Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 98 The Revelation


Zac walked into the pack house with a pretty determined expression. The more he did his calculations, the more angered he became. Zac feels foolish for letting himself fall stupidly for someone like Gemma. He would have forgiven her if she left him with a broken heart. Instead, she picked up a dagger and aimed for his heart directly without mercy, shattering it to pieces and leaving no remnants behind.

For the past few weeks, he tried to forget about her and mind his own business. But the rumors kept reaching him, and he realized it would be stupid of him not to do anything to reform the situation. Zac had called Gemma tirelessly, but she missed every one of them and didn’t bother to return the call. Now that he is here at the same place that she has turned to the North Pole, ever busy. Zac wants to know what excuse she would have this time.

Entering the hallways, he redialed her, and still, there was no response. He wasn’t sure where she would be strictly, and to keep his identity intact for the time being, he didn’t want to ask around for her, too-knowing the history of the pack house and their love for rumors. His presence would reach Gemma before they get to meet, and Zac wouldn’t be surprised if she asks that he gets tossed out of the pack house.

He was beginning to feel frustrated when there was no sign of her on the third floor. When he was about to swallow his pride and ask one of the maids about her, Zac saw Gemma in the middle of the hallway reprimanding a maid. She looked so furious, but that didn’t matter to Zac; all he could see was her pregnancy bump. Her dress almost concealed it; however, it presented itself beautifully.

“Gemma?” He called out, hastening his steps towards her.

Gemma’s eyes rounded like saucers when she looked up to see who was calling her. She was so shocked to see him that she began to hiccup persistently. Zac rushed to her in concern.

“Are you okay? Do you need water?” He asked worriedly.

She slapped his hands away and ordered the maids to leave. Searching around the hallway quickly, Gemma grabbed Zac by the hand and pulled him into a room without confirming which room it was.

“Have you lost it? What are you doing here?” She rebuked in a hushed tone.

Zac held up a straight face, folding his arms against his chest. “If you had picked up your phone, you would have known why I am here. But you enjoy your time here too much and do not care about anyone outside it.”

Gemma kissed her teeth, cursing under her breath in annoyance. She had blocked his line before when his calls kept coming in persistently. Zac went ahead to call her with a different line nonstop. She felt he would get the message that she didn’t want to speak to him. But it appears he didn’t get the cue.

“If you aren’t so dumb. You will realize I intentionally ignore your calls because I don’t want anything to do with you anymore. Whatever it is you think we shared is all over. I leveled up already. I shouldn’t be your type.” She huffed, giving off an attitude while folding her arms.

Zac scoffed with a laugh, to her surprise. “do you know what your actual problem is, Gemma? You think too highly of yourself. Yes, call me a fool for loving you and doing whatever you want. But then, I am just like every other man. Maybe they aren’t as dumb as I am. I mean that I won’t be the first nor the last to be used by a woman like you. I had started losing interest when your ambitions looked too shady. I will not force you to be content with the life I can offer you. But you know what, Gemma? I will not allow you to take what is rightfully mine and give it to someone else. That is never happening.”

Her feet faltered, but she quickly called herself to order. “what did you just say?”

“You heard me right; don’t play dumb with me. That pup in your belly is mine, and I would be damned if you think I am going to sit back and watch you give it freely to the Alpha. That will never happen.”

She gasped dramatically. “What sort of treacherous words are you spitting out? How can you lay claim to the heir to the throne? I don’t know what sort of weed you are on. But this child belongs to Gael and no one else’s.”

“You are delusional If you think you can fool me. I still have the message you sent as regards the pregnancy. Calculating it to this time, it matches correctly. You met with Gael a while after that, so how is the baby his? You were already pregnant before you had sex with him. Which implies that the child is mine.”

Gemma wanted to keep playing unaware, but then she suddenly felt fearless, demeaning what he might do to her. If the matter gets dragged on for too long, she would have to find a way to get rid of him. Putting up a defiant pose, she sneered at him.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“So? What if I did? It’s my belly, after all. I would decide what I want to do with it, and you have no right to lay claim.” She hissed.

