Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 105 Happily Ever After


I yawned for the umpteenth time tiredly. I don’t know why everyone in the house is suddenly interested in camping this late evening. I haven’t been sleeping well for days, and just when I thought I would get the best of sleep today, I got dragged out of bed without my consent.

“I thought you said the place is not far from us. Why are we driving out of New Haven?” I asked Perry, who was seated next to me in the car. “Moreover, why did Grandma and Aunt Kylia go before us when we could have just gone together.”

Perry shrugged, staring at her phone. “They didn’t want to disrupt your siesta.”

I snorted, “You disrupted it.” I retorted rudely.

“Really Nia? Is that what we deserve for wanting to make you feel better?”

I blinked guiltily. “I didn’t mean to sound like that.”

“It’s fine.” She muttered, turning her face away from me.

I sighed tiredly, knowing I hadn’t been on my best behavior lately, and it was all because I couldn’t seem to get a grip on myself. I am having so many complicated thoughts, wishing I had acted otherwise. It keeps dawning on me every passing day just how much I miss Gael. But there is no way I would resort to begging him to come back to me. Not after I already told him off. I won’t lie; Gael was sincere. But I couldn’t bring myself to give in so easily. I thought it would make me look weak. Now, I worry that my child would have to hear different stories of how the parents went apart. I hope this feeling will leave me soon. I am too stressed as it stands now.

The car finally stopped at a botanical garden, which looked like a massive expanse of land. My wolf made a satisfied howl; spaces like this will enable one to run at their free will without any fear of being sighted. It’s been a while since I had a run in the woods. On leaving the car, Perry and I walked towards a shed with a baobab tree surrounding it. It makes it look warm and cozy. It’s rare to see this kind of tree around here. I have always seen them drawn in books. Lovers would have an excellent time here.

Settling into the wooden bench, I inhaled the cool air. “Where are Granny and Aunt Kylia? I thought they would be here?” I asked Perry.

She looked around quickly, “they should be somewhere around here. Just stay put while I look for them. You have nothing to worry about. It is safe.”

I chuckled lightly, “Like you will ever bring me anywhere unsafe before. You love me too much to put me in danger.”

“I am glad you know that.” She grinned, running off.

I waited patiently and brought out my phone to scroll through my media pages. I have been trying some herbal mint production lately, intending to clear any throat infection. As much as I might be an herbal healer, I would like to be a modern one who can make candies and juicy smoothies from the most unexpected herbs. Engrossed with my phone, I heard footsteps making their way close to me. My heart raced, and my guard went up with my wolf coming to the surface.

The steps don’t sound like that of Perry or anyone familiar, and it has to be a stranger. The sound became closer, causing me to stand up to maintain defense. Just when I attempted to jump at whoever it was, not caring about my big belly. Gael raised his hands in surrender.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” He said, protecting his face with his hands. They are more important to him than any other part of his body.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned with a frown and a wave of anxiety at the same time.

He put down his hands and blinked like he didn’t know it was me. “You are here. What are you doing here?”From NôvelDrama.Org.

I hissed, returning to my seat. “I just asked you the same thing. It can’t be a coincidence.”

“It isn’t. Ezra had told me we were taking a vacation out of the pack, and when we got here, he told me to walk down here and wait up for him while he gets something real quick.”

I bit down on my lips when it dawned on me that we just got played. I scrolled through my phone to dial Perry, but she didn’t pick up. “Perry isn’t answering her phone. She brought me here. Why don’t you try calling Ezra?”

He did the same, and the call didn’t connect. “it’s obvious they had it all planned out. They want us to be alone.”

“I don’t want to be alone with you,” I stated, fixing my jaw stubbornly.

“It’s okay. We don’t have to. There is a choice to make. If we don’t take a stance now, everyone will play this kind of trick on us again. We can either decide to sort out our differences or pretend not to see each other until they both return to get us. I don’t know my way around here, so I would wait on Ezra.”

“Same here,” I mumbled.

Gael walked gently towards me and sat on the other end of the bench, ensuring to keep his distance. I will make Perry pay for fooling me like this. His smell wafted into my nose, and I wanted to embrace him so severely. I miss him, but then I am not sure it is a feeling I am supposed to have.

“H… how are you?” He asked, breaking the long silence.

“Good, I guess,” I replied, not looking at him. I folded my shaky hands to keep him from noticing.

“Well, I haven’t been fine. I can’t seem to do anything without thinking about how much we would have done together if I hadn’t messed things up. But let’s not discuss the past. I hope you are fine, though. I learned that pregnancy takes quite a toll on the body. I must admit, though, you look so beautiful with the belly.” He said.

