Ascension of a Gamma

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 Rose Thorns


My heart skipped a beat as he came closer, stepping into the moonlight coming from the glass wall

behind the wide stairs.

How did he get in?

His eyes fixated on me, a slight pull on the corner of his lips. I opened my mouth to utter his name, but

his lips suddenly crashed onto mine as his hand went to the back of my head, and his other arm

wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to him. His tongue licked my lips, asking for entrance, and

a soft grip on my side made me gasp, giving him what he asked for

My lips parted for him and he plunged his tongue inside, dominating me as he always did. Hungry and

urgent, his kiss sparked a fire in me that could only be extinguished by his touch. I cupped both sides of

his face to bring him closer, to close the gap between us, for it wasn‘t enough – I needed him like he

was the blood coursing through my veins – my

source of life. A groan escaped his lips, muffled by my mouth, and I responded with a muffled moan.

With a sharp inhale of breath to make it last longer, I kissed him like it was the last until he pulled away

for air, leaving u s both panting. He met my forehead with his, eyes closed, minty breath fanning m y

face. Why did I ever leave? Would a man kiss me the way he did when his heart wasn’t mine?

He pecked my lips once, twice, biting and tugging on my lower lip for a kiss wasn’t enough. I needed

more, and so did he.

“Liam,” I whispered, now breathing heavily for my heart raced in my chest. His response was one I

hadn’t expected.

“I love you,” he breathed.

The only three words that I wanted to hear from him.

“I love you,” he repeated, taking my lips again on another kiss, this time slow, passionate, and I knew

those words were meant only for me as they had always been.

“I love you, too,” I replied, looking him i n the eyes.

Lustful, loving, and gentle gorgeous brown eyes saw right through the façade I put up. I was

defenseless in front of him as was he the man without a shell in front of me.

Grabbing my wrist, he pulled me into the shadows. “Come with me,” he said urgently. I woke from the

daze I was in and halted.

“I can’t,” I replied, “I have to talk to father.”

“We don’t have much time. We have to go now,” he said, turning to face me.” You’re not safe here.

Sooner or later, this pack will be overrun by rogues. I can’t lose you, Anna.”

“Alpha Liam,” he exclaimed. “I see you’ve come to take my daughter away.”

Cane tapping on the tiles, he made his way over to us with a grin.

Liam’s face hardened, his grip tightened,

and a dangerous growl made Father stop.

“I‘ve been meaning to talk to Bella’s mate,” he continued. “If you could both follow me in my office.”

Liam looked at me expecting an answer. I shook my head slowly. I didn’t know, too. Was he planning to

talk to Liam all this


Father had already gone ahead. The two o fus could escape. He made no move to pull me, instead, he

let go of my wrist.

“He’s my father,” I said, and he nodded, stealing a quick kiss.

Does he know? Is Alpha Fraser home?

“Do you think he’ll approve?” he asked with a grin.

Why isn’t he nervous about this!

I smiled up at him. “He’ll love you,” I replied, taking his hand, and following Father.

We entered his office hand in hand. He was seated on his leather chair behind a wooden desk free of

anything. This was the first time I’d been here.

“Sit,” he said casually, motioning to the two seats in front of him.

My palms felt sweaty. Introducing my mate to Father felt weird… like I did something I wasn’t supposed

to, and it was embarrassing. It wasn’t like he had any choice – we already marked each other.

Liam smiled at him and boldly followed, repositioning one of the chairs right in front of Father so they

were face to face, then pulling me down to sit sideways on his lap. I glared up at him, my fingers

clutching onto the soft fabric of my dress as my cheeks heated up. He ignored me b y looking straight


I could feel Father’s gaze on me. I kept m y head down, too embarrassed to look at him.

“I’ll get straight to the point,” said Father in an imposing tone. “I don’t like you Roses.”

I shot him a surprised look. He was telling me to talk to my mate a few days ago, why was he taking it

back now?

“With all due respect, Sir, I’m not here to

impress you,” Liam replied in the same manner.

What are you doing?

