Ascension of a Gamma

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Chapter 37 Luna‘s Pleas


His body went limp as he closed his eyes, lips parted, a single breath leaving his mouth.

“No. No. Liam. Liam…” Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

I slapped his face gently for a few times t o wake him. He couldn’t just leave me. He couldn’t just…

I screamed his name over and over as I slapped his face harder, but he didn’t respond. Sweat and

blood slicked his face and arms. He had bruises all over his torso. He felt cold. Too cold like he had

been submerged in icy water for hours.

“Liam…” I whispered, choking at the words I wanted to say. More tears flowed as I cupped his cheek.

Please open your eyes. Please… you can’t just leave me… us. The pack needs you. I need you.

A firm grip on my shoulder made me jerk my head up. The pack members had surrounded us, looking

down at us with

nee your

A firm grip on my shoulder made me jerk my head up. The pack members had surrounded us, looking

down at us with pained faces, most of them in tears. I looked back to the person behind me. It was

Rigel. He wore a calm expression, but his eyes flickered momentarily into a deeper shade of forest


“Anna! Liam!” a voice shouted. Lexy came running to us, the pack making way for her and three more

members. “Le… he

She got down on her knees and pressed two fingers below his ear.

“He has a pulse,” she said, beckoning for her companions to put the stretcher down.

I hesitantly handed him to them, and with Rigel’s help, I shakily got to my feet.

Lexy’s face hardened and her brows furrowed.

“Come with us,” she said, joining the rest who were already carrying Liam away from the scene. I

nodded and was about to follow when the murmuring of the pack stopped me. Their eyes were

pack stopped me. Their eyes were glued to Liam, a glimmer of hope in their eyes. None of them looked

back at us as they hurried to get him to the clinic.

I took deep breaths to calm myself.

He’s going to be alright. Lexy’s the best healer there was. He’ll wake up, right?

He fought hard for us. Seeing him get kicked and punched and stepped on was mortifying, but he

always got back up. He didn’t scream in pain, he didn’t ask for a break, he never pleaded for his

opponentt o stop. He kept denying, he kept saying “n o”, and he kept fighting back.

The pack cheered him on regardless. They believed he’d win, and he did. They trusted their futures

upon him completely, even though he accepted the challenge suddenly and on his own. And even now,

they continued to hope that he would return to them.

Noble. Admirable.

For his people to place this much faith in him, I was yet to understand how burdensome it must be for

him. I was Willing to share it. He didn’t have to bear the weight alone. Not anymore.

ughtful expression on his face. His eyes were set on me, shifting from timet o time to the background.

“Alphas, name your Betas,” said Rigel.

“Beta Gale Gavyn,” I said aloud.

A snarl came from behind me, followed b y howls.

“I have none,” said Myron. “My daughter, the future Luna shall take the Beta’s place.”

Howls came from his own pack.

“I accept.”

Rigel nodded, then stepped back from us.

Myron took off his shirt, showing the death marks that were almost upon his heart. We were running

out of time,

He lowered himself on a solid stance. His breathing was controlled, and his eyes on me. His pack

howled for him, and he raised both arms in a defensive position.

I raised my shirt over my head and threw i t to the side. My pack howled, a plethora o femotions pulsing

through the open channel. It felt hotter still. I hadn’t drunk

zone immediately.

The children began to wail, and their mothers gathered them in their arms.

“Mind-link everyone left in the village. Retreat to the Forbidden Area, Block 2E.”

As soon as he finished, the pack ran ahead of us. Most of them shifted into their wolves and sprinted,

into the Forbidden Area Rigel had just mentioned.

Everyone in the village?

I watched the pack members frantically run over to safety. This wasn’t an evacuation. They were



The Alpha was down. No one to issue orders and coordinate a counterattack among the different units.

They could communicate via a mind-link but that’d only lead to more confusion. They were sitting

ducks, we all were. Loyal to the Alpha, the Gammas would fight to their last. The howls grew louder.

This time, it came in random intervals, and most sounded pained.

Rigel was gripping my arm painfully as h e dragged me forward. I was a distraction,

ragged me forward. I was a distraction. They needed their Head Gamma and here he was, dragging

my sorry self to safety. Could we win without him?

They knew more about this pack than I did. This was the Red Claw Pack! They took down other packs

and they were the largest pack on the continent.

