Arranged Marriage With The Billionaire


Dylan placed a call to his security team, dishing out instructions that they would use to track Blair. He couldn’t lose her, not now, not ever.

He drove to the station where Gav is supposed to be at. When he got there Gav had already explained to them and they were on the case.

“Mr Lancaster, we already spoke to your driver. We will try to find a lead, we will check the CCTV footage in the area and get back to you” the detective assured.

“Thank you detective.” He responded.

Dylan kept trying to call her just in case her phone was turned on. It was still off, he called Samantha next.

“Dylan? What do you want?” She queried.

“Blair has gone missing Samantha, do you have any idea where she might be? Or is she with you?” He rushed.

She was quiet for a while letting what he said sink in.

“What! Blair is missing? Are you sure? Is this a joke? She’s not with me Dylan” she panicked.

“Of course it’s not a joke, why would I make it up?” He snapped.

“Oh God, what have you done? Did you say anything to her? I have no idea, have you tried calling her?” She asked.

Dylan was starting to get irritated by Samantha’s questions, she spoke as if it was his fault that she was missing.

“You know what I’ll call you later” he dropped the call before she could protest.

Dylan knew that she wouldn’t be of help but he just wanted to try. Samantha did not like him and he did not like her as well. He only tolerated her for Blair’s sake.

He kept racking his brain trying to think of where she could be but nothing was coming to mind. He was frustrated already, he didn’t want to think of the danger that she might be in at the moment.

Why did she suddenly disappear? Was she kidnapped? Dylan couldn’t even guess, who would want to kidnap Blair? He asked himself multiple times. She was sweet and kind so Dylan had doubts about her having enemies.

Blair was the kind of woman that would do anything to avoid keeping enemies or having fights with people. Something at the back of his mind told him that she wasn’t kidnapped. So why? Where did she go? He kept asking himself.

Dylan couldn’t go home until they found something, until he knew that she was okay at least. He went to the office of his security team. They were already going through cctvs and anything that could lead to her. It was hectic.


The next morning Blair woke up quite late, she slept for a long time. She didn’t even wake up during the night like she did sometimes. She just slept and Richard also couldn’t disturb her.

She yawned softly and rubbed the space beside her gently. Her eyes flew opem immediately ad she got up, remembering what happened last night.

Blair was already used to having an empty space beside her ever morning but at least she knew that it would be occupied at night by the man she loved.

Now she could never count on that anymore, there was no reason for her to believe that he would sleep beside her ever again.

Blair walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth, her brain had literally shut down. She was at her lowest point. The last time something like this happened was with Richard and that was before she married Dylan.

She didn’t think she would even fall in love with Dylan because of the kind of person she was. If he had continued being that person she might not have fallen for him.

That wasn’t the case. He tried to change, to please her even if he had no idea what he was doing. It was fake, that alone broke her into pieces.

It wasn’t the fact that she gave him everything that she could but because it was fake, it was a facade, it was a lie…

Blair had always believed that one who claims to love another wouldn’t be able to look them in the face and lie through their teeth. Then she remembered his eyes, his beautiful eyes. She wanted to stare into them again, she wanted to find the truth in them once again.

Blair wondered who sent the pictures to her phone, the woman in the picture perhaps. Maybe she was tired of hiding, tired of being with him in the shadows.

She meant to kick her out of his life with just one blow. She didn’t do it when they were still bickering, she didn’t send them when they couldn’t stand eachother. She sent them when something started to bloom between them, when she fell in love with him.

Blair suddenly became angry, screaming and turning the room upside down. She hit the bathroom mirror with her fists until they bled. She scattered everything on the bathroom counter. She tore the whole room apart, screaming and crying.

She didn’t deserve it…. she thought.

Richard heard all the commotion and quickly ran into the room only for him to find it in a total mess. The broke the dressing mirror, scattered the sheets and pillows but he didn’t see her there.

He went into the bathroom, the mirror broken, everything on the counter was on the floor, a mess. He wondered how she pulled it off alone.

She sat down beside the toilet, looking into space, her hands a bloody mess. Richard suddenly knew how the mirrors were destroyed.

“Blair, oh God! What happened here? You are injured badly, your hands are bleeding too much Blair” he ran to her, trying to make her get up from the floor but she wouldn’t budge.

“You have to get up Blair, we have to go to the hospital right now or else you’ll bleed to death.” He was getting angry as well but he tried to keep his voice calm. It wasn’t the fact that she destroyed his fact, it was the fact that she was weak because of her husband. ‘Husband’, what a joke.

“Blair?” He called, she was quiet.

“Blair? That’s it!” He shouted.

“You cannot do this to yourself. Don’t you see what he did, what he’s making you do? This isn’t you. The Blair I know will never act this way, let alone resort to violence.” Richard said.

“You don’t know how this feels Richard. You have no right to raise your voice, you don’t know me anymore so don’t you fucking think that you do. You hurt me too remember, we planned to get married and you disappeared from my life! Don’t you dare Richard” she got up, pointing her finger to his face.

