A Second Chance With My Tribrid Alpha King



I was so elated! It was Audrey’s birthday, and I finally got to tell her how I truly felt about her. Even though she may have given a discouraging response if Alara hadn’t interrupted our discussion, I was still glad that I told her and it was finally off my chest.

As I took my time washing my body clean, I thought about my time at the cold moon pack. I couldn’t believe that I had actually harboured the slightest thoughts that Audrey would betray me. I mean, if nothing else made me see things much clearly now, then the passionate night we spent writhing in pleasure that was provoked by each other, was enough to.

Audrey would have never let me do such a significant thing with her, if she wasn’t loyal and looking to build something great with me. But then again, I could help the slight feeling of jealousy I felt within, knowing I wasn’t her first. It made my mind wander through inappropriate paths. It got me thinking if she had also been with Sebastian so intimately. If they had, was he her first? I shook my head vigorously, trying to rid my senses of such unwelcomed thoughts. I really didn’t know where this great feeling of jealousy emanated from. Though, I would actually admit to the fact that I felt a significant difference after Audrey and I had sex.

I felt stronger. Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. My happiness felt tripled. Over the top actually. And I was trying my very best not to let Audrey notice it, worried it may irritate her.

When I was done with my bath, I stepped out of the bathroom, only to realize she was gone.

“Audrey?” I called out, but got no response. Assuming she may have stepped out for some better privacy to read her parent’s letter, I went through my hygiene routine. She still wasn’t back, and I was glad in a way. I needed the help of her personal maid to plan a surprise birthday dinner for her, and it would less suspicious if Audrey didn’t see us conversing.

Immediately, I sent for Alara and she showed up at my room couple of minutes later. I told her about my plan to surprise her mistress, and she was more than happy to help. She then excused herself to go purchase some decorative accessories for the occasion later that evening.

While on the bed, I remembered the new novel I had purchased for Audrey, but wasn’t able to give her earlier on. I had gotten two copies, so I decided to keep myself busy with one of them. While I read, time flew by so quickly, but I didn’t really realize it until a guard appeared, looking for Audrey.

According to him, my father had sent for her. That was when I realized that over 4 hours had passed, yet she hadn’t returned. Where could she have been? I was beginning to get worried.

“No one has seen her around the palace today?” I asked the clueless looking guard, who slowly shook his head in negation.

“Not to worry, your highness. She is definitely somewhere around this palace. She wouldn’t have just disappeared.”

I looked up to see the owner of the familiar voice.

“Liam.” It was funny, but I barely saw him these days, and it didn’t sit well with me. “Leave us, please.” I directed my statement to the guard, who gave a slight nod and walked out. Turning back to Liam, I released a grunt. “Just wanted to know….. Are you still my Beta, or my sister’s?” At my question, he burst out laughing. “It’s funny, right?”

“You miss me that much?” He chuckled.

“Oh, please!” I wrinkled my nose in disgust. “Lately, there have just been some things that I would have really loved to share with you.”

“Hmm…” He took on a serious expression, taking a seat on the couch beside the bed. “Is all well between you and….”

“Haaa…” I released a long sigh. “Liam, it’s been better than I imagined.” I smiled to myself, eliciting a smile from him as well.

“Interesting.” He muttered. “So, Ryan was wrong then? She could be trusted after all.”

“Yes.” I nodded. “I had a very deep conversation with her this morning.”

“You did?” Worry marred his face.

“Yes, I did.” I nodded. “And it’s safe to say that she is unaware about a lot of things.”

“Must have come as a shock to her.”

“It certainly did.” I sighed. “Though, I’m a bit worried. She left our chambers hours ago, but is yet to return. I’m not even sure she had been able to change out of her night clothes. Do you think she may have gone to confront Sebastian?”

“Was she angry when you told her about his plans?”

“Wellll, I wouldn’t say ‘angry’. She was more heartbroken, than angry. She even cried.”

