Chapter 91

Unknown Pov (Louis)

“What the fuck?”

I yelled throwing the phone off, I lost, I fucking lost and it was all my fault, I was played, Pearl that wench, she played me and ruined all my plans, and they knew, the bastard and Katherine knew, which means they were working with Pearl, I never thought of that, never thought Pearl would betray me.

“I told you it won’t work now see yourself?”

The bitch Ginna let out, I looked at her with all the anger that was in me, and she raised her hands in surrender.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Bitch avoid me if you don’t want my aggressions to be transferred to you, fucking avoid me,”

I yelled at her.

“Don’t yell at me, this is my house and I won’t let some loser come at me, I will send you parking,”

“Shut the fuck up, it might be your house but you owe me so much so I practically own this house,”

I replied she must be stupid to forget she owes me money, just the way Pearl was stupid enough to play puppet for Katherine and her bastard husband, she would get what she wanted and I will enjoy watching her beg to be let go, the bitch thinks she can play me and get away with it, I should have known she had a motive when she called me for meet up but Pearl was someone I trusted, okay now used to trust, she was with me for so long when I had left her stranded I felt bad but of course, it didn’t last long because I only care about myself, maybe that’s why when we met again I let my guards down around her and even told her my plans not knowing she would ruin it.

“Fuck you Pearl,”

I yelled again.

“Shut the fuck up loser, I told you not to yell,”

Ginna responded.

“Don’t tell me what to do, you are one fucking loser too, I don’t see how we are different, you had a simple job to seduce one man and you failed,”

“Mind the way you talk to me Dylan, mind the way you talk, or I might throw you out for real and don’t even come up with the dept or whatever shit because just one call to the police and you will spend the rest of your life behind bars, you know what I mean right, I am the only person on your side now so you should do well not to make me angry or I might leave you too,”

She said and as much as I hated to admit it what she said was true.

“Fine just don’t fucking get on my nerves too, I am not in my right mind right now,”

I replied, I was running at a loss at all points and she had the upper hand right now, with the fact that the new identity I got turned out to be one of an escaped criminal who was wanted, made things even worst for me, I couldn’t even leave the house right, which was why I needed Katherine to get me that money but Pearl had ruined that plan, when I called earlier I was going to ask her to send ten million instead of the impossible five hundred million I greedily asked for the first time, I shouldn’t have asked for that much but no one could blame me, the Stevensons and the Salvadors combine are worth billionaires and they could have easily parted ways with five hundred million, that was what I thought initially.

“You know this is all your fault from all angles,”

“How do you mean?”

“Let me break it down for you, first you got someone you haven’t seen in almost a year involved, you should have known people change, but no you told her all your plans and even told her your passwords when even I don’t know,”

“I didn’t tell her now, she knew then from before, I don’t change passwords, I will forget the new ones,”

I responded. How was I supposed to know that Pearl had changed and that she still remembered my password?

“Secondly, you should have at least made copies of those, you don’t keep everything in one phone, there is a drive for a reason, if you had other copies then we won’t be in this situation right now,”

“Again, I don’t have the time to do those, I don’t like keeping things in multiple places when I can have it all in one, trying to remember where I kept it is a struggle I don’t like facing,”

“Well, see where that has landed you? If you had copies we won’t be having this discussion,”


I replied seeing sense in what she was saying, if only I had been smart enough to have copies, then I would still have Katherine begging me not to release them now I had nothing.


“There is more?”

I asked feeling my headache, I held my hand to calm it down but the banging was getting out of hand, and listening to Ginna go on about what I should have done to avoid this situation made it worst.

“Yes, there is more, and this is more important, thirdly, you asked for too much, I told you so but you greedily went ahead to ask for a whopping five hundred million dollars, we targeted a time Cross wouldn’t be in town so that the bitch can send the money before he comes and stop her but you went on and asked for a huge amount of money that she couldn’t live on her own, if you have asked for something lower then maybe she would have sent it before Cross got back.”

