A Mafia’s Obsession

Chapter 19

Crystal’s  pale hands slowly tried moving across the sheets of her bed. But it was barred by a pain so excrutiating it caused her eyes to fly open in an instant.


Every part of her body was screaming pain. How did she come to feel so much pain?

It exploded within her skull, trying to suck her back into her shadowy abyss of darkness.

Her vision was blurry and her head seemed heavy. It spinned like a roller blade that had lost its control.

A beep accompanied by another beep was heard. She whopped her head to see the foreign device causing that noise she felt was annoying like a bug.

A shaky breath escaped Crystal’s parted lips as her eyes locked with the various medical equipments  that were placed like barriers next to her bed.

Intravenous injections were pierced into her rigid arms. She made another weak attempt to move but it felt like her joints were glued together, incapable of separating.

The pain shot through her cells again and Crystal pinched her eyes closed.

It was as if a mountain was resting on her body as she found it so difficult to move her aching joints.

Crystal painstakingly dragged her arms to the duvet of the bed and gripped on to it as if her life depended on it in an attempt to stand up.

Her vision was still very much blurry as her eyelids slowly fluttered open.

She sat at up with one push of her body upwards and winced.

Where was this pain coming from?

Why so much pain?

Her breathing became rapid and she suck in breaths to calm herself down.

Her frail hands trailed to her cotton gown and she likewise gripped on it, shifting her sickly legs from underneath the duvet to the cold floor.

Crystal kept her feet on the seemingly ice floor and tried standing to get rid of her blurry vision. Her legs trembled and shook underneath her frail body as she stood up from the bed.

Refusing to support her body,  Crystal’s knees buckled to the ground and she fell down, elbows grazing the flow causing her to wince.

She wouldn’t still give up even though she was in a hell lot of pain.

Painstakingly, she crawled and held on to the vanity table that was placed in the centre of the room.

Gripping on to it this time, she earned her success and used it to support her thin frame.

It took all the power within her to stand up again without crashing on to the cold floor.

Her head spinned even more the moment she had gained her balance on the ground and her legs suddenly felt too heavy to walk her but Crystal was determined to scurry out of the bedroom.

As she took ponderous, shaky steps towards the door, dark dots began appearing in her vision causing her to shake her head regularly and blink frequently.

With her sleeping body, she ventured towards the door, twisting the door knob  until a click  was heard.

The doors opened with a click, escorting her out. Her steps were mortified, rickety like a toddler taking it’s first step.

Crystal’s hand thrashed over a nearby flower pot placed by the door the moment she stepped out, causing it to fall, the piercing sound of glass shattering echoing through the walls of the hallway.

She turned to see what had broken but couldn’t make out much from it as a result of her slurred vision.

She made tottering steps towards the railings of the stair case. Everywhere seemed so quiet and peaceful.

One would actaully mistake her for being the only inhabitant of the mansion.

“My head”Crystal cried out, placing a hand on her forehead.

It was searing hot, startling the young woman and causing her to  flinch.

Why was she in so much pain all of a sudden?

Crystal found herself thinking deeper than usual in an attempt to decipher the cause of her pain.

Then the memories like lightening bolt struck her, seizing her breath and pulling tears to her eyes.

It dawned on her as she remembered everything that took place yesterday.

Chase confessing love to her, Leonardo’s sudden arrival, chase being beaten and dragged out like he was a petty thief and her sleeping under the shower.

Everything felt so surreal to her. How did her life turn out to be this way? How did her life turn out to be this terrible, filled with misery, hurt and pain?


That question rang in her mind, seeking for answers.

Guilty was an understatement of how she was feeling.

She felt like an ominous cloud of badluck, misfortune and uncertainties over anybody that happened to drop into her life.

Chase’s awful and agonising screams and pleadings still rang in her ears like an unending music on repeat. The disturbing and gory sight of his blood forming a pool that was encircling his dying body still flashed through her mind like she was watching a movie. It sent cold shivers down her spine that got her suddenly shivering.

The way she screamed and begged Leonardo;vigorously begging the brute to spare innocent chase’s life with her nails clawing at his carouse hands, played constantly in her thoughts.

Crystal could feel her eyes getting choked up with tears and a gag hauling up her throat.

She was so deep in thought that she didn’t realise she had reached the stairs before she suddenly started falling.

Crystal let out a shriek as she felt herself descending but a strong arm wrapped around her slender waist keeping her from hitting the ground.

With a sharp pivot, Crystal was turned to face Leonardo.

She gasped and felt her lungs being short of breath as she stared eye ball to eye ball with Leonardo.

In his blue cold eyes held pain, the agonising type. The type that you get when you are loosing someone you care about.

“What are you doing out of your bed?”Leonardo asked, a hint of concern laced in his tone.

For a moment, one could think he was actually caring but Crystal knew any better than to to trust the man who had inflicted so much pain into her soul.

His grip on her waist was still firm as they locked their gaze.

“Why do you care?!”Crystal scoffed back, trying to keep a straight head as she could feel herself fading out again.

“I care because I own you”was his unfazed reply.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Don’t care about me! I don’t need it!” Crystal yelled in pain.

What more could he do?

He had taken away everything from her. The least he could do was to end this hell known as her life, atleast she would be in peace.

Leonardo gave no reply. His grip on her waist lessened and Crystal immedately freed herself from it, staggering back.

Leonardo attempted to move further but she hoisted her hands at him, making him stop in his tracks.

“What more do you want from me huh!? Haven’t you done enough!?”Crystal spat, venom laced in her tone.

She could feel her body failing her, her vision hauling her to its bottomless pits of darkness as she spoke.

“You took everything! Every single fucking thing!”Crystal cried out as tears began distorting her already blurry vision.

“Crystal calm down”Leonardo advised noticing how her feet were unsteady.

“Don’t fucking tell me to calm down!”Crystal retorted back.

Her breathing became rapid and her head felt like a dumbbell.

The darkness like an open arm welcomed her in and she felt herself been enveloped by it.

“Crystal”Leonardo called out the minute her knees were buckling to the ground.

In a flash, he held on to her weak frame, his large arms encircling her petite figure.

“I hate you Leonardo”Crystal breathed, her voice barely above a whisper before she gave herself off to the darkness that flooded her vision.

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