“Oh, poor thing.” Liam sympathized. “I think she probably needs some alone time. Learning about such an information on your birthday, two days before the coronation, is a lot to take in.”

“You’re right.” I nodded in agreement. “But on a lighter note, that would give me ample time to pull off the surprise dinner I had in mind.”

“Is it just me, or you’re literally glowing?” Liam chuckled. “I know only women say that to themselves, but then, I can literally feel the happy aura you’re exuding. What’s up?”

We both looked at each other for a long minute, not exchanging any information.

“Really? You wouldn’t divulge? So much for missing me.” He wore a fake scowl.

“Ewww!” I frowned. “I never said I missed you. I simply said I had some things I would have loved to share with you.”

“All the same.” He shrugged.

“No, it’s not.” I shook my head in disbelief at him. Hopping down my bed, I walked into the bathroom for a pee. After I was done, I stepped out of the bathroom and the words fell out my mouth.

“We had sex.” The moment I said that, Liam’s eyes literally bulged out of their sockets. “I definitely shouldn’t be telling you this, but I kinda feel weird. Different.” My forehead folded into crease lines, trying to understand the way I really felt.

“You both literally completed a significant stage of your bonding process. You mated!! You are supposed to feel different!”

“Stop yelling!” I threw my hands up in exasperation.

“I’m sorry, but it’s a big deal.” He threw up his hands as well, making me chuckle. What a clown.

“I feel stronger. Mentally and even physically.” I muttered. “And more…. conscious?” I muttered in part confusion, not sure if that was the way to describe that particular feeling.

“More alert, you mean?” He assisted, and I couldn’t agree more. Those were the words.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“Logan, your wolf would emerge soon. And I’m sure it has taken so long because it has a lot of surprises in store for us.”

“Oh, please.” I whispered, chuckling nervously.

“Deep down, you know I’m telling the truth.”

“And deep down, you know I’m not ready to get my hopes high. The coronation is next tomorrow, and I’m so weighed down with the fact that the plans I am putting in place may not work out. For all we know, my wolf would most definitely not emerge until after the coronation, which means I do not stand a chance fighting against Sebastian.”

“But Alpha Ryan’s plan would ensure that things do not go south.” Liam encouraged. Indeed Ryan’s plan seemed good enough. He would try to deceive Sebastian into thinking he had switched sides. Of course they were both going to sign an agreement as a proof of Ryan’s loyalty.

Ryan’s aim was to testify against Sebastian during the coronation, using the signed agreement as a proof that Sebastian had indeed been planning a rebellion.

“Have you thought of a contrary outcome? What if Sebastian doesn’t bite into Ryan’s bait? What if Sebastian finds it difficult to believe that Ryan would just switch sides? If that happens, there would be nothing to prove that Sebastian had been gathering Alphas and heads of powerful bloodlines for a rebellion, long before I gave an open floor for a challenge?”

“Let’s be positive.” Liam muttered, an undeniable look of worry on his face. He knew I was right after all.

Just then, we heard a knock on the door, and I knew it was Alara. Audrey definitely wouldn’t knock.

“Your highness, it’s Ala…”

“Come in, Alara.” I invited, and she stepped in. “Have you seen your mistress since she left our chambers this morning?”

“Not at all.” She shook her head. “But a few maids had told me they spotted her walking through the gardens earlier this morning. I know she is just around, probably wanting some time alone. Atleast, it gives us the opportunity to decorate this place before she returns.”

“Alright then.” Liam stood from the couch. “I would see you later.” He started heading towards the door, but my words stopped him.

“And where do you think you are headed?” I asked. “You are going nowhere. I need all the hands I can get, for these decorations to be made.”

He gave a pained expression, but knew better than complaining. Dragging his feet along the floor, he walked up to Alara and asked.

“So what do you need me to do?”

“Exactly!” I grinned in mischief.



“Goddess! I’m drained.” I released a deep breathe as I fell on the bed. We had spent hours decorating the balcony.

