The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren)

22. Truly pregnant

22. Truly pregnant

“Sit” Sebastian commands, while taking his own seat.

If I were being honest this felt a lot like being summoned to the principal’s office. I was anxious and I

couldn’t sit still. I kept shifting in nervousness.

Sebastian looked like he was freshly out of the shower. His hair was still damp and for the first time

since I met him he was in casual clothing. He was in a v-neck t-shirt that showcased his bulging biceps

and a pair of jeans. The clothes didn’t do him justice but I still had to admit that he looked good both

with clothes and without clothes.

“You haven’t been here a day and you’re already causing trouble” he states, his voice firm and it brings

me from my perusal of his body. I sit up straight feeling chastised.

I cross and then uncross my legs. “In my defense she was being a bitch”

“Really? You weren’t the one I found on the floor with a broken and bleeding nose”

I stare at him. My emotions raging between being angry and slapping him across the cheek. So he was

defending his fuck buddy, how nice to know where his loyalties lay.

I sigh. “What do you want me to do Sebastian? Just take it while the woman you’ve been fucking

mocks me and tells me that by the end of today it’s her name you’ll be moaning?”

He doesn’t say anything. Just looks at me intensely while deep down I hope that what the woman said

wasn't true and that Sebastian will remain faithful like we had agreed. I refuse to be made a fool twice

by a man who’s sworn fidelity.

“I know this mating is a contact only like you keep reminding me, but I’ll be damned if I let a slut that

spreads her legs for you disrespect me. As long as we’re in this contract, I’m still luna of the pack and

she’ll give me the respect I deserve or she’ll pay for it” I grit. “She may be on her back for you like the

hoe she is but I’m the luna. She should fucking remember her place”

He just smirks, making me want to smack the silly grin of his face.

" For the record, she doesn't lie on her back" he says and I begin to relax that' s until he adds.

"She's usually on all fours" he says in an evil glint.

"You arrogant fucking bastard" I snarl, almost coming out of my seat.

How the hell does he rile me up so easily?

“Calm down kitten. No need to bring out the claws” he says in a chuckle.

It is then that I realize that I wasn’t really in trouble. In fact I felt like I had just passed a test or

something. He leans back on his chair. One of his hands drums on the table while the other was

underneath it. Why the hell did I find that so sexy? And why is his scent so intoxicating all of a sudden?

He smelled clean and fresh but underneath that he smelled like earth, spice and incredibly male. I liked

that a lot. Darren always covered himself with cologne blocking out his natural scent and I hated that.

The fact Sebastian saw no need to bathe in expensive colognes did something unnerving to me.

“You were testing me, weren’t you?” I ask bringing my mind back to the present.

He smiles for the first time. I’m shocked to see a dimple appear on his left cheek “Of course. I had to

see what you would do if you're placed in such a situation where you needed to defend yourself to me.

I may like my women submissive but I prefer my luna having a backbone to not only stand up to me but

anyone else in the pack”

I sag in my chair in relief that I haven’t blown my chances. I was worried that I had overstepped my

boundaries. In Darren’s pack I wasn't allowed to punish anyone even if they had been disrespectful as

per Darren's orders. I never realized that his order had been a disrespect to me as his luna and mate.

until now.

I was never his equal like I had thought so many times. I was just too in love, too blinded to see the red

flags that were in neon lights. With Sebastian, it was different. For the first time I felt like an equal and

not like a trophy luna.

“Thank you” I say softly, fighting back the tears. He will never know just how much this meant to me.

He looked at me in question but I don’t elaborate what the thanks was for. Our stare down is interrupted

when the door opens and Micah walks in.

“The pack doctor is here. He’s ready to check Miranda” he says. Looking at Sebastian before turning to


“You’ve made quite the impression luna, even the warriors can’t stop talking about how badass you

are” he states. Smiling at me like he was a proud father.

I laugh. Feeling pride coursing through my veins. “Thanks”

“Can we now go?” Sebastian says, back to being in a somber mood.

The smile that was on my face slips and I nod. We follow Micah out and soon we’re in their pack

dungeon. Miranda was shackled to the floor. The arrogant, beautiful woman I was used to now gone.

We find Darren, Claire and Brent waiting together with a man who I assumed was the doctor. He

looked around fifty. His hair already greying. For a man that age he seemed to be fit and in great shape

not to mention hot. That's if you were into older guys.