I gave him a side look to see his reaction, but he was staring straight at a tree, which meant he meant the words and wasn’t trying to impress me. I blushed profusely, turning my face away. “You look stressed.”

“I haven’t been sleeping well. And I doubt if I would be doing so anytime soon.”

“Didn’t your therapist recommend a way out?”

“She did. But none of it seems to work.”

My ears perked at the gender of his therapist. “Your therapist is a she?”

“Yes, her name is Skylar. And Skylar is good at what she does. I feel relaxed every time I am with her.”

I scoffed in distaste, “Oh? She makes you feel relaxed. So typical of you.” I glared at him, and he turned to look at me just in time. I swallowed hard as I could not look away anymore.

He chuckled dryly, “What are you thinking? I already left that life, Nia. Moreover, Skylar is fifty-five years old. You are unbelievable.” He laughed this time, showing off his fantastic set of teeth.

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.”

“I miss you though. I miss you every day, and I wish you would believe me. But I doubt if that is ever going to happen.”

I pouted, “Why not? I thought you said you love me.”

“And I always will. But I want you to love me back just the same. It would help if you weren’t nice to me for the child’s sake later. I want your actual affection.”

“So you think I don’t love you anymore?” I pressed further, feeling my insides melt at the innocent look in his eyes.

“I don’t doubt that you still love me. Something I have come to realize is that people would love and still walk away from someone for their peace of mind. The reason I ran from love was to avoid getting hurt. I saw what it did to my parents. And it was more disgusting to find out that my dad was cheating on the same woman he claimed he would move the universe for. It just sounds absurd to me. I considered him a hypocrite, especially because my mother died not too long after the entire mess. When I saw you on that bed with the strange man, I couldn’t think straight. All the dark monsters within me returned, whispering things to me. I thought I had healed from the family trauma. My reaction wasn’t about you. I guess it was all the anger I buried inside of me that should have been directed at my father. I am sorry once again, Nia. Believe me. I am sincerely sorry. That is why I have resorted to getting help. Anything to help me live a good life, I am up for it.”

I blinked slowly, staring down at my swelling feet. “I couldn’t get my mind off you since that day. I thought about how else I could have resolved the issue without sending you out of my life. At the same time, my broken heart kept bleeding. I wouldn’t feel this much towards my mate if he accepted me. Even without you being present, I still feel your touches, which is crazy. I know I might regret this, but I want to live by loving you even if you might end up being a poison.” I said, holding his gaze.

Gael stared in utmost shock. “did you mean that?”

I laughed, “I have spent the last two weeks thinking about everything. I was the happiest when we were together. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. If you break my heart again, I must accept my mistake.”

“I promise not to do anything to hurt you ever again.” He mused, moving close to me.

“Hold on. You will have to promise that whatever happens between us, you will be patient to have it resolved before jumping to a conclusion.”

“I swear on my life, baby. I am going to make this work no matter what. I promise to be your shoulder to lean on.” He grabbed my right hand and kissed it softly. “Does this mean you will come back home with me?”

I grinned mischievously, tilting my head. “I haven’t thought about that yet.”

Gael finally laughed, reaching for my second hand, and he looked me straight. “I don’t mind whatever it is you decide on. As long as you are back to loving me.”

“I never stopped loving you. I just hated you for a little while.” I rubbed his fingers gently and held on to his hands as if he would disappear any minute if I ever let go.

Gael cupped my face in his palm and kissed me lightly. “I am going to be a good boy from now on.”

I giggled, “I trust you would.”

As if possessed, he lifted me off the ground, taking note of my belly before twirling me around while laughing loudly. Today, I made the best decision of my life.




I couldn’t resist the laughter that rumbled out of my belly as I sighted Gael and our boys preoccupied with themselves like they were the only ones existing in the world. Ryan, Ronan, and Romeo are so obsessed with their father that sometimes I get jealous. But then I am happy at the love they share. It reminds me of how much my dad loved me. Today is our triplet birthday, and despite the many people who have come to see the Sunset Pack’s princes for the first time, they seem unbothered by them and more interested in hanging around their father.

“Hey there, dewdrop,” Kingston called out with a gift box in hand.

I spread out my arms, hugging him tightly. “finally, someone who pays me attention.” I whined.

He chuckled, glancing over at Gael and the boys. “Oh, I see what you mean. They are at it again.”

“I am telling you. None of the boys would let anyone carry them except him. And he isn’t ready to let them go either.”

“It’s the bond between a father and son. I’m sure they are all trying hard to get his attention.”

“They would never let him have one. They all want him.”

“How are you doing, though? I see you are glowing differently.”

I blushed shyly, rubbing at my growing belly. “It’s not my fault; Gael wouldn’t keep his hands off me.”

“Any sane man will do the same,” Kingston whispered, laughing.