Zac blinked in disbelief. For a brief moment, he hoped she would be remorseful and try to persuade him to understand her reasons. But who was he fooling? Someone like Gemma cares nothing about others except herself. Clenching his fist tightly, he gritted his teeth, causing his veins to pop out.

“You are such an ungrateful bitch! I can’t believe I let myself get lured into this stupid mess. Do you think you would have ever gotten a chance back into Gael’s life if I didn’t help set Nia up?”

“Shut your mouth.” She growled.

“Oh, no, I won’t. If you think I will go down without a fight, then you are mistaken. I will fight tooth and nail to bring you down to your knees. Every day, my conscience haunts me for what I did to the Alpha and healer. You know in your heart of the heart that the Alpha has not been the same without the one he loves. You ruined their happiness because of your greed. I never should have done it. To make matters worse, your shameless self couldn’t even check on me to be sure I didn’t get caught. Gael was ready to tear me apart that day, but did you make that any of your business? No. Your father was right to have disowned you. I would hate to have a child like you, too.”

With a shake to hand, she pointed at him with a vile look. “You don’t know what I am capable of, Zac. If you do anything stupid, I will end you. I won’t hesitate to put an end to your miserable life. Nobody, I repeat, neither you nor my father can stop me from achieving my goal. I will become the Luna and rule everyone here. I will become the most feared Luna to exist, and if to achieve that, it means some of you have to die or be far away, I would do it repeatedly. Do you think I want to carry the child of a dullard like you? I hope the cub you put inside me is worth the months sacrificed to carry it. All the same, it gave me an easy ticket to get Gael to hasten up the wedding. So, Zac, if you want to keep breathing. Stay out of my way.”

His heart ached as he stared at her. “You won’t get far with this. I promise you.”

“Why don’t you watch me then? We would get to see if I would get far or not.”

“How far do you think you can go?” Gael’s cold voice bellowed from the entrance of the bathroom! The both of them froze on the spot.



The silence that enveloped the room was deafening. A pin drop would make a loud noise. I can almost hear the heartbeat of each person.

“G… Ga… Gael, you are here.” Gemma stuttered, her eyes darting around quickly; she must be trying to figure out the perfect lie to say to escape the situation. “B…baby, you wouldn’t believe this crazy man; he is trying to accuse me of setting Nia up. I can’t believe that half-breed would go this far to get her way back. Both of them are trying to make me look like the culprit. He is the one you have been searching for. The half-breed’s lover.” She said it so quickly that one would think her mouth was on fire. How quickly she could conjure the lie in less than twenty seconds.

My heart raced at full speed as I walked stealthily towards them. For some unknown reason, this morning, I found myself in this room after spending the long night getting fucked by two pretty foreigners. I wonder where the guard in charge of my frivolities finds them. Sleeping in late, I eventually dragged myself to the bathroom to clean up, only to hear some voices, and when I listened in, one turned out to be that of Gemma. I have never felt this much stupidity in my entire life before. Gemma took me on a wholesome ride.

Calming my nerves, I sat on the couch, crossing my legs and staring at them to wring their necks. I cleared my throat.

“so, I heard some things while in there, and I just want to know if I had heard correctly.” I pointed at the guy. Now that I look closely at him, he sure seems quite familiar. “You were asked to set Nia up?”

Gemma sucked her teeth, “come on, baby. No one set them up. Both of them cheated and are just finding a way to garner pity from you by accusing me wrongly. You need to call the guards in to get him arrested.” She mumbled, attempting to walk towards me.

“If you take one more step forward. I will have you taped to the wall and whipped until your voice is lost.” I said sternly.

She got the message and stepped back. I returned my gaze to the man. “I heard everything, but I need the clear information. What exactly happened? And what is your relationship with Nia and Gemma? I won’t lock you up, so you don’t need to worry.”

“Don’t you dare!” Gemma gritted.

The young man looked away and held my gaze. “I feel ashamed of my actions, Alpha Gael. I didn’t expect that you would find out like this. I just felt cheated and needed my child back.”

“I heard that too. So the pregnancy Gemma is carrying isn’t mine.” I stated, feeling something tug painfully at my chest. Still, I maintained a calm demeanor. I must be sure of the truth even though I can already piece everything together.