He sighed.

“I’m sorry” he spoke softly this time.

The tears that she tried so hard not to shed in front of him, came out and she kept screaming, holding her head with her hands. Richard held her while she cried, she was shaking. He regretted raising his voice at her.

He could only hold her until she was calm. She looked so pale having cried so hard, he didn’t know how to help her but he would try, he thought….

Richard was finally able to take Blair to the hospital. It wasn’t easy though, he had to plead and beg to make her go. She had a couple of stitches and the doctor also prescribed painkillers to reduce the pain in her hands. Both hands were covered in bandages.

Blair was quiet all through, she barely spoke when the doctors asked questions, she didn’t even act like she was in pain when she was being stitched. Richard kept wondering if the whole ordeal was necessary for her, if they went too far trying to prove a point to her.

All he hoped for was that Blair would love him back once again. That was his major concern, she belonged to him in the first place. Their drive back to Richard’s place was quiet, Blair kept her eyes on the window, staring at buildings and every other thing that they passed by.

“Would you like to eat breakfast? Should we go somewhere?” Richard asked slowly.

He wanted to be careful so as to not upset her like he did earlier.

“No Richard, I’m not hungry. I would like to rest instead.” She answered

“Alright then, we’ll go back to my place” he agreed.

“Okay” she muttered, her eyes glued to the window.

Richard glanced at her for a moment, recalling everything that he had to do to get to this point with her. If only she agreed to come back to him without protest…

On the other hand, Blair wasn’t thinking. She refused to think, she kept repeating that to herself every minute. She wanted to erase the past events from her memory. She blamed herself and her parents for making her get married to someone like Dylan. Her parents for forcing and herself for agreeing.

They got to Richard’s apartment, he turned off his engine and got down to open her door. She got down and walked straight to his door without waiting for him to follow. When he opened the door she walked down to the room she was given and shut her door.

Blair noticed that the room had been cleaned already and she wouldn’t have to do any cleaning. She climbed into the bed and pulled the covers up to her chin, falling asleep almost immediately.


Dylan couldn’t sleep. That night he kept tossing and turning. His people were still working on finding Blair’s current location. They also couldn’t find the CCTV footage of the area where Gav parked the car. Time was running out.

All kinds of scenarios played in his head. He thought of her being kidnapped, tortured or worse kiiled and disposed. He tried not to think about it but he also couldn’t help it. The world was filled with dangerous people. People that looked for ways to get to him. Afterall everyone knew she was his beloved wife.

Blair may not have enemies that want to intentionally hurt her but his was countless and the thought scared him to death. His heart kept racing and his mind was unsettled.

Dylan was not able to concentrate at work, Blair was on his mind throughout. His phone rang and he picked it up without checking the caller.

“Hello?” He asked.

“Mr Lancaster, this is detective Jones from yesterday sir” the detective responded.

“Ah yes, Mr Jones. Have you found anything?” He asked hopefully.

“As a matter of fact, yes I found something. It seems like your wife wasn’t kidnapped.” He affirmed.

“Really? Oh thank God” he squeezed his eyes shut and got up from his chair.

“It seems like she left out of her own free will. She wasn’t coerced although I think that something must have triggered the behavior sir.” The detective explained.

“What? Why would she leave? Is there something you’re not telling me?” He asked.

“Sir I need you to come down to my office, I want to show you something.” Mr Jones replied.

“Sure, I’ll be there soon” Dylan answered.

” Alright sir, I’ll be waiting” he dropped the call.

Dylan got his keys from the table and walked out of his office.

“Clara, I’ll be going for a meeting outside. Reschedule everything I have right now, I will get back to them later.” He ordered his secretary before leaving.

He got to his car in the company’s parking lot and drove towards the station. Dylan drove like a mad man, the only thing that was on his mind was his wife.

The detective waited for him at the reception area and as soon as Dylan saw him he followed him to his office.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I found footage of your wife sir, would you like to watch it or should I explain it to you? Although I prefer you watch it.” He advised.

“I will watch it,” Dylan said.

Mr Jones played the video for Dylan on his laptop. An image of his wife, Blair, came up. She was standing by the road and holding her phone, it wasn’t so clear but it seemed like she was scrolling. She then hailed a cab and got into it. The video stopped.

“She clearly got into the cab on her own but her phone… something must have made her leave. It’s clear” Dylan tried to analyze the situation.

“Exactly. And the only way we can find out is if we find her. I already copied the plate number of the taxi, we’ll try to track the driver.” Mr Jones assured him.

“Can I have the number as well? I’ll see what I can do to find him too” Dylan responded.

“I will send it to you. We will find your wife sir, we’ll do everything we can” he patted his shoulder.

“Thank you. I’ll get going now” Dylan shook his hand and left the station.

While the police did what they wanted, Dylan chose to do it his own way too. While he was driving he got a message from the detective, it was the plate number.

He took a U turn towards the direction of his security unit. He was influential and that would always be an advantage for him. Dylan was capable of finding anyone and anything, even if he had to search every corner of the world, he would.

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