“I didn’t know this would take us hours to do.” Liam grumbled, falling on the bed beside me. “My mate would be probably missing me by now.”

“Oh, please!” I rolled my eyes at him. It was still so weird getting used to the fact that Liam was Layla’s mate. I couldn’t imagine them doing all those ‘stuff’, even if I had caught them once already.

“I need to get going already.” He stood up from the bed tiredly, and made his way out of the room.

Alara had left a couple of minutes back, so I was the only one in the room. I decided to have a quick shower and change into something better, knowing Audrey was going to show up any moment from now. It was approaching night already. I dragged myself off the bed, feeling so tired, and made my way into the bathroom for a quick shower.

After I was done, I stepped into the room and gazed at the open balcony. I couldn’t get enough of how beautiful our decorations were. Audrey would definitely love it!

Humming in excitement, I walked to the wardrobe and picked out an outfit, before throwing it on.

Deciding to lay on the bed until she returned, I laid on her side of the bed, inhaling the scent of her that was stuck on her pillow. I missed her. Readjusting the pillow in a bid to make myself more comfortable, my fingers brushed a paper under the pillow. Without so much thought, I took out the paper from underneath the pillow. The paper looked squeezed, and I figured she had wanted to trash it. Even at that, I opened it to see the content. As I read through, a huge lump formed in my throat, as tears slowly marred my vision.

No no no!!…. Audrey wouldn’t do that to me. I tried to convince myself, but the truth glared harshly at me. Her cousin; Denver had said it all.

I gradually fell from the bed as my heart continued breaking into smaller pieces. She had looked me in the eyes this morning, and lied to me like it was nothing. For a moment, I thought I was being unfair to her, for believing she would do anything to hurt me. But now, I realized I was all so wrong. She had known about Sebastian’s plans to oust me all along, and had even given her support. Even her parents were in support! How could I have been so blind to not see it all the while?

Suddenly, I began to feel extreme pains in my chest. It felt like my heart was being pulled out its confines.

“Oh no!” I heard that familiar voice in my head, but was too confused to tell what was going on. All I could feel was the burning and pricking sensation in my chest.

“Ahhhh!!!” I screamed out, hoping one of the guards stationed at the doorstep would hear me, but no one came in to help. Supporting my hands on the floor, I stood up with so much difficulty, feeling so dizzy and in a lot of pains. Before I knew what was happening, I fell back to the floor, losing consciousness.Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

When I opened my eyes again, I felt confused. The ache in my heart had dulled a bit, but it was still there.

“Go already.” I heard that voice again, and vigorously shook my head, trying to shake off the voice. Not having an idea as to where exactly I was going, I stood up and ran out of my chambers like a crazy man. At the speed in which I ran, no one would believe I had just fainted moments back. I was more confused about what was happening to me.

When I finally realized myself, I was at the entrance of Sebastian’s chambers. Weirdly, he had no guards stationed at the entrance of his chambers, just like mine. What in the moon goddess’ name was going on?

Just like a magnetic pull, I found myself pushing open the door and walking into his chambers. I stopped a few steps in, when I saw the scene that shattered the little pieces of sanity I had left. Even if her back was turned to me as she wore her shirt, I knew she was the one. The look of satisfaction on Sebastian’s face taunted me to no end. The moment he looked up and saw me, he burst into laughter, etching a pain in my heart that wouldn’t be forgotten in a long time.

“Look who we have here. Great company. It’s a shame you missed out on all the fun.” He said.

On hearing his statement, Audrey turned swiftly, clearly shocked to see me there. I couldn’t hold back the tears that clouded my eyes, as the ache in my heart intensified. I thought I was gonna collapse the next minute, but the moon goddess was too cruel to me. She didn’t let me escape the agony that continuously hit me, wave after wave.

“Logan.” She whispered, tears falling from her eyes, and it provoked my anger. She had no right crying, when I was the one facing great torment and agony. In that moment, I could finally look past the fake tears and see her for who she really was. She was a snake.

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