She accused, yes I knew I asked greedily, I regretted it after I found out her bastard husband returned earlier than planned, then before I could call to take back my words the police were on my tail because of the fucking identity that I had to hide for days I couldn’t leave the house or call when I could finally leave I went to see Pearl who deleted the whole thing from my phone while I laid passed out from drinking too much,

“I know that already, no need to rub it in, and besides I didn’t ask for too much they are picking rich, my only mistake is letting Pearl in on my plans and I will make her pay,”

I vowed, if Pearl thinks she can get away with betraying me then she didn’t know me after all.

“See, that’s not your problem now, that shouldn’t be what you are thinking of, you are deviating from the main topic here,”

She scolded, I eyed her.

“Go straight to the point, I don’t have a genius mind to figure out what you are trying to say here,”

“I am saying that you can deal with Pearl or whatever her name is later, but right now, we should focus on the Salvadors, I want revenge and you want money, we can get both, I already have a plan, I just need your help to implement it and in doing so you can get the money you want,”

“What’s this plan of yours and how will it fetch me money,”

I asked with interest, I needed the money, I needed a brand new start, this time I wasn’t going to strander the money as I did before.

“It’s simple Kidnap,”

She let her and I looked at her with my mouth open.

“What did you say?”

“It’s simple, we kidnap Katherine and have Cross pay a ransom to get her back, you can take the money I don’t need any of it, all I want is revenge,”

She said with a fierce that kind of scared me.

“What kind of revenge are we talking about here? You are not going to kill someone are you?”

The bitch must be mad if she thinks I will help her murder someone.

“Oh, don’t worry, not someone known, I am just going to get back at her, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a child for a child,”

She let out, she was insane.

“What are you planning to do? I might con people of their money but I have never been involved in real crimes that involve bloodshed neither have I ever kidnapped someone,”

“Are you a coward Dylan? Don’t you see this is the only way to get you that money, I hate to admit this but Cross loves her and he will pay any amount to get her back, so you have your chance to be greedy all you want, I just need to get my hands on Katherine, she has to feel what I felt when I lost my baby because of her.”

She said bitterly, I began to wonder if I would be better off just leaving this city and going on to someone else, just let that wench be because Ginna looks like she was out of her mind and out to kill, I didn’t want blood on my hands.

“You are going to kill her or her child? Does she have a child?”

I couldn’t help asking.

“You are so slow Dylan, she is pregnant and if you are not going to join me, you can leave right now as you are of no use to me, I will get better hands to help me do it,”

She let out, okay he couldn’t leave right now, first, he didn’t have any money with him, secondly, he won’t make it to the center square before the police round him off, he looked at the madwoman and thought of what she was offering, he didn’t have anything to lose, Katherine or her kid wasn’t his problem, if he would get money out of it then why wouldn’t he do it so long as he doesn’t get blood in his hands.

“I can pick her up but I am not going to kill anyone whether unborn or born,”

“Yes, leave the blood to me, okay, does that mean you are in?”

“Yes, but you have to pay me for picking her up, I don’t do free duties,”

“Of course, I will pay,”

She said smiling wickedly, the woman was no good and I took her for granted before, she was a demon, out for blood, I couldn’t blame her though, she had gone through a lot, first having her plan of being married to that bastard years ago ruined by the unexpected death of her unborn kid which had been her license to the marriage, according to her though, I didn’t know the full details, but I knew she deliberately got pregnant to secure her place in the Salvador family but that won’t down when she lost the kid and also she had to move out of town with her family and she had carried the resentment of how Cross had abandoned her and not looked for her to her which is why when I found her and told her about Cross getting married she had come to New York with me to seek revenge only to fall in love with the moron again and once again the moron didn’t want her, she was a woman out for blood.

“So when do we start? I need to get out of this city as soon as possible,”

“Don’t worry, I got everything under control, you just need to wait for me to give the signal within the next few days, Cross won’t see what’s coming for him,”

She said with determination.

“So long as I get paid, I am okay, I don’t give a fuck what you do with her afterward,”

“I am not going to harm her, no, that won’t be satisfying, I am going to give her an injury so deep that she won’t forget in a long time, losing a child can make someone go mad you know,”

She replied.

All I could say was Katherine was in deep trouble, I thought of Pearl whom I plan on dealing with after all this is over, I will wait for her to forget about what she has done before I strike, she won’t see it coming, for now getting my money is all I wanted…

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