A wife for my brother


– What’s up Ethan? –

– Uncle, have you heard from Deanna? –

– What’s that supposed to mean? –

– It seems they had an argument with dad on Sunday, when we came back she was gone… It’s been 4 days and she’s not back. Naomi called her, but Deanna just says she is taking care of her grandmother and that when she gets better she will be back.

– I didn’t know Deanna’s grandmother was sick –

– She’s not, man. She doesn’t want to come back because of dad –

– I see… I’ll try to call her and let you know –

– Thank you.

She left him? He knew it was only a matter of time before Daniel would scare her away with his temper. He wasn’t going to call her and insist she go back to his brother, of course he wouldn’t. If he knew Daniel well enough, he was sure he wouldn’t go after her. His wounded pride wouldn’t allow it. Maybe, at last, what he told him that time would come true: ” She’ll leave you with nothing.”

The next to notice something was up with Daniel was Beverly. He had been showing his old grim and somber face for days. Camilla had been quick to tell her friend Arlene about what had happened at her son’s house with Reed’s flowers, and Arlene was quick to fill Beverly in. Apparently, Leonard had created a major break between the two of them.

– What’s the matter, Daniel? I’ve been explaining the terms of this contract to you for 15 minutes and you won’t listen to me… –

– I’m sorry, Beverly –Upstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

– Your mother told my mother… I know… You can’t help it, they’re like that… I’m sure she’ll soon get over her anger –

– She left the house… 5 days ago… –

– Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t know… But Daniel, it was just some flowers… –

– It wasn’t the flowers, it was me… I couldn’t control myself and I was… a fool –

– I see… Let her think for a while until things calm down –

– Yes…

– I’m not prying, but do you understand now why she’s not the right woman for you? Don’t look at me that way, I’m on Deanna’s side this time… You’re tough to get along with, Daniel. Deanna is no different, they’ll live like this forever… She doesn’t deserve that –

– I must learn to control myself –

– And how will you do that? You can’t control yourself when something gets the better of you, you’re like that… You’ll live with that doubt floating in the pit of your stomach because she’ll always be younger than you, she’ll always be pretty and she’ll always attract the attention of other men. You can’t let her live that way… depending on your sudden changes of mood… You make her the target of your bad temper…

– I don’t know… –

– Okay… I’ll leave you alone… I’ll come back when you’re more focused –

“Beverly’s right”, Deanna didn’t deserve those attacks from him. All she did was show him that she loved him, took care of everyone in the house, was there for his friends when they needed her, and worked hard to give others an image of the perfect wife to take care of him from gossip.

And he would give her an unwarranted outburst of jealousy in return. He felt like a joke, all those speeches of wanting to take care of her and protect her from others when he himself was treating her in the worst way. His fingertips burned to touch her skin again. The more he remembered the intimacy they shared the more he sank into sadness, into the idea that he had scared her away enough for her to leave him.

-We want to see Deanna, Dad –

Naomi couldn’t wait for them to get to the house. She had discussed it with her brothers, all 3 missed her, but Jonathan was the one whose opaque little eyes showed the most.

– Talk to her and tell her we want to go see her.

– Naomi, I don’t think it’s a good idea –

– Naomi’s right, Dad, we do want to go see her. Jonathan misses her so much –

– She must still be mad –

– She’s mad at you, she’s not mad at us –

Daniel looked in the rear view mirror and saw the little boy’s face.

– I’ll write her a message when we get home… she won’t answer me if I call her –

– The kids miss you, they want to see you.

– Tell Susan to bring them to lunch tomorrow.

– How long do you plan to keep punishing me?

She didn’t want to see him, “Tell Susan.”

-I can take them, but I can’t pick them up, I’m sorry –

– It’s okay, just take them, I’ll pick them up later –

-You really screwed up this time, Daniel-

The little boy hurried down from the car and ran to Deanna’s legs like a madman. The other two got out and hurried off as well. She hugged them very tenderly, she missed them too.

– Hi Susan, thanks for bringing them –

– It’s nothing, they drove me crazy all the way there asking how long it would take to get there… –

– Have lunch with us. My mother cooked for everyone –

– Sorry, dear, I have a meeting, but thanks anyway…

– What a pity. Well, come with more time next time –

– He’s losing his mind, you know that, right? –

– I don’t think so…

Philippa was waiting for them inside, at last she would meet the children her daughter was helping to raise. Did that make them her surrogate grandchildren?

– Mom! Let me introduce you to Ethan, Naomi and the little grasshopper: Jonathan –

– Nice to meet you, kids…

– Hi, I’m Ethan, thanks for having us –

– Oh, my! What a polite boy! My pleasure Ethan… Come on in, make yourselves comfortable. Today the restaurant is closed for our distinguished guests only –

– I missed you Deanna – Naomi told her without wanting to let go of her hand.

– Me too, honey… Very much… all 3 of you –

It turned out that Philippa was delighted with Daniel’s children. The oldest was a young gentleman, the little girl so sweet, and the youngest a round-cheeked sweetheart. How did a guy like Crusher manage to raise such lovely kids almost single-handedly?

Deanna had only told her that they had an argument and that she needed to get away from him for a while. She never mentioned the reason for that fight. Her daughter didn’t tell her too much about their problems so as not to worry her, but she just knew that relationship was doomed. No man like Daniel Crusher puts everything on the table for a woman like Deanna. They’re all the same, looking for the fun of the moment.

They spent the day in the small herb garden, Deanna’s grandmother taking it upon herself to teach all the names and properties of each plant to an Ethan who was more than interested in learning. While Naomi listened to stories of Deanna when she was little that Philippa told them. And the boy just climbed on her lap to feel her close.

When it came time to say goodbye, Jonathan made it difficult. But Deanna promised him that he could come see her whenever they wanted, as often as they wanted and stay with her. The moment got tenser when Daniel parked the car outside the restaurant, waiting. She got out to say goodbye to them, but he didn’t get out. He still had Beverly’s words on his mind, he was becoming convinced that he wasn’t the best thing for Deanna.

Seeing her again through the glass of the door generated a small ache in his chest. The children were slow to say goodbye and he grew impatient, if he stood there much longer he would be overcome with the urge to hug her and, if necessary, beg her to come back.

She walked into the restaurant with tears in her eyes: he hadn’t even looked out to say hello. Apparently her pride was stronger than her so-called feelings.

– Maybe it’s better this way, dear… Don’t cry, don’t cry Deanna… Men like him only care about themselves. Do you think that if he really loved you as he says he does, he wouldn’t have come down to ask for your forgiveness? –

– He sends me messages every day, mom; but he can’t even look me in the face… –

– Don’t look so surprised, they’re cowards

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