I had to trust them… trust Gale…

And yet my gut shouted at me to interfere.

They had a strong chain of command until the Alpha, the head, was cut off the picture. The Beta was

next, but if the attack was widespread…

Gale could handle it. I didn’t underestimate any of them in the slightest. I shouldn’t do this. I’d only get i

n the way. But… I couldn’t let them do this alone when I could do something…

I forced myself to a stop.

Rigel glared at me. “What are you doing? We have to get you out of here,” he implored.

Take me to Liam,” I said firmly.

“Lexy will –

I shook my arm off his grasp and started t o run, more like limp, towards the clinic. He had no choice

but to follow.

“What are you doing?” he asked, irritated.

“I need to be with him. Get me a map and give me a run-down of our units. You’ll b erny eyes and ears

until this is over.”

“Anna, I have to get you to safety!” he shouted, his eyes flashing a dangerous glare.

I understood that keeping him here was frustrating him. His men were on the frontlines and he should

be there with them. But he had to make up for my shortcoming. I didn’t have a wolf.

He made a move to grab my hand, but I jumped to my side to avoid it, balancing o n one foot. I kept up

with my pace.

“Anna please!” he shouted. “Listen to m


“I need… I need you to relay orders to our


My mind was thinking up how we could survive this, years of training under my father kicking in.

Tamen RICKING m.

“I’m joining the fight.”

“Liam is unconscious, for fu-”

“Not Liam’s,” I said, looking him right in the eye. “Mine.”

The door opened with a bang. One of Lexy’s assistants was on his way out.

“Where is he?” I demanded, and he pointed to a hallway. My voice must’ve shocked him – I was

beyond anxious and


We passed by a line of displayed lockers. A map was spread out on the wall beside the pack crest. I

hurriedly removed the pins and clung to the map.

“This way,” said Rigel, passing me by and leading the way

When we reached the room, from the small circular glass window, I could see him lying down on a bed,

with an oxygen mask on and different tubes attached to his body. The people gathered around him,

every single one of them busy with their own tasks.

“You’re taking his place?” Rigel asked

ou’re taking his place?” Rigel asked silently, his lips set in a deep frown.

He reached for my arm, but I pulled it back, avoiding him. “No, Rigel!”

“I have to get you to safety, Sarina!” he shouted, making me gasp. He slapped himself once, hard,

leaving a red handprint on his cheek. “I’m sorry. Anna, please…”

I shook my head, dismissing his outburst. We’d discuss it later. Right now, we had three forces to deal


“Their positions and units. Mark all of it o in the map.”


“I am your Luna, and you will obey my commands!” I shouted.

His eyes widened then he recovered, his eyes the normal clear green.

“Now do as you’re told, Head Gamma.”

His gaze hardened as he stared down at m

“Fine,” he said through gritted teeth. He snatched the man from muhand and

atched the map from my hand and spread it on the floor. He pointed to several spots as he gave a brief

summary of their positions and numbers.

The rogues are here,” he said, pointing t o an area in the northeast borders, “and here.” Another area

on the eastern borders. “Right now, the special units are on standby. The remaining Gammas have split

into two.”

From the north, it was closer to the castle. The attack on the east most likely targeted the villagers. But

why? The timing was impeccable. There weren’t many members in the village. If they attacked earlier,

they would’ve had more advantages.

Their number was too many and rogues usually acted alone or in small groups. This seemed like a

coordinated attack. It couldn’t have been a coincidence. What were they really after?

“Where’s the Forbidden Area?” I asked,” Block2E?”

“Here,” he said, pointing to a spot the farthest from the attacks.

“Why’s it forbidden?”

Why’s it forbidden?”

“The pack’s craziest member lives there. He’s isolated for many reasons, but when need be, he will

protect the pack,” he replied

“How?” I ask, “Who… what… is he?”

He hesitated in answering. “He… he’s a very powerful witch.”

Witch! That’s it!

“Where’s the witch who came with the Blue Moon Pack?” I overheard Lexy talking to some scary-

looking warriors earlier at the mansion about a witch.

“We don’t know,” he admitted.

“Keep the channel open. Pass this to


His eyes glazed over.

“Tell him I’m taking command. Pull back our fighters on the east borders and have them join our forces

on the northeast.”

“The rogues will enter.”

