Alpha's Surrogate

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 48

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 48

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 48

48. Stay with me

“Bring that f*****g bastard over here!!” Kaiden commanded while his gaze was fixed on the brown wolf, whose face had become difficult for anyone to recognize. He was carried over by two men as his bloody body dropped to the ground. The younger Alpha had already smashed both of his legs and ripped his arm off. It was already enough to render him handicapped and unable to transform into his wolf again in this lifetime. Zander had turned his life into a living hell when he had lost his wolf for good after

mangling his body.

Nonetheless, Beta Kaiden had hit and kicked him so many times that his face had become deformed. It was the only way head been able to express his rage, aggravation, and anxiety after witnessing the pack’s Alpha and Luna jump into that pit. f**k! It had to have been a nightmare! If they had arrived a few seconds earlier, Zander would not have leapt out to protect Adira from those wolves.

Jennifer, the Beta female who had not been permitted to leave the pack house during the fighting, went to stop her mate’s craziness before he killed the last remaining enemy before they could gather any information from him. All of the adversaries had been slain; only their leader,the brown wolf, had been left alive so that the mastermind behind the attack could be interrogated.

“Bring his companion as well!” Someone else,who was in serious condition, was pulled up beside the brown wolf then unceremoniously dumped at Beta’s feet. Everyone’s eyes widened when they saw the man’s face. Wasn’t he the Head Warrior of the Sirius Bright Pack? His entire body was covered in blood. He’d been beaten so brutally that he couldn’t even get down on his knees. When he smelled the familiar scent, the grey wolf lifted his head, his eyes widened in surprise when he recognized his older brother.

“Are you surprised to find your brother here? Why did you think that we wouldn’t figure out that you were the one who betrayed us? Or that you let your brother into the pack?” Tyler questioned, landing a strong kick to the former Head Warrior’s chest, a wolf who had been among the pack’s most respected fighters. He had betrayed his people by taking advantage of his position, knowledge, and trust.

“Please… stop…” The Head Warrior implored in anguish and despair. How could they beat him when he was already close to death? The Beta and Gamma were monsters!

“H-how d-d-did you f-figure it out?” Fear gripped the brown wolf, causing him to stutter.

“I recognized you the moment I saw your face. You were expelled from this pack four years ago as a punishment for practicing black magic. Your older brother was upset and acting as if he was pleased with Alphas’ choice at the time, but a spark of anger must have been blazing inside him. For him to exact his. revenge in this manner. I must admit that I had no idea you were a serial killer though,” Kaiden brought the situation to the attention of every pack member who was standing around them. Both of the evil brothers would have been killed by their lethal glares and fiery eyes.

“Kill them! We lost our Alpha and Luna as a result of their sick vengeance!” One of the members of

the pack yelled. Everyone began to demand that they be killed, but the Beta held up his hand asking for the crowd to quiet. Things were not as they appeared. He approached the Head Warrior dragging him up to his practically shattered feet.

“The only suitable punishment for your actions is death. A horrible death, but first you must confess to all of your crimes. We need the complete truth from you. You wouldn’t have been able to accomplish all of this on your own. You are not capable of executing such a heinous murder and attack only for the sake of vengeance. I’d like to know who put you up to this? Who is your partner? The mastermind? Who asked you to exact vengeance? Or should I say, on whose behalf did you commit all of these crimes?” Kaiden snarled.

“No one. I did everything on my own…. I…” he stammered, looking away in fear.

“Don’t you dare lie to me!” Kaiden lost his temper and punched him in the face. The Head Warrior collapsed to the ground, but his body began to tremble abnormally.

“What is happening to him?!” The Gamma yelled, motioning for his man to check on him right away. However, they discovered that a white frothy liquid was foaming out of the traitor’s mouth and his body had gone lifeless.

“He was poisoned, and is dead!” The man confirmed, glancing between the Beta and Gamma only to discover that they were staring at something else. What were they looking for?

“f**k!” Kaiden growled in outrage as the brown wolf just like his brother, vomited the same white

foam from his mouth dying before their very eyes.

“Kaiden and Tyler!” That was when one of the warriors approached them with some surprising


“What happened?” Tyler asked, walking over to him.

“We went to capture his family and question some of friends as instructed, but it turned out that someone had poisoned all of them before we arrived. It appears to be mass suicide.”

“What?” Tyler shifted his eyes to Kaiden, there was a moment of stillness among them all. They’d lost all of the evidence and witnesses, they had zero possible leads on who was behind all of this.

“Get these two bodies out of here as soon as possible.” While ordering them the Beta maintained a cool expression on his face.

“It’s strange that they all committed suicide at the same time,” Tyler remarked.

“I highly doubt that this was a mass suicide attempt. But because everyone is here with us, who might have poisoned them? It seems to be suicide, but I have my doubts,” Kiaden responded.

“Now what do we do?” Tyler asked.

