you do with the castle car?" Xavier asked Luna.

"It's still in Oakridge, assuming the guards didn't find it," she answered.

Xavier nodded and turned to look at Damon," well?"

Damon merely nodded and the three of us looked at the brothers in confusion.

"We're going to crash the ball," said Damon, eyes locked on mines," and we're going to kill Seth."

Chapter 23

We left Luna's place a little while after. It was decided that it was best to keep her and Dimitri out of

this. After all, it wasn't their fight and had nothing to do with the couple. Xavier drove us back to Asia's

place, Damon and I sat in the back awkwardly, stealing secret glances at each other every so often

while Asia rode passenger. She held Xavier's hand the entire time and I wondered if that was a comfort

thing. I looked down at Damon's hand placed beside him on the seat and pondered on the thought of

what might happen if I reached over and grabbed it.

Would it provide me with the same comfort that holding Xavier's hand seemed to bring Asia?

It didn't matter because it wasn't like I had the guts to find out. I peaked outside of the window. It had

been morning time for a while now, maybe even afternoon. I had almost little to no interest in the

scenery outside of the car windows but I forced myself to stare out and observe how people lived their

regular, everyday, vampire and witches free lives.

Boring, I thought, ignorant, arrogant...boring.

I wondered what else was out there that I didn't know of or if there was a second Underworld that even

The Underworld now didn't know of.

When we got to Xavier and Asia's place, I couldn't help but wonder what the four of us looked like to

the everyday wayfarer. The elevator ride was silent and so was the walk down the hallway. Inside the

condo, the three looked at me.

"What?" I mumbled.

"You should get some sleep," said Asia," you haven't slept in a while."

I couldn't argue with her if I tried. It was already taking whatever energy I had left to keep standing and

so I merely nodded," Okay, can you wake me up before you leave?"

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