“Let them. Mobilize all special units near the area. Draw them into the territory. The slope should slow

them down. Tell

The slope should slow them down. Tell those units to repeatedly engage and retreat.”

“More rogues are coming,” he growled, relaying Gale’s reply.

“In the absence of the Head Gamma, the Delta Unit will lead them. All special units near the Forbidden

Area are to gather there immediately. They have only one order: protect the pack at all costs.”

“The Delta Unit is for you, Luna!”

“I am with the Head Gamma. He is more than enough to protect me,” I retorted.” Where is this very

powerful witch? Which border is he assigned?”

“He is asleep, Luna.”

“Wake him up!”

A witch, who was no doubt a powerful one, would greatly increase our chances o f surviving. Then I

was reminded, what happened to the Blue Moon Pack?

I shook my head; they were none of my concern. They shouldn’t be…

“We can’t. He’ll go on a rampage if we force him.”


I clicked my tongue in annoyance. This was my first to hear of a sleeping witch.“ Get the spies to watch

the Blue Moon Pack. Under no circumstances are they allowed to engage. Their orders are to observe

and report suspicious activity immediately.”

Rigel remained silent. “Beta, please let m e help…”

“I have an Order,” said Rigel, relaying his reply. “What are your intentions, Anna? I f it goes against my

Order, I will not let you take part in this.”

“I have no other intentions but to protect the pack and my Alpha,” I said firmly.

“My Order is to protect our people,” he said. “Very well. The Red Claw Pack places their faith on their


“Keep this a secret between us. Am I clear?”

“Yes, Luna,” he replied. Rigel’s eyes fluttered as he came back to himself. ( Yes, Luna,” he repeated.

This time, the “answer came from him.

This was supposed to be on the Beta’s

is was supposed to be on the Beta’s hands.

But, with Liam fighting for all of us, forgive me for being selfish, everyone.

This would be straining for Rigel. I’d apologize and prostrate before him later until he was satisfied, so

let me be selfish for now.

“Keep me informed,” I said firmly, and h e nodded.

The door suddenly opened and Lexy stepped out.

“How is he?” I asked, feeling a sting on m y already swollen eyes.

She drew a sharp intake of air.

“Werewolf poison and black magic,” she divulged, her voice cracking. 2

She looked at Rigel with worrying eyes.

“I can’t…” she trailed.

Hands covered her face, and her shoulders shook as she sobbed.

“Almost immediately, she showed us her face again. Blinking away the toare che

e again. Blinking away the tears, she wiped the moisture off with her fingers.

“It didn’t… won’t… work,” she said.

I didn’t know if it’d work. Lexy was about to have a breakdown. Liam lying on that metal bed with the

machine beeping high

and fast, he looked dead. It was up to me


“What does he need?” I asked, holding Lexy by her arms. “Lexy…”

“B-Blood,” she hiccupped. She was shaking even worse now, and Rigel was already on her side. “Po-

poison… in… blood.”

It’s crazy for me to think I can save him.

“Use my blood,” I told her. “It’ll heal him.”

I shouldn’t get their hopes up.

“Wha-what?” she asked, gasping for air.

“My blood can heal. I’ll explain later. Trust me. Change his blood with mine.”

She stared at me with widened eyes like I had just gone insane. Maybe I was. It sounded insane in my

mind, it sounded

unded insane in my mind, it sounded desperate.

“Trust me,” I whispered, glancing at Liam behind her shoulder. “Please…”

“You’ll lose too much,” Lexy answered.

I smiled in relief. She accepted. “To change all of it, you’ll – a

“Do it,” I said, interrupting her.

We should wake that sleeping beauty and drag his ass over here so he could heal m y Liam!

“Now, Lexy!”

“Okay,” she breathed, as she led me into the room.

“Rigel, update,” I ordered as they prepared me.

“The Gammas have all gathered on the northeast border. The special units are slowing down the

rogues on the eastern border. All pack members are accounted for and in the Forbidden Area. The

Blue Moon Pack has fled to the south.”.

“Good. Whichever of the borders gets cleared first, order all units to assist the

ared first, order all units to assist the remaining immediately. Block 2E team is still on stand-by. Send

spies to check the village. Make sure no rogue is left behind.” 1

“Yes, Luna.”

I laid down on another bed beside his. His skin was going blue, and he was still as if he was a corpse.