“I am Zac, and I have known Gemma since high school. For some reason, she insisted on wanting to be with you even when the both of us were together. She wanted to get back at you for moving on with the healer and planned that we set her up.”

I pulled at my hair frantically as the image of that day returned to me. I can’t believe this; no wonder Nia looked so confused that night. I stared at my shaky hands. My stupid self didn’t hesitate to slap her across the face because I was angry. I gulped hard, trying to calm my disrupted nerves.

“What did you give her, and how did you encounter one another? I know Nia; she wouldn’t have taken any edible from anyone.” I was confident about it because of the poison saga that happened months back.

“Gael, don’t listen to this bastard. He is lying to you.” Gemma sobbed.

The man hissed in contempt. “I know I will get punished for this, but I don’t care anymore. I want to forget about all of this as much as you do. I have had enough of being your puppet. Whatever happens after this will give me a clearer view of my life. Gemma approached the unsuspecting lady with a peace offering and hypnotized her with the night spice.”

My head rang a bell at the mention of the dangerous sleep poison that can lead to death if not correctly handled. Like a possessed demon, I moved towards Gemma and gripped her by the neck, tightly holding her against the wall.

“How dare you bitch! How could you? You planned on killing her, didn’t you? How do I even know she is still alive? What did I ever do wrong to you?!” I yelled in her face, feeling my hands weaken, and I dropped her to the ground.

She coughed while scratching the floor. Gemma scoffed in irritation. “And here I was thinking you might be worried about the pregnancy more.”

I raised my leg to give her an unforgettable kick, but I refrained. “Why should I care about that when I never tried to attach myself to it in the first place? Even though I didn’t think you would cheat. I still wasn’t going to waste my emotions over you or anyone else.”

“Then you shouldn’t feel hurt about me cheating. You did it multiple times, which is not like you love me. I only returned the favor.” She glared.

“One more word from you, and I will send you into a coma,” I warned.

Gemma hissed, “You are pathetic, Gael! Just admit it. Do you think you can be a good person? You have never been indepthly concerned about me. I was the sex slave you could call on anytime you liked. So you think I will sit back and watch you live happily with your Cinderella, and I end up being a laughing stock. You have got something else coming. Be thankful to the goddess and your dead parents who are keeping watch over you. I had plans to end you the moment we got married. Because of what use is a disabled Alpha after all.”

“Thank the goddess. I found out on time, then. You choose this life for yourself. I told you many times to leave, but you forced yourself on me. You can’t blame me for something you saw yourself!”

“Well, I guess I did good by sending the one you truly love to whatever hell she might be in now!”

“Gemma!” I bellowed, swinging my legs this time without caution. Fortunately for her, it didn’t get to hit her; instead, it landed on her partner’s stomach in crime. I hissed in contempt. “This is perfect, just perfect. The bond must be powerful. I will ensure you both end your love story in the confines of a dark room.”

Her lover went on his knees quickly. “Please, Alpha Gael, you can punish me all you want, but not her. Please think of the growing pub inside of her. Please, Alpha.” He wailed, holding onto my leg.

Flaring my nose, I kicked him off me. “Do I look like I care? She will pay for this, and that is a promise.”

Stomping my way to the door, I yelled out to some of the guards to throw the offenders in the dungeon, and they came in immediately. As they dragged them away, Gemma kept her face straight. She doesn’t feel remorseful for what she did.

I couldn’t blame her, of course. I was the fool who doubted my woman from the beginning and ended up being a shadow of myself. I haven’t been helpful, except making a mess of everything. How do I show my face to everyone who has nurtured me since the death of my parents, and I ended up making a fool of them because I couldn’t control my emotions? And there is Nia, whom I have disappointed time and time again.

Kneeling on the plush rug, I covered my face with both palms, crying from the depths of my belly. It is all my fault, and I deserve everything. The goddess is punishing me for trying to act more intelligent than she is.

I want to end it! The tears flowed, making me more helpless, and this time, I didn’t try to run from it. Instead, I succumbed to the weakness, letting it sway me.

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