18 Floors Above the Apocalypse

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

Jasper stepped out to take over training duty from Rosie and saw that the guys of room 1803 were still sweating profusely in their workout.

Living wasn't easy, especially for the people of the 18th floor, the thorn in everyone's side. They were working to increase their strength just to protect their resources; even the dog was increasing its combat skills, let alone the humans.

In that moment, Jasper was moved. "Do you want to learn how to use a crossbow?"

Lukas and Cody were shocked. Was Jasper talking to them?

Crossbow? He wanted to teach them how to use a crossbow, right? Wow, they were excited! Their hearts were about to jump out of their chests!

Cody responded quickly, "Yes, yes, yes!"

Every time they saw Jasper training Stella in stealth and reconnaissance, they were green with envy. Jasper, being a former SWAT officer, was a pro at both offense and defense. His guidance was worth more than the aimless training they had been doing for a month.

They had seen it with Stella. When they were kids, Cody and Lukas could hold their own even when they teamed up against her. But now, she could take them both down with a single punch.

And then there was Cooper. His combat experience was already superb. Now he was receiving high-standard police dog training. It was beyond the realm of normal.

Yes, they might’ve been weak, but they had their dignity. How come they couldn't even beat a dog? They felt shame, absolute shame!

They had been itching to ask Jasper to take them under his wing but never had the courage to pop the question. The only reason was Jasper's intimidating aura. It was the kind that could silence you in a second.

Jasper was cold and aloof, and never wasted a word. It’s like there’s a banner on his forehead. "We are not close. Get away from me."

Just because Jasper gave special treatment to Stella didn't mean he would do the same to Cody and Lukas. So no matter how much they hoped, no one dared to ask him. They didn't even dare to bring it up to Stella.

Now, he had offered.

Cody wanted to cry. Was this their chance to climb up the ladder?

Lukas wanted to cry as well. His wife often beat him. He wanted to learn some self-defense skills so he could stand up to her!

Even Angela was moved. She was confident she could knock Jasper out in a free fight. But what about other areas? It was the end of the world. The survivors were being pushed to become devils. What good was a strong fist? Could it beat someone's crossbow? Could it beat someone's gun? And she had an ultimate dream of challenging Jasper one day.

Everyone from room 1803 unanimously agreed, and Jasper nodded. "Tomorrow."

That night, the two grown men were too excited to sleep. They snuck off to their blankets and guzzled down beer.

"Cody, why do you think Jasper suddenly changed his attitude?"Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

"Lukas, the 18th floor is now like a juicy piece of meat, and everyone wants what we have. Even if Jasper is strong, he is not some superman. And he has a sister to protect. Only when everyone on this floor becomes stronger can he relax."

"We have to work hard."

"Let's aim to be like Stella."

The two men chatted and drank until they eventually passed out and fell asleep.

"Ah!!!" A shrill scream came from downstairs.

The awakened Cody cursed, "Damn it, another death!"

Lukas groggily got up. "People die every day. It's so annoying."

"Where are you going?"

"Looking for my wife."

Cody, hurt by his friend's words, was speechless. Right, where was his wife!

Next door, Stella was also woken up by the noise. It seemed to come from a few floors below. She turned over and went back to sleep.

Cooper was listening for noises at the door. When he was sure no bipedal beasts were trying to break in, he returned to his room, took a glance at his human, Stella, and happily laid down in his bed.

Early in the morning, people on the 17th floor were making a lot of noise. Cooper was listening intently at the door, feeling a bit irritable, as if he was ready for a fight.

Stella opened the door and saw Cody and Lukas practicing crossbow shooting in the corridor. Well, Jasper's teaching was not the problem. It was their lack of talent.

Angela had talent, but she was short-tempered. "What's the matter with you two? I've taught you so many times and yet you can't hit the target. Even Cooper has better aim than you guys."

Stella almost laughed.

There was no helping it. Angela was naturally athletic. Whether it was her body, movements, speed, or agility, she was superior to the average person and could easily master new skills.

As for Cody and Lukas, one weak and the other frail, their athletic ability was even less than average. It was already good that they had persevered until now.

Jasper was aloof, Angela was impatient, and the two guys were indeed in a tough spot.

"I'll give it a try."

She had wanted to teach these three for a long time but didn't because it was Jasper who had taught her. It was not appropriate to do so without his permission.

Despite being part of a team, who would let others know everything? Especially when Jasper was equally cautious. She had only gotten closer to him because they had both benefited from the tutoring with Rosie and Cooper.

In the post-apocalyptic world, survival prodigies were few and far between. Most were just ordinary people like Cody and Lukas. Their persistence was already commendable.

With everyone teaming up and Cooper around, Stella was no longer as anxious and scared as when she had first been reborn.

Stella stepped forward and patiently taught them, going through each movement step by step.

A harsh teacher may not have necessarily produced good students, but Miss Stella had years of teaching experience and knew how to handle students.

They dropped their impatience and regained their confidence. Cody and Lukas focused, and as the training progressed, their movements became more and more skilled and their aim more accurate.

Angela thanked Stella, "I've been losing a lot of hair lately and my temper has been getting worse. Every time I lose my temper, I feel guilty afterwards, but I can't seem to control myself."

"Ask Cody later if he has any anti-anxiety medication. I think we collected some before. Make sure to keep your emotions in check."

Angela was surprised. "You're saying I have anxiety?"

"Not just you, a lot of people do." Stella nodded. "I had it too when I first started, but Cooper helped me get over it."

"No wonder, I felt something was off about me. Even my period isn't normal anymore." Angela lamented. She used to be quick-tempered, but her outlook was positive. It wasn't like now when she was filled with negative energy every day.

As they were chatting, there was a knock on the door downstairs.

They were all familiar faces. Besides Katie's family, there was also the family that had come to treat their child's stomachache last time and the original residents of room 1703.

After hearing Stella's words, Katie had been hesitant about moving, but the bloody incident next door last night had scared her. After she woke up in the morning, her family decisively left their old home.

Amanda was such a delicate and polite little girl, but she didn't know people well and let a vicious man like Hector into her home, losing her life in the process.

It was terrifying when the meek went mad. She couldn’t have the food she earned with her body. Amanda, in her insanity, slipped sleeping pills into their drinks and butchered two people with a kitchen knife. In the end, she too was slain, and her body casually tossed out of the window.

The room was a chilling scene of crimson splatter. The boy clutching the bloody knife wore an expression of derangement, and his eyes had a terrifying shade of madness. Most likely, he had lost his sanity too.

Katie recognized him. He was the boy who lived on the 8th floor and was always beaming with a sunny smile and blessed with handsome features. Unfortunately, his intentions were far from pure, and he was living off the earnings of women.

Now look where things had led. One woman had vanished forever, and another was murdered by his own hands. Who would he leech off next?

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