I pinched his hand, but he didn’t flinch. Instead, his gaze shifted to me, eye color shifting from brown to


“She’s my rose among a bed of roses and I, the thorn that pricks any who dares pluck her. She’s the

soft petals that capture the morning dew, sparkling as the first rays of the morning sun bless her,

gracing those who see her with a desire to own her but never will for I am present still. She’s the

wonderous bloom underneath the moonshine, with a fragrance so divine it soothes the weariest of

souls.” He placed a soft kiss o n the back of my hand, eyes never leaving mine.

I forgot to breathe. I didn’t think he was a romantic

He pierced his gaze to my Father, and I found myself wishing he hadn’t.

“Your daughter is a Rose now, Alpha Emery Black. She is ours and always will b e, with or without your


“Is it true, Bella?” he asked.

I could feel them waiting for me to answer.

Am I a Rose? Am I his?

I met Liam’s gaze. Those gorgeous brown eyes were my undoing.

“He’s my mate, he’s my Alpha. He’s the thoughts that run in my mind from the second I wake to the last

second before I sleep. He’s the beating of my heart, untamed in his presence, the rush in my veins.”

I didn’t know I had it in me. 1

I got up from his lap and went beside father. He turned to his side to face me and I got down on one

knee before him.

“I love him, Father, but I love you as well. I cannot force you to accept him, but I ask you to please give

him – us- a chance to prove to you that this is real, just like you and Mother.”

His eyes softened. “You don’t understand, Bella. His father took you both from me. Then, because of

him, I lost many from the pack.”

“My family never took anything from you,” said Liam icily. “If you’re talking about the lands, I saw the

papers. They were all legally transferred, or are you saying the signatures were forged?”

Father scowled at him. “Your treacherous father promised to protect my pack from rogues in exchange

for our lands!” he spat, standing up. “The transfer was made; the papers were signed. I watched my

own pack die from one rogue attack after another because you Rose – “he pointed at Liam, then

added, “- betrayed me for the second time! I shouldn’t have trusted you. Now, you want to take my

daughter away too?”

“An Alpha should protect his pack,” said Liam, standing up, too. “You were too weak that you blame it

on my predecessor. I’m taking Anna with me one way or another.”

“Your predecessor and his treacherous friends broke the alliance and attacked our pack! Over what?

An unjustified reason… a hearsay… What makes you think I’ll let you take more from me?” said father,

growling. He snapped his

fast for me to follow.

A gunshot rang, echoing in the small space, ringing in my ears. Liam’s eyes widened, then his gaze fell

to the wetness spreading on his chest. He coughed up blood, then meeting my eyes, he fell backwards

to the floor.

I screamed.


Scrambling to my feet, I rounded the desk to go to him, but Father wrapped his arms around my waist

and held me tight.

He was bleeding…


I thrashed in Father’s arms, but he wouldn’t let me go

“No! No! Liam! Liam!”

Tears began to cloud my vision.

Who…what… who shot him?

Beta David showed himself from behind the door, a gun in his hand.

I slowly shook my head in disbelief, my

voice cracking. I could feel his pain…


“How could you!” I screamed, pushing at the arms that trapped me. If looks could kill, I would’ve killed

Beta David then.

In my frustration, I elbowed Father in the face, hard. He groaned as he let me go instantly and I went to

Liam, slapping at his cheeks to get a response from him.

“Liam! Liam, please… wake up,” I begged.

Don’t do this to me again. All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Liam! Liam!”

Don’t close your eyes again.


His lashes… moved?

“Liam!” I screamed as I gave him a sharp slap.

His eyes opened, a hand instinctively going to his cheek as he groaned while sitting up. I couldn’t help

but smile in relief.

“Babe, I’m hurt,” he whined.

I rolled my eyes at him and slapped his arm repeatedly. “You scared me; you


“Why won’t you just die,” said a voice from behind us

My blood ran cold.

“Ah!” A dart hit Liam’s neck. He took it out then dropped it on the floor.

“Liam?” I asked as he swayed to one side.