I slapped his arm playfully, “Stop it. Where is Perry?”

He looked around quickly, “I can assure you we walked into the field together. I need to find her. She must be up to something with Aunt Kylia. I will never understand those two. Give me a minute to go find her.” He said, running off.

I smiled to myself as he left. I am so glad he is back in my life as my brother. A year ago, he and Perry had bumped into each other at one of her art exhibitions. They got talking and seemed to find a peculiar interest in each other. Now they are dating. I don’t know how else to thank Perry, and I returned with my man and brother all because of her.

With Gael taking his therapy sessions quite seriously, he is beginning to let go of the family baggage that he carries with him. I am so glad I decided to get back with him.

Not to forget my newfound family. Catelyn and Kylia are a blessing in disguise. I looked around the field and found my grandmother with former Beta Ezekiel at the dessert table. I wonder when she developed a sweet tooth. But it’s nice to see she is having fun.

After introducing our sons to everyone else in the pack, we held a private party in the garden with only close family and friends. Only the ones who matter the most to me are worthy of seeing my children’s first celebration.

I pouted tiredly; Gael insists I stay here because I am pregnant. I would have loved to defy him, but I am pretty tired. I am only in my early second trimester, and the constant exhaustion has me in stitches. One would think I have never been pregnant before.

“What’s on the mind of our favorite Luna?” Perry drawled as she sat next to me with her eyes looking funny.

“Are you stoned?” I asked, shaking my head in disbelief.

She laughed like someone who is indeed high. “it’s a discovery, baby. You would have loved it if you weren’t pregnant. Aunt Kylia does.”

“If I were her husband, I would have you both thrown out,” I said, looking towards Kingston, who seemed to be having difficulty getting my aunt a drink. “Is she that high?”

Perry snickered, “No, she just insists on having a glass of vodka, which Kingston is against.”

I laughed heartily. If I didn’t know better, I would think Kingston and Aunt Kylia are related. He is always on the lookout for her.

Ezra walked towards us, smiling brightly. “Might I take shade with the beautiful ladies?” He asked, sitting down.

“You wouldn’t even wait for us to respond. Typical of you.” His sister reasoned.

“I was praising Nia, not you. I wonder how Kingston copes with your ugly face.” He retorted.

Perry let her tongue out at him. “You are just jealous.”

“Why would I ever be jealous of an ugly face? I don’t have that much time to waste.” Ezra mocked. The both of them will never grow up.

Gael came to join us with boys trailing behind him, trying to catch up with their short legs. That’s enough of you two. How do you intend to teach the children to act better when you don’t know better.”

“He started it,” Perry whined, pointing at her brother. Her face suddenly morphed into a bright smile when one of the boys came to her side. She picked up Romeo, who seemed to be her favorite among the triplets.

Ezra picked up Ryan while Gael carried Ronan. “They look so identical that I can hardly identify them,” Ezra said.

“Ryan, Romeo, and Ronan.” I pointed at the boys respectively.

“Wow. It looks like magic! How do you do it so effortlessly?”

“You are just dumb, big bro. You live in the pack more than I do, and I can recognize them.”

Ezra let out a loud groan. “If I weren’t trying to be a good godfather, I would have whipped your ass! You bitch!”

“Words!” I cautioned him.

“So much of a good godfather.” Perry stuck out her tongue at him.

“I will end you today!” Ezra passed me Ryan while Perry handed Romeo to Kingston, who was cut off from his intended statement. Ezra went after his sister while threatening to deal mercilessly with her.

“Careful, my love!” Kingston called out to Perry before walking away against

I laughed, throwing my head to the back. Gael sat next to me with his hand around the chair, and he leaned towards me.

“Hey, baby.”

I shifted a bit from him. “I see you finally have my time.”

He held up his signature smile. “Are you jealous?”

“Don’t I have a right to be?”

“You do. And I love it.” He cooed, trying to reach me to kiss my lips. I avoided him.

“Don’t do that. The kids.” I warned, blushing.

“Then we can go in and leave them with the aunts. No one will notice.”

“Of course they would. Stop it, Gael.” I giggled, hitting him weakly. “Let’s do all of this when we are alone. Not now. We need to be here for our family and friends.”

At my words, he inhaled deeply and glanced around proudly. “I can’t believe all of these people are for me. And I have that all thanks to you.” He mused, kissing me. “Thank you so much, baby. For putting up with me. I promise to keep doing all I can to be a better husband, father, friend, and Alpha.”

“I know you will do just great. Thank you for being amazing this past year. I couldn’t have asked for more. I love you, baby.”

“And I love you more.” He replied, caressing my hands. We glanced at our boys before looking back at the family surrounding us.

The goddess was indeed looking out for me, after all.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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