“Send our best warriors to find the Alpha and Luna. Nobody is permitted to return without them!” He gave the command. Everyone went into the woods to obey his orders after a quick bow. Even though it was late at night, their search could not be delayed.

“We’re done for if we can’t find Zander and Adira. Xavier and Kiara seem to be in a similar situation. If

elder Stephen discovers that his grandson and granddaughters-in-mate are missing, he will burn this entire pack to the ground then spit on the ashes,” Tyler’s voice was tense and worried.

“Whatever it takes, we have to keep this situation a secret until morning. I’m unable to get through to Xavier after our previous phone call. I heard that Kiara was also missing. I’m not sure what’s going on, but both Lunas are being ambushed simultaneously. Something isn’t right. Something is obviously messed up,” Kaiden stated.

As soon as Kiara stepped into the garden, the darkness deepened due to the chilly winds. The same vampire lady who had been entrusted with taking the Luna to her room was walking in front of her, while two different vampires were walking behind her like shadows.

“Are you sure that we’re on the correct track? I assumed you were escorting me to my room, but we are here in the garden.” The young she-wolf questioned the woman while peering over her shoulder at the males. She could feel their eyes on her back, their presence did not seem to be the same as when she had been with Xavier and the two vampires who had shown them earlier to the throne room.

“I’ve been asked by His Highness to prepare your guest room. Unfortunately, it is some distance away from the Fort. We’ll be there in a few minutes,” Kiara noticed the forced smile on the woman’s lips

before she resumed walking.

The young she-wolf’s senses had become quite keen until half a minute later, when they were deep into the garden and the moon had become enshrouded by the clouds. Her ears picked up a weird noise from behind her. It appeared as though one of the vampire hands had slipped in his pocket and was doing something. What was he up to? She did not turn back, but continued to listen until an odd smell entered her nostrils. Venus became alert like a switch had been flipped inside her brain. Why did they have that

with them?

“Have we almost made it? How far are we going to have to walk?” Kiara inquired once again, observing the woman halt her steps and turn to her with a blank expression. Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“As I previously stated, it is a short distance away. Please follow me,” the woman said indifferently. Kiara looked around, only to discover that the garden was about to come to an end while the dark forest was about to begin, leaving her wondering where the heck this woman had taken her. Obviously, she had no intention of taking her to the guest room.

“I don’t want to go anywhere. I am going back,” she announced when she realized what the vampire had been toying with in his pocket had been revealed. She still hadn’t reacted and decided to return quietly, only to be stopped boldly by the vampire woman.

“Of course, you figured it out. Your dog nose revealed us,” she smirked evilly as she approached the young woman who was surrounded by them.

“Stay away from me,” she warned the woman, glaring at the vampires who had been approaching her as well.

“It was so hard to lure you away from your Alpha and you want us to stay away?” She laughed.

“I dare you to try to put that thing on me! I will kill you,” Kiara snarled at them, kicking them away. She had already smelled wolfsbane when they had eventually exposed it to her. They intended to use it on her, but the chance had now fallen from their grasp. The vampire that held it had collapsed to the ground, but she was attacked by another. The vampire was large and muscular, he quickly grabbed her and flung her to the ground. Clearly, the young she-wolf was no match for him.

“AHH,” she whimpered in pain and stood back up to fight. That’s when a hand stretched out from behind her to cover her mouth. It had to be the other vampire.

“No!!!” Kiara cried in pain when he used the wolfsbane on her. She lost her power right away.

“Take her away quickly. I am going to His Highness to continue the drama,” the vampire woman remarked while the vampire slung Kiara over his shoulder and began to take her away. She laid motionless

in his grip, tears streaming down her cheeks. She felt useless as she was unable to mind-link with Xavier. Wolfsbane had taken away everything inside her. She felt as if she had no voice left her throat. However, she did see where they were carrying her to in the woods, as she had expected.

Her wide eyes were scanning all the paths, and she detected the scent of another vampire, but there were also werewolves. Werewolves? Who were these people? Werewolves in the vampire enclave? She was flung from the Vampire’s grasp in a matter of minutes, yet he continued to hold onto her arms. As he drew her closer to him holding her feeble body for a moment, the young she-wolf felt the chill of his chest

against her back.

Kiara noticed two males approaching with her weak eyes. They were werewolves. They were all strangers to her, yet they were holding something. The bigger guy came to a stop in front of her and smirked evilly.

“We finally got you. Dying at a young age is just terrible. What a waste of beauty,” the man remarked

while fiddling with an injection-like device. But why was it so big?! Was it for a monster? What was he up


“Hold her tightly,” he ordered the vampire, moving closer to Kiara with the big injection.

“No!” She screamed in terror as he bent her head and put the needle into her throat. Was it for her?