“Alpha, Luna” he greets Sebastian and I.

Darren turns sharply at that and something akin to pain passes through his eyes. I wrench my eyes This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

from him choosing to focus on the doctor.

Claire leaves her mate and comes to stand next to me. Taking my hand and squeezing it in support. I

didn’t have to fake the worried mate because I was in fact worried. If there was a baby and it turned out

to be Sebastian’s then it would change everything. Brent gives me a nod of acknowledgment and I

smile at him, after all I have no beef with him. He was among the very few of Darren’s friends who had

been against him going back to Miranda.

“Let’s just get this over and done with” Sebastian says through clenched teeth.

This must be hard for him. I wanted to show him my support, so I wrap my hand around his forearm

and squeeze communicating my support without words. He looks down at me, his eyes a bit

vulnerable. He seemed surprised but he’s good at masking it.

He pulls his hand from mine and for a moment I think he’s rejecting me, but then he does the most

unexpected thing. He clasps my hand and links our fingers together. The jolt that I get straight to my

core is both unexpected as it is unwelcomed. I shove that feeling deep down refusing to analyze the

reason my core clenched at feeling his hand in mine.

Micah opens the dungeon and the doctor enters. Miranda had been quiet the whole time. That’s until

the doctor started to approach her.

“You can’t do this to me. This is a breach of my privacy” she screams.

“Like you breached Sebastian’s privacy right…what a hypocrite?” I ask her, making her clamp her

mouth shut.

While the doctor draws her blood samples and gives her privacy to pee in a cup, Darren approaches


“We need to talk Lauren” he says his eyes darting between me and Sebastian then to our linked hands.

Sebastian squeezes my hand and my eyes move to him. His jaw is set and he was staring at where the

doctor had set up a workstation so I chalked that up to an involuntary squeeze or nervousness.

My eyes go back to Darren. “There’s nothing for us to talk about and I doubt there’s anything I want to

hear that comes from your mouth.”

He sighs. As if he’s tired. “Then can you take Krystal for a few days? I don’t think I’m in the right frame

to stay with her after what happened”

You can hear the pain and heartache in his voice. Miranda really did a number on him. We tried

warning him and he didn’t listen. Karma is a nasty bitch. He broke my heart and in turn Miranda broke

his. Again.

I nod my head just as the doctor comes to us. Everyone gathers around in abated breaths. Waiting to

hear what he has to say.

“She’s pregnant my alpha” he says, addressing Sebastian.

I turn to look at Miranda and she smiles triumphantly as if she’s won. “I already told you I was. This is

your child I’m carrying Sebastian”

With each word she says, Darren looks like he’s been hit by a wrecking ball. I hope now he knows how

I felt each time he broke me and destroyed me with his words.

I look back at the doctor when he opens his mouth to speak again.

“I can't say how far along she is though. Since I don’t have the necessary equipment with me”

“At this stage is it possible to do a DNA test?” Sebastian asks, his voice calm.

We all ignore Miranda’s shouts of protest. Focusing instead on what the doctor was about to say.

“Yes. We can do a prenatal paternity test. We will conduct a fetal cell analysis, comparing the genetic

profile of the fetal cells in her blood with that of yours”

Sebastian runs a hand through his hair. “Do it” he commands and the doctor nods his head. Turning

towards the cell.

“No” Miranda refuses backing away but Micah advances and holds her down while she thrushes

screaming all sorts of curses all the while the nice doctor draws her blood.

This whole scene makes me think. If truly she was sure that Sebastian was the father then why the hell

was she so against a paternity test? Either she wasn’t sure and she was afraid Sebastian wasn’t the

father or she already knew that the child wasn’t Sebastian’s.

“I’ll need to take a DNA sample from you too” the doctor says walking toward us. Sebastian gives his

consent and the doctor draws his blood.

“I also want you to take my sample. I need to know if the baby is mine” Darren says, shocking me.

Within a few minutes, the doctor has all he needs to determine if either of them is the father of

Miranda’s child.

“The results will be out in a week. I’ll email you the results once I get them” he bows his head and

leaves just as Miles closes the cell door of Miranda’s new home.

This was honestly going to be a long week of waiting.

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