His chest neither rose nor fell, and his lashes didn’t flutter in the slightest. It’d be alright now. This had

to work. No one was going to die again – not under my watch. It was too early… too early for him to go.

Things were just beginning between us. It was a rocky start and we still had a lot to clear u p, but we

were headed in the right direction.

I don’t accept it. You have to live.

Someone squeezed my hand. “Anna, if we do this, you’ll lose… you’ll d-“

“I won’t,” I said, smiling up at her.” After scaring the souls out of us, I won’t forgive him until I give him a

good smacking.”

‘Her assistants chuckled at my statement.

Her assistants chuckled at my statement,

“I’m the Head Healer of the pack,” she stated, looking me straight in the eye. “N o Alpha or Luna is

dying under my watch. Trust me.”

“I do,” I replied, looking at my mate.

I reached for his hand and intertwined m y fingers with his. They felt ice cold. A shiver ran up my spine.

You’ll be alright. I promise.

I closed my eyes as I felt the soft wet cotton dab on my skin. Then a slight prick of the needle. I focused

on breathing as the needle settled under my skin. It was uncomfortable, to say the least.

“Update, Luna,” said Rigel.

I was still conscious enough for this. I nodded my head

“Vampires have entered the territory from the Northwest,” he said.

Vampires? The packs have a treaty with the Vampire King, a truce that’d been honored for millennia.

Vampires weren’t welcome here, and werewolves weren’t

lcome here, and werewolves weren’t welcome on their own hunting grounds. Nasty species.

What were they after – the witch? Was he that powerful? Regardless, they needed to be captured alive

as much as possible. This was a serious breach of the truce; it might be labeled as a rebelling against

the werewolves.

“How many? What’s the situation on the borders?”

Lexy’s assistants tensed and glanced at each other with worrying looks.

“The scouts reported two. The Gammas need more time.”

They were coming from the northwest, too close to the Forbidden Area. If I moved the Delta Unit, the

pack would be left defenseless.

There might be more of them. Or if it’s just the two of them, then they’re high ranking

Either way, I couldn’t risk it. We had to make a move.

“Mobilize the Delta Unit. Engage from a

dobilize the Delta Unit. Engage from a distance. Avoid close combat for as long a s possible,” I


“Luna, half the Delta Unit can take on two vampires.”

“Do not underestimate them, Rigel. Two vampires can easily slaughter a pack if they’re high-ranking.”

“Do not underestimate my team, Luna,” he said. I could see him smirk. His team?

“I’m sorry.”

I heard a crumbling sound. Opening my eyes, I saw that he had punched the wall outside, a small

cloud of cement dust clouding his fist.

“They need me out there…” he whispered.

“With all due respect Head Gamma, you’d be of more use here. One more man can’t change the tides

of battle.”

“Anything can turn the tables, Anna,” he said sternly, looking me straight in the eye.

His fist was shaking in fury, but I couldn’t let him go. He strode towards m e with a scowl on his face.

“Gale and the

with a scowl on his face. “Gale and the warriors, the medics… they’re all risking their lives for the pack

and here I am acting as a phone. I’m more useful in the face of battle, Anna. In here, I’m nothing but a

coward. But I can’t leave your side because I’ve been given an Order.”

Lexy got between us before he could get any closer.

“Don’t,” she said sternly.

My head was spinning as more blood traveled through the tube. I squeezed Liam’s hand, hoping to feel

the warmth from them again. They were cold.

“I need my knight.”

My vision blurred and I could only hear their voices faintly. I tried to concentrate on what they were

saying but only inaudible sounds registered in my brain. The pack must survive. Liam must live.

I think I heard howls from a distance.

It must’ve been my imagination. The rogues shouldn’t be nearby.

“Jaymer woke up,” said Rigel. “He’s…”

I couldn’t hear him anymore. My body

buldn’t hear him anymore. My body felt too light yet too heavy. The blurry images were a pain that I

closed my eyes instead. As I held his arm, my mind wandered back to when we first met, the events

that took place within a week – it was all rather interesting.

Almost everything was now new to me. The world was full of colors and everything vibrant and full of


It all happened because Liam found me that night, and he accepted me as his mate. He never once

called me hurtful names, or shouted at me, or treated me like I wasn’t a person.

My body was protesting. All the blood was leaving my system and I could feel m y heart frantically


Goddess, please don’t take them away from me.

“Keep them safe,” I whispered as the world faded into the background.

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