A Deal With The Millionaire

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

She was startled. She tried to flinch but Shane didn’t give her time for that as he caged her in his arms, wrapping his arms around her and moving her closer to him.

Layla gulped at their closeness. ” Just stay still… for some minutes ” He muttered giving her that usual sensational waves.

” But.. what if someone comes in? ” She wanted to ask but then remembered she had locked the door at first, while coming in. She let down her guard and released herself to his hold while he pulled her more impossibly closer, giving no space in between them.

Layla’s eyes were just an inch for them and it was the same with their lips. There was not even a distance from each other. She gulped down more into nothing as her eyes roamed around his perfect and handsome face.

” He’s handsome ” She thought, his eyes glued to his perfect round face. They were like that for a while before Shane finally released her. She inhaled softly and stood up properly with a shy look on as she looked away from Shane’s gaze.

Shane smiled naughtily and also got up. He moved closer to her and she shifted a bit from him. He kept moving in into her, staring deeply into her eyes while she kept shifting backwards till her back hit the wall and there was no place to move to anymore.

” Shane ” She whispered seductively without knowing and that made Shane lose his senses. He moved closer, almost into her. His eyes weren’t leaving hers as he stared deeply like he wanted to see the inside of her eyes. He moved his lips yo her ear and she shivered uncontrollable. His hot breath fanning against her neck.

” Call me that again ” He whispered into her ears making her lose herself. Her chest was beating so hard and loud and it was the same with Shane. The intense atmosphere between them kept increasing each second.

” Say my name darling ” He whispered again and Layla had to do something before she lost herself completely.

She pushed him away lightly and he staggered a bit. ” I’m sorry ” She rushed and without waiting for his reply, she ran out of the office.

Shane’s lips formed a smirk initially before it turned into a big smile. Seems his charm is working perfectly. ” You’re gon’ be mine soon Layla ” He muttered dreamily with a wide smile.

Layla was still standing in front of Shane’s office. She was breathing heavily and effortlessly. She almost lost her breath in there or she obviously did. She couldn’t breathe, the atmosphere was too intense. Her hands found its way to her neck and she shivered. ” His lips ” She muttered.

She heard footsteps approaching and she took to her heels, hanging the straps of her bag on her arm tightly as she ran down the hallway, straight to the elevator. Only free workers were still around while some were just resuming for night duties.

Claus smiled funnily when he saw Layla took to her heels. ” She’s so cute ” He thought and then remembered how out of breath and nervous she looked when she ran out of Shane’s office.

” Did he kiss her? ” He asked himself with a chuckle.

** The Girl’s Apartment **

” Argh Argh!! ” Layla cried in a scream, her legs flying in the air. ” It’s just my first day at work and we almost kissed!! We almost kissed Mirah!!! ” Layla shouted, grabbing Mirah playfully but aggressively by the collar of her shirt.

” Alright that’s enough ” Mirah snapped and released herself from her grip.From NôvelDrama.Org.

” Come on, it can’t be that bad ” Mirah said and Layla groaned. ” No, it was so bad. If I hadn’t pushed him away, he might have kissed me ” She groaned.

” Then you keep pushing him away! ” Mirah snapped and Layla groaned again. ” That’s where the problem lies. It’s gonna be really difficult for me to do so. I almost fell for his charms if I hadn’t snapped out of my thoughts.. that’s the problem Mirah, I seemed to be succumbing to his touches like I want them ” She groaned and Mirah sighed.

” Then you give in ” She suggested and Layla sighed before sitting up properly. ” I can’t, It’s what I’ve always been trying to avoid. He has a wife. It’s gonna be stupid of me to give in… ” She paused briefly and exhaled. ” You know what? I’ll just try to avoid him as planned initially ” She muttered and made her way to their room.

Mirah let out a scoff. ” I’ll wait till you finally give in and accept the fact that one’s heart can’t denied ” Mirah muttered, talking to absolutely no one.

Layla walked into their room in thought. ” Would I really have to give in later on? ” She asked herself a rhetorical question. ” But that would be wrong. I shouldn’t be having this weird feelings for him, it’s wrong! What’s wrong with me? ” She ruffled her hair frustratedly as she fell flat on the bed.

“.. your heart can’t be denied.. ” Mirah’s words ranged continuously in her head.

” But it can be delayed right? ” She muttered to herself and then spranged up. ” I’ll do just that, I’ll delay it till Brielle comes back. Then I would get to understand that I have no chances and I would have no choice then but to give up. Yeah.. I’ll do just that ” She muttered to herself.

She undressed herself before heading into the bathroom to have her bath.

She walked back into the room and met Mirah whose face was glued at her phone. ” So how’s Mocha coffee shop? ” Layla asked, drying her hair with a dryer.

” It’s fine ” Was all she said. Layla scoffed. ” What’s making you so busy? ” Layla asked trying to peep at what Mirah was doing on her phone. Mirah didn’t move from her spot making Layla get the view of what she was doing.

She was chatting with a guy from school. ” Isn’t that Ryan? ” Layla asked tho she could see his name saved as the contact of whom she was chatting with.

” Yeah ” She muttered. ” You really seem interested in him? ” Layla asked knowingly and Mirah sighed, dropping her phone.

” What? You’re really bent on trying to pair me together with him even when I clearly said I don’t feel a thing for him ” She asked giving Layla a suspicious look. Layla scoffed.

” What? I just want a guy for you ” She muttered and Mirah let out an unbelievable scoff. ” And I want Shane for you ” Mirah said with a smirk and that did the job. Layla shut her mouth and Mirah couldn’t help but let out a laugh.

** Shane’s Apartment **

” So, you two almost kissed? ” Alec asked unbelievably and Shane nodded. ” What? ” Shane asked when he noticed Alec giving him a suspicious look.

” You sure you two almost kissed? ” He asked again and Shane nodded. ” Really? Why do I seem to be doubting you? You don’t seem like one who’s gonna be able to make that brave move. Guy I know you too well, you know nothing about making romantic movies, all you know is business ” He said in doubt and Shane scoffed.

” Come on. I’ve improved now, I told you I was gonna try everything in my power to get her and that’s what I’m doing ” He muttered and Alec chuckled.

” Well I like this new you then. I hope no obstacle is gon’ come you two way ” He said and Shane raised his brows.

” An obstacle like who? ”

” Who else than Brielle ” Alec replied with a scoff and Shane also scoffed. ” Well if she does, we’re getting a divorce immediately. I don’t feel a thing for her anymore. And that would only make everything easier, maybe Layla could accept me then ” He muttered and Alec smiled.

” You really look determined ” Alec commented and Shane smiled. ” Yeah, she’s the first girl I will ever feel this way for. I think I’m fallen deeper and deeper for her every fucking day. It’s always her I have in my head every fvcking minute. Her face can’t seem to leave my head. I really love her ” Shane said all these unconsciously and Alec had to blush on behalf of Layla.

” I really wish she was here to hear you say all these sweet things about her ” Alec said and Shane nodded with a smile. ” Yeah. I wish I could tell her and explain to her how much I love her and how I would have loved if I had met her before I met Brielle ” He said, his face speaking love.


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