“What did you do!” I shrieked. He begant o close his eyes…

“Take him,” ordered Alpha Myron. A couple of men barged in and ripped him from my arms.


“Bella, no,” said my Father, grabbing my


“Let me go!” I screamed. He tightened his hold on me to the point that it hurt. The two men dragged

Liam out the door.


Al- Myron smirked at me.

“Let him go,” I said sternly.

He didn’t scare me. What kind of father would use his own daughter? He was a manipulative, power-

hungry psycho who

didn’t deserve to be Alpha.

“Bella, stop it.” Father reprimanded.

I glared at him.

“You put me through a lot of trouble, young lady,” said the Alpha wannabe.

“You’re nothing but a coward,” I spat. He planned it all. I was sure of it.

He laughed aloud, amused. “Call me what you want,” he said, walking to me. “It took longer than

expected, but… I win.”

Father pulled me to the side. “We held our end of the deal. Now leave!”

“Of course. There’s nothing to gain from this pack of yours,” he replied smoothly then turned on his


“Come back here! I’m not done with you!” I screamed. I struggled to get out of his grip until he finally let


“What did he promise you?”

“What did he promise you?”

His eyes hardened. “The pack has grown weak, Bella. If I didn’t give him Liam, they would’ve attacked


I narrowed my eyes at him, not knowing what to say. He knew Liam would come for me. Was he

searching for me?

He… he was waiting for my mate to comet o rescue me. I… I was… bait.

“He’s my mate! How could you hand him, my mate?”

“I’m sorry, Bella,” he said, placing his hands on my shoulders. “When you become Alpha, you will

understand. I have to ensure the survival of our pack.”

I backed away from him, irked by his touch. “No.You did this because of what his father did. I don’t care

if it’s a lie or truth. You told me that children shouldn’t bear the burden. I trusted you!”

“Bella, listen to me _

“Don’t touch me!” I shouted, putting up a finger. “I left my room to tell you I wanted to work this out. That

I’d try to forgive you… How could I not?” My voice

began to crack. “You’re my father.”

He took a step towards me and I stepped back while shaking my head. I clutched at the vial that hung

on my chest. “I’m getting my mate back. Don’t try to stop m e… Emery.”

Pain flashed in his eyes at the mention of his name while I felt a twang of guilt.

I thought we can fix this. Maybe some things are simply damaged beyond repair.

Beta David blocked my way. “I can’t let you do that, Bella.”

Fa- Emery shook his head and he reluctantly lowered his arm. My eyes were on the gun in his hand.

Why did we have to fight? A seemingly never-ending cycle of killing and abuse, grudges that ran deep,

vengeance and hatred. Why did we have to suffer from the decisions of our predecessors? Why did we

have to train children to kill?

I choose a different path. A future surrounded with people I love… a future where children don’t know

what it’s like t o hide in fear, to cower in their mother’s

arms as their fathers and brothers and sisters fight rogues and enemy packs with their lives on the line.

“Luna,” said a voice from the shadows. Three familiar people showed themselves – the Delta Unit.

They knelt on one knee simultaneously. “Your orders.”

“Why didn’t you stop them?” I questioned.

“The Alpha gave an Order. We are to protect you at all costs, and in the event, h e is incapacitated to

issue orders, we are under your command, Luna,” answered T

You jerk! Why can’t you think of yourself for once!

I headed for the door. “Get up. We’re rescuing the Alpha,” I said sternly.

“On our honor,” they replied.

“Bella, wait!” Father called behind me. Beta David shuffled behind him. I ignored him and continued out

the door, the Delta Unit following

A black van came over and parked in front. Reese was on the driver’s seat,

smiling brightly. Ethan slid the door and stepped out.

“It’s a relief to find you well, Luna,” he said as he bowed slightly.

“Let’s get our Alpha back,” I said, smirking

Sabri went ahead of me, Nalia to my right and Ethan to my left. Ty got our backs covered, also serving

as the wall between Father and me.

No sooner was I on the other side did Ty suddenly lift me off the ground and throw me harshly to the


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