“Don’t move! You will die no matter what. And your f*****g mate will follow you soon,” he snarled, slapping her across face before moving to inject her. The young she-wolf froze in place. They want to kill Xavier too? Venus felt a surge of rage flood her body as she envisioned her mate dead in her mind. The Alpha would be in serious peril if she died! He was going to die! No! That was something she would never accept.

“Hold her!!!” The guy yelled at the vampire again, aiming the injection, but just as it was about to

make contact with her tender skin, he was shoved violently away from them. Kiara instantly shifted into her wolf to defend herself. The influence of the wolfsbane had faded, allowing Venus to seize control of her. One of them turned and attacked her.

“What the f**k! Can’t you handle a woman?!

She was propelled against a nearby tree, but she stood up to strike back until the man with the

injection changed in fury since Kiara’s shove had injured his skull.

“AHHH…” When they hit her simultaneously, she screamed in anguish, but the male lingered over her so that he could attack her neck. His goal was to inject her under any circumstances. Another roar pierced the woods as something struck the ribs of the wolf that had climbed atop Venus. His pain filled scream echoed in the woods as he lifted his head up to find the Alpha wolf. Dean shielded Venus while glaring like a deadly predator at the wolf. How had he been able to reach them so soon?!

“The Vampire King!” One of the vampires shouted, alerting the others. The wolves took a step back, grimacing with a furious glare. Xavier stood there watching them retreat into the woods. The Alpha had resolved to kill all of them right then and there, but he had been stopped before he could do so. Kiara’s agonizing groan was clear to his ears, it had brought him to a halt. She had already returned to her human form.

“Catch them!” Alfred ordered as soon as he appeared at their location. As he reached the scene, he

noticed Xavier shifting back and sprinting over to his woman at a breakneck speed. She had been groaning on the ground.

“Kiara,” Xavier lifted her off the ground holding her close to his chest. He thought that she’d disappeared when the vampire woman had stated that she’d vanished. He’d dashed out the door to find her. For a brief moment, he had believed that she had abandoned him forever, but he was wrong. He had

got her back.

“Are you all right?” The King inquired, kneeling down beside them. He had never imagined that his

own people would betray him. Nevermind that it would happen right under his nose, he felt like crap. When the vampire woman had lied he had been taken in by her performance, but he had already slain her.

“I’m okay,” Kiara said, glancing up at Xavier, whose heart was racing like a frantic horse.

“I’m sorry, I was late,” he cupped her face as he gazed into her tearful eyes. She insisted she was alright, so why was she in so much pain?

“It’s okay, but I have to tell you something. Look at this,” she said to the King and her husband, pointing to the injection she had seized while fighting.

“What is that?” Alfred took it from her.

“This is the injection designed specifically to kill werewolves. If you look closely, you will notice that it is not an injection but rather a special machine-like mechanism. So that the puncture wounds look like a vampire bite when they stab your neck with it. Look at the fluids inside it. If I’m not mistaken, it’s vampire

venom. There’s also a small insect-like creature in there as well. I recall what Adira said. She had talked

about there being no blood in the dead body and that sunlight had no effect on them. I believe they inject the bug along with the venom, that way the insect sucks up all the blood from the victim, creating a vampire-like bite mark, leading others to believe the person was murdered by a vampire. They intended to use it on me as well, so that Xavier would believe you killed me when in fact there are werewolves behind

these murders. They are the ones who are killing vampires and werewolves in order to instigate a war between the two of you,” the young Luna explained between her pained groans and sweating body. Her sudden shift had ripped her clothes, but Xavier’s large body had been keeping her well covered.

“f**k! So this is the situation,” Alfred gasped as he stared at the injection. Xavier had been quiet, but a volcano had erupted in his heart and head. He assisted Kiara in getting to her feet, but he gripped her


securely in his.

“First, we need to head back to the Fort. My people will catch them,” the King suggested, walking ahead of them.

“I can walk,” Kiara said, letting go of Xavier’s hand.

“No! Let me carry you.”

“Please don’t, I want to walk,” she replied, weakly taking a deep breath. That was when she felt a deep pain inside her stomach which she had been holding since her shift.

“You look sick and you are sweating profusely. Let me carry you,” he said, taking her hand again. “No.. don’t touch… me,” she shook her head, feeling dizzy.

“Kiara,what’s wrong?!” Xavier yelled as he wrapped an arm around her waist, at that moment she fainted in his arms. Alfred returned his gaze to the Alpha and Luna, but his red eyes widened in surprise when he noticed Kiara.

“Xavier, look at your mate’s legs,” Xavier c****d his brow and followed the King’s gaze to discover

blood running down the legs of his Luna.

“f**k! You are bleeding. What happened to you?” He asked, noticing it was flowing from between her thighs. Did they hurt her leg?

“Let’s take her back,” Alfred suggested. Xavier scooped her up into his arms and ran back to the Fort.

She looked pale and full of tears in his arms.

“Nothing will happen to you. Stay with me, Kiara,” he pleaded.

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