Alpha King’s pregnant Ex-Luna


By the time Nelly returned home, a feast awaited her, the table overflowing with food fit for a pack. The scent of roasted meat and freshly baked bread filled the air, enticing her senses. She stepped inside, the door creaking in the silence, and was immediately bombarded by the enthusiastic greeting of Donna. The young werewolf rushed towards her, a mixture of excitement and curiosity shining in her eyes.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Nelly, you’re finally home!” Donna’s voice was filled with genuine joy, her words laced with a hint of mischief.

Nelly expected a warm embrace, a sweet hug from her daughter, but instead, she met a sudden halt. Donna’s brow furrowed in scrutiny as she examined her mother’s appearance. “Mommy, your outfit today is… rather hideous.”

The words hung in the air, leaving Nelly momentarily speechless. She couldn’t help but wonder if her taste had truly been improving or if she had simply acquired a finicky daughter who dissected every aspect of her life. She looked to Tony, hoping for some solace.

“No, Mommy looks beautiful,” Tony chimed in, his voice filled with adoration. From his innocent perspective, Nelly was the most stunning woman in the world.

But Donna scoffed at his opinion, her disdain evident. “Clueless boys like you know nothing!”

Tony was taken aback, his confusion clear on his face. Ben, ever the observant one, felt the need to contribute. “Actually, I think she looks great. With her porcelain skin and long legs, she could pass for a movie star.”

Donna rolled her eyes, dismissing their opinions. “Both of you are equally clueless.”

Alpha Wade, the wise old werewolf who had been silently watching the scene, finally spoke up. “Alright now, your mommy must be tired after a long day. Let us eat and chat together.”

Donna couldn’t help but throw another jab, declaring, “Looks like Grandpa cares about me the most!” With a playful grin, Nelly slipped off her heels and made her way to the back to wash her hands and change.

When Nelly returned, the children were already seated at the table, eagerly awaiting her arrival. It touched her heart to see them so grown up, but all she truly desired was for them to be safe and healthy. She took her seat, nodding gratefully to Alpha Wade for his care.

As they began to enjoy the delicious meal, Tony couldn’t contain his curiosity. “Mommy, how was work today? Were you tired?”

Nelly smiled at her son’s concern and reassured him, “It was alright. Not much different from when I worked overseas. So, it wasn’t too tiring.”

Tony’s innocence continued to shine as he asked the next question. “Mommy, are there any handsome guys in your office?”

Aware of his ulterior motive, Nelly shook her head. “No, not really.”

Donna couldn’t resist gloating about her knowledge. “Actually, there’s a new director of school affairs at our school who’s young and handsome. He even looks like Yohan Yamaguchi, the famous celebrity. Would you like to meet him?”

Nelly’s interest was piqued. “Really? I should go and check him out one day.”

Donna added more details, her excitement evident. “I’ve already done some research. He’s single and doesn’t fool around. In fact, you match all his preferences, except he doesn’t really care about looks. But I’m sure you’ll blow his mind.”

Tony looked at Donna with admiration. “You’ve been sticking by Mr. Lucas all day, haven’t you?”

Donna rolled her eyes, dismissing his comment. “Of course, I’m not like you two who only know how to play around.”

Tony chimed in, his admiration unwavering. “Mr. Lucas is a great guy. He’s charming, chivalrous, and kind-hearted.”

Nelly couldn’t help but be intrigued by their conversation. “Well then, I’ll pick all of you up tomorrow and see this Mr. Lucas that you all have praised so highly. Donna, you’ll be in charge of introducing him to me, understood?”

“Yes, madam!” Donna gleefully accepted the responsibility.

Watching the interaction between Nelly and her children, Alpha Wade couldn’t help but feel a mixture of amusement and pride. They were more like a group of friends than mother and children.

After dinner, the children insisted on helping with chores, much to Alpha Wade’s initial reluctance. However, seeing their capable hands and recalling Nelly’s mention of their responsibility overseas, he allowed them to take charge. As they worked together, Alpha Wade approached Nelly in the living room, his concern evident.

“What’s bothering you? Something seems to be on your mind.”

Nelly didn’t hold back, sharing her worry. “Alpha Kilian came to see me today and asked about the children.”

Alpha Wade’s surprise was palpable. “And what did you tell him?”

“I lied, told him I had aborted them,” Nelly confessed, her voice tinged with guilt.

“Did he believe you?”

“For now, but I know I can’t hide that truth forever.”

A sudden realization struck Alpha Wade. “I should have told you this earlier. Before you left, Alpha Kilian found out about your pregnancy and came to see me.”

Nelly’s surprise was evident. “What happened?”

Unbeknownst to her, Alpha Wade revealed, “At that time, I didn’t know about your pregnancy and scolded him for his audacity. But he seemed genuinely concerned.”

A mocking smile played on Nelly’s lips. “We can’t be sure if he was worried about the children or simply being deceived. Either way, it wouldn’t have changed anything. I don’t want my children to live in his shadow.”

Alpha Wade agreed, not wanting to dwell on Alpha Kilian’s despicable actions. He questioned, “So, what do you plan to do?”

Nelly’s smile held a hint of determination. “Grandpa, since it’ll be difficult for him to find any evidence, I suggest you be more vigilant. He will likely come and see you again.”

Alpha Wade nodded in understanding. “I will be on guard. But it pains me to say that I’ve been avoiding Alpha Larry’s chess games lately.”

Nelly apologized, feeling guilty for the trouble she caused. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience, Grandpa.”

“For the sake of the children, it’s not an inconvenience at all. I just worry that Alpha Larry might suspect something, knowing me so well.”

Nelly chuckled, a sparkle in her eyes. “If I can resolve my issues with Alpha Kilian, then we can bring the children to visit Old Mr. Morris.”

Alpha Wade sighed, empathizing with his old friend’s unfortunate situation. “He doesn’t deserve to have his old age happiness tainted by that brat, Alpha Kilian.”

Nelly’s response was a simple smile.

Meanwhile, Lara had enlisted someone to investigate Nelly’s background. But despite their efforts, they found no trace, no information to uncover. Lara couldn’t understand how a woman could drive Alpha Kilian to such drastic actions, and the lack of a past only heightened her suspicion.

“Why couldn’t you find anything?” Lara exclaimed, her disbelief evident.

The investigator defended their skills. “We’re not sure. It seems someone has covered their tracks perfectly. Normally, we would have found every detail, but this time, there’s nothing.”

Lara couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to Nelly than met the eye. “Are you saying this to extort more money from me?”

The investigators vehemently denied the accusation. “Please, Ms. Gareth, we’ve worked together countless times. When have we ever resorted to such methods for more payment?”

Lara realized they had a point and sighed in frustration. “If you can’t find anything, then find another way. Investigate the people around her. I want to know everything about her, no matter what it takes.”

The investigators agreed to her demands, but not before reminding her about fees. Lara reassured them, having never shortchanged them before.

As she hung up the call, Lara’s thoughts were consumed by Nelly. Who was this mysterious woman who could bring Alpha Kilian to the edge? After all these years, Lara had never seen him provoked in such a way. A sense of unease settled in her heart.


As Lara repeated the name, a nagging familiarity echoed in her mind, elusive yet unsettling.

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